Why are the mods such faggots about Senran Kagura?

Why are the mods such faggots about Senran Kagura?

Really no idea, they get really triggered by it.
But leave countless other real non vidya related stuff up.

Are your dicks ready for all the softness on the Switch version?

It's funny, I see DOA threads here almost daily that are nothing but image dumps, yet those are always left alone.

Maybe you should make the OP's not so garbage.

Like this one for example.

Yeah there are some heavy double standards being held here.
Which is weird because DOA and SK go well together.

SK is fucking shit

Probably because the games are complete shit and only exist for fanservice.

It's softcore porn not vg

Nah, just saw one get deleted yesterday, this site's moderation has been hijacked by Neofag cuckholds.

but so is DOA

DoA is half Ninja Gaiden characters which are good games and they are solid fighters aswell
SK is shit in every regard, including fanservice funnily enough

You people said that there would be new gameplay footage this weekend!
You lied to me, where is it?!

I really like Asuka's boobs.

reminder that you will never have sex

SK also has Ninja Gaiden characters.

its an okay at best fighter but its gotten to the point where it has a way larger focus on fanservice
on top of that the point is that no one talks about the gameplay in DoA threads either
and dont give me any of that BUT THEY MAKE ROOMS cause people do the same thing here

Good. Real girls suck.

neither will you

i hope HD rumble works with alternative grip methods

Girls can't compete with my advanced masturbatory techniques anyway.

Is this supposed to be seen a bad thing?

Mods are fucking retards, worse than ever now

This desu senpai

How would that work, all HD rumble it may be its still two piece of hard plastic

>not allowing waifuposting is neogaf
I just came in here cause op made me happy. You do understand that mods have been improving, right? "Stealth"Sup Forums threads now actually get deleted. the only ecelebs allowed are twitch, super best friends and developer Twitter. The other day they took down a 4 am thread. That took me a moment to go over myself and realize that im just an off topic faggot.

I say this, but there was just a thread about public masturbation get 100+ during prime time yesterday

True, and women hate this fact.

So I just picked up Estival Versus mostly for the sex appeal but it's actually pretty fun. Are the other games as fun as this one?

>affix onahole to pillow with belt after warming with dubious chinese heated dildo
>put on vr headset
i can only hope vr dressing room for pbs can replace 3dpd porn for these purposes

This new group of mods is the worst in Sup Forums history. Everybody has been complaining.

I never understood, are these games supposed be online multiplayer? The versus in the title makes me think its some kind of multiplayer game

Are they gonna do more with those vote results or was this all we are getting?

Shinovi Versus actually plays a lot better than EV, and it is on PC so no need to get a Vita.
The Nintendo Senran games are also very fun if you like old school beat em ups.

Why don't you just go to /vg/ already?

the only thing standalone onaholes can't really do right now is small muscle movements, on account of plastic vaginas being floppy plastic vaginas

oh and also whatever brain chemicals happen when you're interacting with another human being, but fuck it they'll get there too soon enough

>triggered by anime boobs so they ban legit SK threads
>LOL threads that turn into furry porn dumps regularly last over 400 posts or go to archive
>for some reason they can't spot blatantly off-topic threads in the catalog by looking at the OP

Yeah they fucking sucks. If I didn't get banned last week I would have sworn there were no rules.

multiplayer modes exist

but it's mostly in reference to the Rival Schools gimmick in the story

Because you never discuss the bloody game. You just start image dumps.

Reminder that these are Sup Forums's favorite Senrans.

Because you've been posting the exact same waifu cocksucking thread for three years non-stop?

Fuck off to /e/ or /vg/ or some other shithole.

Probably because it's almost never about the games themselves. It's just a thinly-veiled lewd-posting excuse that just shits up the board.

I like titties, but not *all the fucking time*.

snek best girl

I've never once seen any gameplay of this game as I've browsed Sup Forums, not once, just fucking stupid anime tits and thats it

Its the exact same as Dead or Alive

Alright I'll look into them, also what's the deal with the new one coming out for PS4? It's a third person shooter?

They're too autistic to realize why /vg/ was created in the first place.

It's hilarious how triggered people get just by the sight of a SK thread.

Its a containment board for the people making and frequenting these threads.

Tell that to DoA threads

It's hilarious how you refuse to use /vg/ even though it was made for the sole purpose of containing repeating spam threads. Are you triggered by /vg/?

>being this triggered over anime tittes

And yet they are completely fine with threads like this

I'm triggered by your stupidity at your refusal to use /vg/, actually.

Basically yes, a Third Person Shooter.
Seems to concentrate on 5 vs. 5.
Unlike the Cooking Rythm Spin Off, PBS looks actually to be pretty fun gameplay wise.
It has Water Jet Boosters for Vanquish-like sliding and air gliding.
The stages also look really fun and more detailed and large than those pretty boring ones in EV.

Yep, though it looks like you can use pool noodles for close combat too.

About time

All the imagedump generals should get booted to /vg/. It's at the point where even the odd genuine thread is catching flak

Why do you keep posting in this thread if you don't like it then? You know just shouting "GO TO /VG? WAAAAHHHHH" isn't going to change anything, right?

The 3DS games require some special setup then the extra effort of encoding it into a soundless webm. Only the PS4 version has a somewhat easy way of Video recording but considering it's Sup Forums and all the complaints about the next one being on PS4 they all bought a $20 PSTV

He's doing it for replies. Stop feeding him.

Better question, why do you keep making this thread when /vg/ exists?

>almost 200 posts
Mods have stopped caring