Get to Yhorm

>Get to Yhorm
>deal absolutely shit damage for some reason
>find the Storm Rule on the ground
>"OOOH so I need to use this for the fight"
>equip it
>hit Yhorm
>deal even worse damage
Nah, this game is fucking retarded. Actually, all Souls games have this problem. 99% of the stuff is fucking useless even if it sounds good. Spear that can also cast sorceries? Great! Except you deal quarter of the damage compared to the weapon you were currently using. What a waste.


you have to use its weapon art, but I agree this boss battle is fucking terrible like most of them DS3 is a fucking disgrace

I knew what I was supposed to do but while I was getting the weapon and finding out how to use it the npc died. All the work I put in for that story, was bullshit he died like that.

>Like most of them
DS3 has the best boss fights in the series
pretty objectively too

it fails in world design but the bosses are the best

>I'm bad
>Nah, it's the game's fault
>Actually, the whole series' fault

And the thing about weapons is that you have to build your character accordingly. Of course if you pick a weapon that scales with INT and you have none it's going to deal less damage. Upgrading weapons is also a thing


>you have to use its weapon art
I did, it's still doing less damage.

I wasn't complaining that I didn't beat the boss. I'll get back to it later. I was complaining about the usefulness of items in the series.

if gimmicky is good then you are right

the weapon art does about 4k damage

>deal 77 with current weapon
>use Storm Ruler
>deal 55
How is that a bait? The numbers don't lie.

Bullshit. Do I have to hit certain part of the giant or something? 55 was all I got.

you have to charge it up for a few seconds

but just stop playing it wont get any better

>he never played Demons Souls

Hit him in the fucking head.

you have to hold the button to charge the attack

On my first playthrough I actually killed him with just normal weapons because I really thought that's the way you were supposed to do it. Like a test of endurance. I don't regret it, it was very rewarding to beat it.

Yeah it took me a little bit to figure it out but I had Seigward in the fight with me so it was more obvious that you had to charge it with the weapon art to use it. I don't know why they changed it given they already did it right in Demon's Souls.

Yhorm really should have just been a standard boss fight and I don't know what From were thinking by making the Stormruler a thing in it. It made sense in Demon's Souls and actually served a unique purpose for a unique fight, in DaS3 it just felt completely tacked on.

you hold weapon art till it charges up

then when your sword is all windy you attack and unleash winds

>4 gimmick bosses make the rest of the fights shit

Surely then all games have garbage tier bosses if 4 average-to-bad boss fights make a game's bosses shit.

BB has 6 of the same boss, DaS2 has 20 dudes in armour, and DaS has multiple trash gimmick bosses as well as a horde of boring reskins

Gotta build up a full charge, it will look like a massive vertical wind ripple as big as the boss when unleashed. It takes a bit to build up, so be carfull.

And that's strange, because in my experience every weapon is viable. There are some that get outclassed by other ones, sure. Like the Scimitar getting outclassed by the Falchion or the Mail Breaker by the Rapier back in good old DaS1, but you can pretty much go with everything and make it work if you build properly. What are you finding so useless?

Reposting because op is baiting with shitposting
>DaS1 comes out
>everyone calls it shit and DeS was always better
>DaS2 comes out
>everyone calls it shit and DaS1 was actually a masterpiece
>DaS3 come out
>it is the biggest mistake ever, DaS2 wasn't as bad as thought

I love how the faggots always jump on the new installment, while the silent crowd can finally talk about the older game without massive shitposting

>4 gimmick bosses make the rest of the fights shit

Surely then all games have garbage tier bosses if 4 average-to-bad boss fights make a game's bosses shit.

BB has 6 of the same boss, DaS2 has 20 dudes in armour, and DaS has multiple trash gimmick bosses as well as a horde of boring reskins

>mfw it may not be bait after all

>tfw i destroyed yhorme as a sorceror and didnt find the sword til after he died

>OP really is retarded

The only real problem with souls is that the gameplay is very much restricted to crush the monster.
There were some interesting but tacky mechanics in DS2, particularly in the first DLC.
Shame they decided everything in 2 was a mistake and went on to make the most linear and uninteresting game in the series.

the problem is Sup Forums is full of shitters. All the players of the latest installment (ds3 this time) are at the /vg/ thread.

Bitch it's one of the best if you don't use the crutchruler.

I found that if you hit him in the arms enough, he staggers allowing you to deal more damage, thus encouraging you to land your hits more carefully

>Mfw playing a crossbow sniper build in DS2 right now
>That crippling pain when you run into armor enemies

at least you weren't like me and forgot about picking up that weapon and just killed him normally. That battle took fucken forever but i did it.

