>game has transgender, blacks, or any other denomination Sup Forums disagrees with
>"muh sjws and pandering"
>Dark souls literally has a transgender character
But I guess its okay when Dark souls does it right?
>game has transgender, blacks, or any other denomination Sup Forums disagrees with
>"muh sjws and pandering"
>Dark souls literally has a transgender character
But I guess its okay when Dark souls does it right?
it's okay when they are cute
he's not trans he was just raised as a trap
>op literally this retarded
>posts anyway
Never had problem with traps who don't make demands.
He's not trans
He has a dick
Gwyndolin isn't shoved in your face.
Unlike sjw bullshit that is forced down your throat.
In other cases it's usually in a modern setting and draws attention to itself to showcase how "righteous" and "inclusive" it is, in transparent and patronizing fashion.
It's okay because you get to kill the tranny
He's not trans, he's a crossdresser for political plot purpose
Well, I can kill him.
Just because he has his dick still doesnt mean he isnt trans.. he is still trans. He was born a male and sees himself as a female
Gwyndolin wasn't "trans", that's made up human shit.
It's just androg and people think it's trans because of fucking comics and dick drawings.
>Wasn't forced down our throats as you would only know he was a girl-boy if you paid attention.
>He isn't accompanied by mountains of cringey dialogue.
>In a weird game that features things like these as a subtle oddity instead of forcefully as a norm.
>Sup Forums likes boi-puccy
Get it now, OP?
someone please spoonfeed me why did Lord Gwyn make his son pretend to be a girl?
idk if this is a retarded b8, but they treated him like a normal person. He wasn't categorized as a proud woman who don't need no vag.
It's okay because it's not shoved in your face.
He doesn't see himself as a female though
>Talking shit about best queen that just so happens to have a dick
Insecure much OP?
It's based off old mythological religions where it was full of wacky shit like men being women, hermaphrodites and so on.
>Is not there to push some agenda
>is not said just implied
>devs don't make a fuss about it
>all the art of him being even more androgynus are fanarts
Yes it is Ok when Dark Souls does it, because it is pointless and it could be any character, when a dev (normally western) doest it for pandering then it is wrong.
Those standards don't apply to japanese games, japanese games have had traps since bridget and poison.
And despite modern sjwality they always maintain an overbaring level of soft-core porn pandering, hell games like bayonetta sell on it.
Fact is all of that shit just falls under "weird japanese people being weird"
He exists in the game so yes he is shoved in your face.
>le edgy badass old woman hunter
Fromsoft are SJWs
it's the truth
>all these people trying to make up excuses for Dark Souls
Its the same shit
The Dark Sun was raised as a girl, he's not transgender. At least try to grasp at the lore before you shitpost.
Name other games where I can kill trannies and be rewarded for it
His dad raised him as a (male) because moon magic
He doesn't think of himself as a girl, uses male pronouns, etc.
Because those are to fit an agenda while japs put effeminate men for fun or to sellout to fujos
and fudanshi
You arent rewarded for it though. You are literally punished for it. Anor Londo goes to shit if you kill him
Mass Effect 3.
1- It's cute/sexually atractive.
2- It wasn't made to cater to feminazis.
Dark Souls
convoluted piece of shit filled with lol gotcha artificial difficulty,
skill based entirely on trial and error (often confused with "gitting gud"),
leveling/upgrade system which is completely incomprehensible unless you look it up online (consequently spoiling the entire thing)
most of the game is for all intents and purposes a sewer level
pointless story which is only "deep & intelligent" in that it's not spelled out to the player. You'll hear all sorts of bloviation about symbolism which is irrelevant because symbolism is a means to an end, not a goal in and of itself. If that end is "everything is kinda fucked, also anime", the game might as well be about dragon dildos, that's how poignant it is.
But it's ok, because it's a Japanese game.
did you enjoy that Baldur's Gate expansion? No? Thanks for stopping by. There's the door.
There aren't any trans in ME3 though.
But that's wrong you retard.
He canonically identefy as the moon which has explicitly been stated to be synonymous with femininety in the souls world.
Now that i type this out this does really read like a tumblr page, but fuck it he's cute.
He was good at moon magic.
