Why do people hate this game so much?
It was a legit, fine FF just like the other entries in the series.
Why do people hate this game so much?
It was a legit, fine FF just like the other entries in the series.
It was too mopey
Orphanage twist single-handedly ruined the entire game
The story was shaping up to be one of my favorites, and Squall one of my favorite protagonists in the franchise, up until the moment Disc III starts and everything falls apart completely.
That's my biggest gripe with it, but also the insanity of the character building system being almost completely detached from the combat system did not help much.
A lot of the people who hate on Final Fantasy 8 would have loved to be Squall when it came out. Depserate to be the cool, brooding, silent warrior who has rage inside him.
Now they lament the idea and hate the character because it's exactly what they don't want to be. Except they have become Squall, but without the cool stuff to go along with it.
I loved it almost as much as 7.
the villain is too confusing
My cousin looks like Rinoa...
Wasn't this still believable? I mean they were all soldiers in a special unit and lived after a big war.
It just adds to the dark tone of the series. Squall lost his parents and became an orphan. Then he lost all his orphan friends and became a soldier. And now he is reunited with them and they are soldiers as well.
The orphanage twist wasn't the problem. The "GF make you forget stuff" twist. That was the problem. Honestly it would have been better if they simply dropped that stupid explanation and went with: "Hm now I remember you. I knew that you looked familiar."
Disc 2,3 and 4
>Desperate to be the cool, brooding, silent warrior who has rage inside him.
But that's not Squall. Squall does not seek attention, rather he purposefully tries to avoid standing out as much as possible. He's silent because he's insecure and the only thing inside of him is his feeling of never being able to truly become adult/independent.
The reason why people know so much him around the garden is because he's a top SeeD since he spends most of the time training.
lol yeah
No matter how brooding and silent you are if you still sit in your moms basement in your 20s you aren't cool. Maybe they are just bitter because they can't be Squall anymore. Adults don't give a shit how stoic or brooding you are.
The paradox is that in order for someone to notice your cool behavior you need friends. And it's hard to get them if you are silent and brooding.
Not everyone is as lucky as Squall.
Because of everything after Disc 1.
Also it has one of the most poorly-made systems in the entire franchise.
if he's top SeeD, why is the first shot we see of him the one he eats shit in?
why did the drop the best ff minigame ever?
it could've been a recurring minigame in the later titles and it would've been alright
He said: He is A top seed. Not THE top seed.
Magic are Items now, dumb
Junction & Draw system sucks
You can literally spam GF + Limits (and only useful Magic are Curaga, Esuna, Meltdown and Aura) to get through the entire game
No treasure chests in dungeons, small dungeons to explore
Crappy weapon upgrade mechanic, I didn't bother to upgrade them and didn't matter any because of Junctioning
Small monster bestiary, mostly because monsters level up with you
Shitty dumb sidequests
Towns closed off in Disc 4 (Not that there was anything interesting to do in them)
Story is a mess, Seifer had the potential to become a cool villain but they just abandoned ship in Disc 3. Story nosedives in Disc 2.
Disc 4 is just "kill the bad dude"
Graphics and music are the only decent thing from it. And Quistis.
Triple Triad was better than the actual game.
>Just sparring with Seifer
>It's a training exercise
>Squall falls on the ground
>Seifer goes for the kill, to the point he actually fires a cartridge
You don't expect someone actually trying to kill you in training. And for what that matters, Seifer was that smug that Squall immediatly repayed him by giving him the same scar.
well Seifer didn't graduate so he's still shit compared to Squall
Eight used to be my favorite. Parts of it still are but having time away from it (I got this the day it came out in america) I have to say there are some flaws. I mean, squall is so mopey. The love story wasn't interesting in the least. I loved the combat system, personally but you could break it waaaaaaaaayyyyy to easily, waaaaaaaaay to early in the game. The jumping back and forth thing in the first half kinda seemed stupid to me as well, even though I loved laguna and some of the music in his parts.
I agree with you, op, it is a fine FF game, it just has more flaws then way better ones.
Its not final fantasy 12/13 tier bad though.
Those games where complete garbage.
Level scaling killed any motivation to keep going.
My biggest gripe was that i couldn't get around the GF/limit break system. It felt like so much new stuff was being thrown into the mix I was confused. I know they throw in new shit all the time but for some reason it felt way more complex than the others with how big the menus were for them.
Also i never liked the idea of level scaling, I thought that was stupid.
It's in XIV but it sucks
>Why do people hate this game so much?
Because Xenogears' Disc 2 got fucked for FF8.
post the other one too
>not the one Blue Magic spell where Quistis shoots freaking missiles out of her face
Why do I find this hot?
no regrets
It's still my favorite in the series.
I play these games for the set pieces, characters, storylines, and world building. The fact you can abuse some mechanics not fully thought out doesn't really hurt the experience that much for me.
Squaresoft was a mess by that point. By then they were working on that movie, ff9, the ps2 games, and all sorts of shit.
I'll agree that VIII has probably the best setpieces in the franchise. I don't think the Garden battle has been surpassed to this day.
>everything else listed
Only character in the game that sticks to my mind is Selphie's criminally short dress
Please remember Selphie was in fact, the leader of the crew in FF8.
She leads a team to a missile base and disrupts the launch on the garden and destroys the base.
she plans concerts in her spare time and is the parties moral support.
Selphie was the true heroine of FF8 that unfortunately wasn't picked to be the destined child or a time witch
Who needs to be a destined child or witch powers when you have those legs?
She also likes trains.
Villain wasn't confusing, just wasn't explained very well (like everything else in the game).