Not OP, but his post isn't bait.
A lot of people on the night/days of release didn't know what to do there and came here asking what to do.

I mean, I hadn't slept for like 30 hours so I was one of them.

>DS3baby denial mode

DS3 has the least amount of bosses with majority being worthless gimicks. kys


I killed Yhorn without the Storm Ruler.

git gud

>BB has 6 of the same boss
This fucking meme is retarded.
You literally can't argue that Gascoigne and Amelia play the same.

Dark Souls 3 doesn't have bad bossfights and a lot of them are really great too, but the game and thus its boss fights are troubled not because of the bosses themselves but because of the combat balancing and different weapon classes.

If you want the optimal, fun experience from bosses in 3, you use a straight sword.

Help guys, I've reached the Haunted Ruins but the enemies here seem really overpowered, especially the spirit beasts. Should I go back to the Old Narrows to farm for rune weapons or am I missing something here?

DS2 did sorceries best, fight me

>If you want the optimal, fun experience from bosses in 3, you use a straight sword.
This is sadly true
Greatweapons can punish very few attacks done by bosses compared to shortswords, which can pretty much attack multiple times after each boss attack
I struggled hard with a princes and gundyr until I swapped to a straight sword, and then took them out first try

Playing a hexer build now, just got the first hexes, feelsgodman

DS3 and BB are the only Soulsborne games where most of the bosses are actually good

>we fucked up poise so we tell you it just works differently like before which is not at all

fuck this game

Not to argue that straight swords aren't overly efficient, but isn't really one of the tradeoffs you make when adopting a bigger, more cumbersome weapon that you need bigger openings on the boss' part to be able to safely wield it? There's nothing particularly wrong with a bigger weapon giving you less windows to swing it, it's the effectiveness of said swings that may be the problem.

That's the end of his storyline anyway
Only difference if he lives is you talk to him one last time and he says some pointless nonsense. You get the same loot off of his body if he dies during the same as if he survives it.

It sucks seeing him die but ultimately it doesn't matter at all

How is poise fucked?

>There's nothing particularly wrong with a bigger weapon giving you less windows to swing it, it's the effectiveness of said swings that may be the problem.
No, theres nothing particularly wrong with that, no. Heavy weapons do a bunch of damage per hit, but they're slower, everyone gets that.

The problem goes deeper than that though.

First off, enemy health and damage are pumped to ridiculous heights in 3 because... why? Who knows. This makes it difficult to rationalize trading and taking hits at all really. In 1, 2, DeS and even BB at times you could take hits and keep going because armor could be upgraded and you had poise/very minor stun times

This, coupled with the second point - armor can't be upgraded, and poise doesn't exist - makes it so that its an extreme risk to use a heavy, slow weapon to do 800 damage a swing instead of using a fast, agile weapon to do 400 damage a swing, while moving more swiftly AND while consuming less stamina.

There is literally no reason to use anything slower than a katana. Everything past that is too slow, consumes too much stamina, does too little damage for the attack time, and doesn't benefit from mechanics that made them work previously in the series.

Its absolutely fucking retarded.

That pretty much sums it up
Even the FUGS only does about 600-800 damage in a swing compared to potentially over 2k from a straight sword (especially a bleed weapon) in the same time frame.

>Im a scrub that only spams attacks
>Never even think of using the special that takes away a massive chunk of bosses hp
>Blame the entire game series
wew lad thats a special kind of retarded

But hasn't this always been the case with souls that some weapon classes massively outshine the others? The exception here would be Bloodborne, where certain weapons completely outclass the others.

He just didn't charge it all the way. I made the same mistake before realizing oh, there's two stages to the charge, and it takes like 6 seconds to charge up to the real shit.
Still, could've spent more time trying shit out instead of immediately complaining to a Vietnamese papermache forum.

>tfw this actually happened to me on the first playthrough
>just used regular weapon to fight yhorm instead
>didn't have siegward to help
>figured out the storm ruler thing on 2nd playthrough
The battle is actually more interesting with a regular weapon than the "intended" way


>the "intended" way
What did he mean by this?
Also, who else has like 3 storm rulers in their storage? It annoys me.

Sure, one could argue that there has always been an "objective" winner when it comes to weapons, but the difference is that in DaS3, 95% of the weapons are just pointless to use when you could be doing twice the damage in half the time with a straight sword.

