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ITT: Unforgettable Vidya Game Scenery
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Thought it was a pair of tits hanging over the horizon
looks like ass
Yeah that was pretty damn cool. Shame it wasn't free-roam though.
For real.
Someone post Torvus Bogg
nice rig
>halo ring
You're one of them retards I keep hearing about, ain't ya
not gonna lie this shit used to blow my mind as a kid
>flat picture on the skybox
The Castle shot in Waterfall was much more memorable
my nigga
Gothic 3 had ridiculous amounts of hand-made tessellation. Just look at the wiremodels via the console.
What the fuck Piranha bytes?
What made that memorable to you?
>hand-made tesselation
Nice to see some love for Unreal
Yeah man some caves and stone structures had a relatively high poly count.
Even though this game is fucking garbo, it still had some good aesthetic
As a naive kid that saw no pre-release footage besides the commercial, I thought the entirety of OoT would take place in Kokiri forest and the Lost Woods.
only true gamers will get this epic reference
If nothing else, Bungie does skyboxes well.
>theme starts playing
>10 years old
whar mod?
Halo 1-3 (and ODST) had a comfy atmosphere that 343i could never recreate today, even their Halo 1 remake got rid of everything that made levels like The Flood comfy.
I seriously wish I was a student in Balamb Garden.
Slimy Spring galaxy ending always gets me.
Listen to this while in bed and force yourself there
Pretty much everything in this.
this part kind of sucks though
Ice Cavern is still the comfiest level ever
shouldve posted korriban
I read somewhere that doing "mind games" like that can give you schizophrenia.
Not him, but I have what you're trying to describe. It's called maladaptive daydreaming and is entirely different from schizo.
Basically, if you get used to fantasizing of different lives, your mind will unwillingly wander off in the middle of boring tasks.
I almost cured this addiction, AMA.
The scenery and aesthetic of the original Bioshock was pretty amazing.
>that coastal highway
>the lighthouse
>the fucking bridge
this segment is my favorite
>I almost cured this addiction, AMA.
Was this a bother for you?
Does this relate to tulpas or anything like that?
Did you hear voices / see things?
Do you meditate?
How do I get diagnosed for this by a doctor?
Is it something I really want to get rid of?
I wish I could write down a bunch of the daydreams I have.
Rip in peace bungie
>No ones posted it yet
It guess it's not technically a horizon but ya know
On an aside, did the game improve at all? I bought it full price Vanilla and was really underwhelmed. All the DLC afterwards made me regret my choice .
Do they explain the white orb any more (I forget the name, isn't just "The Ark")? Do the new expansions offer a LOT of content or is it just a couple missions designed as a cashgrab?
If I was to buy a new edition with all the DLC would you say it is worth it?
i took the same screenshot
they also normalized chemtrails
Did you think you were free
I don't give a fuck how much hate it gets, the game was good and this is one of the nicest and comfiest places in all vidya
More like a thong upside down.
I keep meaning to get into this game although the non-linear gameplay has always confused me.
Since a kid, I could pop in and out of dreamland at will, but a traumatic experienced forced me into a second life. It's been a huge bother for me since then, as I literally cannot concentrate on a task that I deem boring. I failed three college semesters already.
On a fundamental level, I cannot function properly. People talk to me and after several seconds I doze off; when walking around town I go into autopilot; I (used to) spend hours (felt like half an hour) pacing my room.
Yes, it was extremely bothersome, as I felt compelled from inside to do it.
First time I hear of Tulpas, so I can't answer.
I always have conversations with myself. You must understand, my "other" self has a younger sounding version of my voice and his words jump out without me actively thinking.
That or when I notice something a friend of mine would fin funny or interesting, I used to actively imagine him next to me, conversation included.
Worst part is you end up making facial expressions and even whispering things out loud, which makes you look like a complete psycho, even though you are mostly aware this is all make-believe. If you let your guard down, you can go into a deep rail of thought, and lose yourself, though.
I only practice mindfulness, that is the continuous objective perception of the world. It's amazing when all the sounds go away.
I am able to pick songs I've heard before and replay them in my mind flawlessly like an mp3 player. I could even stack several songs at once, plus have an imaginary convo.