Not to mention removing poise, armor upgrading and pumping enemy health, speed and damage up a lot, while keeping the player gimped as all fuck in terms of all three.
This all makes it a fucking non-question, straight swords are objectively the best weapons in 3, not only because of their capabilities but because the game is seriously just not fucking fun at all when using anything else because it becomes a tedious chore.

Then comes the issue that straight swords are boring as fuck, and boom, you have yourself a mediocre game with horrible game balance.

This is truth. Well put, user.

Intended way is with the storm ruler, obviously

You just don't enjoy the whole gear autism aspect of the game. I understand you, I don't either. But you don't have to pay attention to that, just use whatever and upgrade it.

Yhorm's Machete>Everything else

That fucker is so satisfying. It literally just smashes everything. Knocks everything right on it's ass and then you can smash it again before it even gets back up, if it's even still alive, which most things won't be. And the reach on it is insane.

A lot of people don't realize these flaws for some reason and it really hurts my brain when I see people rate DaS3 so highly.
Its just flat out broken balance wise.

The speed and agressiveness worked in BB because the player was fast too, but in 3 thats not the case at all.

>make enemies and bosses do more damage than ever in the series
>make enemies and bosses faster than ever before in the series
>make enemies and bosses have mcfuckhuge combos bigger than ever before in the series
>remove armor upgrading
>remove armor upgrading
>keep the players speed the same as DaS1

Fuck my life.

>remove armor upgrading x2
Meant poise for the second one

The way to fight Yhorm without the trick weapon is you use a bow or greatbow to shoot at his head until you poise break him, he falls on his knees and you do a critical on his head with your regular weapon. Rinse and repeat.

Honestly, this fight was done much better in Demon's Souls. It did not translate well into DeS3.

Hit him in the head.

I heard they back paddled with the poise thing and fixed it with newer patches

does it really work as it should now? because I stopped playing months ago

>keep the players speed the same as DaS1
I'd say players are noticeably quicker than DaS1. I haven't played BB so I can't compare speeds there.

Poise now gives Hyper Armour for heavier weapons when used against lighter ones, so if you're using lets say a Black Knight Great Axe, you can trade with a Katana user then combo him for 90% of his health

Eh. I did a playthrough wearing the heaviest weapons and armors I could possibly lay my hands on, and sure, the lack of poise hurts and it makes dealing with things like the hollow midget thieves or the Outrider Knights more of a pain than it has any right to be, but it's not like it sucks all the fun out of the playstyle.

It's still just a matter of tweaking numbers rather than the whole system being unsalvageable.

so if I would wear full Havel and use a Rapier or something everything will still stagger me right?

>this thread
You guys are like a spoiled brat who starts screaming about how everything is shit because they aren't as good as everyone else.

Which boss has the best entrance in the series? And why is it the Ivory King one?

Wow, the fact that this shit isn't bait really shows the general state of this piece of shit place.

>do thing in game wrong
>immediately jump to "wow, how can a game be this shit"

Fucking hell.

you absolute plonker

Thats not Ludwig the Holy Blade
Or Gehrman
Same thing with the Nioh demo
reading those threads gave me legit brain cancer

>the series whose combat is reminiscent of 3d zelda is inherenting the zelda cycle
fucking amazing

Every series has a zelda cycle.
If MGS6 was ever released, people would jerk V off.

you have to charge it for a very long time

>Yhorm's legs have like 90% damage resistance
>His torso has like 80
>Arms also have like 80
>His head has none
>The WA for Storm Ruler does so much damage cause it cuts through his head, which has a weird fixed hitbox because they wanted to make it easy to hit
>Free-aiming with binoculars and spells/arrows also does good damage, but requires Siegeward cause of the fact you can't get far enough away otherwise

It's no secret that Dark Souls is fucked. It's all inconsistent shit, and the game breaks the rules just to fuck you over. This has been going on since Dark Souls 1.

I alternated between Lucerne and Gundyrs Halberd and had a fun time

>say Poise is "working as intended"
>remove it entirely but keep the stat number in for shits and giggles

I hope you're not implying that hilarious webm is an example

>Breaks the rules
100% factual, I agree, user.
>They then went on to admit it was disabled and enabled it when the first DLC dropped
>It barely does anything now and only applies to weapons whose current moves have Hyper Armor

What game are these places from?

>souls babbys think the gear mechanics in soulsborne are hard
Lord forbid you ever play a monster Hunter game.

>game best known for punishing players for their mistakes
>next entry in series punishes even more
>BUT WHY?!?!?!