Overall it is a disgusting experience I would not wish on my worst enemy, given that it changes your fundamental perception of the world.
videogames before the internet were truly magical. twists that you actually experienced before learning about them, no idea what areas a game would contain or how long it would go, or what characters would make appearances. stepping out of kokiri forest for the first time was incredible. I remember seeing the bright clear light for the first time and thinking "holy SHIT FUCK OFF OWL I WANNA GO SEE WHAT'S OUT THERE"
Prontera from Ragnarok
Hl2 had some of the best level design imo
Dark Souls 3, from the ledge after Vordt, you can see just about the whole game. Quite dazzling even if the game is meh.
Holy shit I forgot about this.
Does Unreal run on a modern system?
This still gives me chills
Fucking this so hard. Such a creative setting for a game.
This is a fairly new thing to the psychology world, probably caused by heavy influence of on-demand TV and videogames. Most doctors would not have heard of it and would give you OCD or ADHD medication.
I recommend a psychologist, not a psychiatrist.
You want to get rid of it the moment the off switch doesn't work and hallucinations start popping up without invitation. It's not something you can get rid of, so to speak, without getting lobotomised. As I pointed out, maladaptive daydreaming is merely an addiction to fantasy worlds. You can and should control it and treat it like a drug.
Writing down daydreams helps, if only to explain to yourself what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Just like you would with nightmares.
i can hardly blame you - it feels epic (especially after realising that you've been crawling down there for hours)
Is your "other" self your subconscious?
do you feel less lonely for having conversations with this other self?
>I am able to pick songs I've heard before and replay them in my mind flawlessly like an mp3 player
I can do this too.
I was molested as a kid but I never told anyone or did anything about it.
I know what you mean by not being able to concentrate on things you deem boring.
forgotten technique of mapmaking
the best part of hl2 is how little post processing it used
I can't wait for the new hunter, looks GOAT. No microtransactions and shit either.
the game wasn't very good but majula was good and the coastal theme was good.
Get The Taken King, it has about 100 missions and all of them have a lot more quality than Vanilla Destiny, also, if you expend a couple of hours getting the collectibles you unlock some pretty good lore stuff on the Grimoire
Can't say much about Iron Lords, I've completed the main story but I dropped the game because no time so most of it I haven't played it
You feel it too, don't you?
Do you ever get fantasies about being a celebrity by chance?
I have ones that last for an hour at a time where I come up with entire interviews, awards shows, etc about me as an actor or a famous businessman like Zuckerberg.
I just realized I can also spend an hour at a time thinking about arguments with friends that never happened and how to respond to them.
Majula was one of the very few locations that actually felt finished.
Ahhh, the old baby first fps only us millenials will remember this.
>that summer holiday I played wow everyday for weeks on end
>with the great guild I was in and made friends
Felt like a proper adventure. Now it's shit.
Guild disbanded due to drama involving a girl funnily enough lel
best post
No, it is merely myself. An emulated version of myself, a clone that walks behind me. My subconscious is responsible for intrusive thoughts and vivid visions. It's trying to tell me something, so I think about it and figure out the problem.
I don't feel lonely, since I have several instant messaging apps and IRL friends and colleagues who respect me. But it's convenient to sometimes think through ideas with "someone" who is not physically there and whom you can dismiss at will. It's just easier.
I mainly speak to myself heuristically post-factum, or imagine future scenarios so I can possibly prepare for them.
It has worked many times in real life - to deal with people without going in stress, and has boosted my situational sense of humor.
I feel you, user.
Yes, I used to all the time. Then I realised how fucking stupid that is and became a modest dreamer.
At worst, I would listen to a song I like a dozen times, imagining a world where I wrote it, et cetera - you get the idea.
This is a cancerous state of mind and I hope you come to realise how much time you are absolutely blowing away that you will never ever get back.
Just snap your finger and listen to yourself breathe - come back to reality. Break from this addiction.
I've been doing that ever since I was young, don't do it as much now but my imagination has always been like a lucid dream.
Ringworlds are so fucking cool.
I wish we had more videogame levels set on them, that they don't just become a "Halo" thing and no other vidya will include them.
So much potential and cool shit and stunning scenery could be possible.
Vivid images and photographic memory as well, I assume.
Yeah, experiments/studies have shown people growing up in religious/artistic families build up a sentimental relation to inanimate objects and acquire a powerful fantasy and analytic way of thought.
>100 missions.
What does this mean?
Does it expand the main story? (I honestly don't remember much after the whole Black Garden sequence. IIRC it just ends abruptly.) Are the missions just area missions or are they bona fide sidequests?
>Dark Souls on consoles
Holy shit that's disgusting.