That's literally it. Gwyn didn't think the moon was manly enough like the sun, so he had Gwyndolin become a girl.
>game has transgender, blacks, or any other denomination Sup Forums disagrees with
You got it wrong, Sup Forums disagrees with them, because they are usually there to show how '''''progressive'''' the game is, they feel so forced. There is nothing wrong with making a black character, to be honest you can make a minority character without forcing their color to player's face.
I know this is a bait thread but just wanted to say this
Why aren't you talking about the blacks, OP?
Is it because your argument would be fucking useless if we talked about the presence of fucking golliwogs cancelling out any kind of perceived "social justice" type shit?
Ashley was a woman the entire time though.
ME3 had shit wrong with it but lying about it having trans characters is retarded.
>get strong miracle
>estus upgrade
>can use soul to craft weapons
>armor hidden behind his boss fight
All you lose is one warpable bonfire a few enemies if you wanted to farm them.
>it's a clueless western confuses common japanese gag effeminate character for real transgenderism episode
>convoluted piece of shit filled with lol gotcha artificial difficulty,
not true by the way
>skill based entirely on trial and error (often confused with "gitting gud"),
trial and error can get you through the game, but it's no means neccessary
>leveling/upgrade system which is completely incomprehensible unless you look it up online (consequently spoiling the entire thing)
I didn't look up anything about it and did fine
>most of the game is for all intents and purposes a sewer level
not really, there's the depths and...?
>pointless story which is only "deep & intelligent" in that it's not spelled out to the player. You'll hear all sorts of bloviation about symbolism which is irrelevant because symbolism is a means to an end, not a goal in and of itself. If that end is "everything is kinda fucked, also anime", the game might as well be about dragon dildos, that's how poignant it is.
story isn't complicated and anyone who tells you it is is retarded, it's just told well and the background to the world is pretty interesting
>find out gwyndolin is trans through looking into item descriptions that give a solid lore reason why
>hello, krem here is trans, in my very brutal qunari culture which hates women we respect these people, this makes sense
yeah alright
Go back to watching Best Friends, Billy No-Mates
I don't think anything in-game states explicitly why. Considering the setting and events, I'd imagine Gwydolin was probably much younger than Gwynevere, and after some terrible fate befell her Gwyndolin was somehow forced into replacing her. Hence the mirage and false sunlight he maintains. Keep in mind that Gwyn's firstborn (probably Solaire) had most likely already been banished at this time, so the whole family is already pretty messed up.
Where do people keep their pastas? Is it just in a notepad?
If you wanna be treated like a woman don't act like an entitled cunt or special snowflake who must be given special treatment beyond acceptance of your chosen genre.
I know so many people who played through the game and never even knew about Gwyndolin's existence. I fail to see how a secret, optional boss is shoved in your face.
>doesn't understand the difference between hamefisted pandering and just dropping a transgender character into the story
You're just as bad as Sup Forums.
It's okay because:
1. It still has a penis.
2. It's made by the Japanese.
Welcome to Sup Forums, where shitposting, gay shit, and weebs are pretty much all you're gonna see.
Not golliwogs. That is actually based around a type of black race japan was in contact with. Google Yellowknife.
False equivalence. With Japanese games, the intention isn't to shove some hamfisted political agenda in the game. In western games, devs don't create minority characters, LGBT characters etc. without including a political agenda. It's so blatant in western games that the only defining characteristic of those kind of characters IS the political agenda
Uh, why are her legs fucked up on the right there.
Like user said, Gwyndolin was born attuned to moon magic [which is why he's a hideously powerful illusionist and magic caster rather than throwing lightning everywhere], which is apparently a thing reserved for women.
He was apparently the black sheep of the family, which is ironic considering he's the only member of Gwyn's court apart from the cannibal executioner who didn't abandon him after he was gone.
>probably solaire
Before NK in 3, his firstborn was planned to be Andre, but they scrapped that
Notepad++ makes pasta management real easy. Would recommend if you don't have it yet, it's a nifty little program.
they don't shove it in your face
that's why its well made
Dark souls did it right, them being trans has nothing to do with their character or story
Because it exists, it is shoved in your face and forced down your throat.
I mean can you imagine Gwyndolin's cute pale cock forced into your mouth and down your throat?
This is bait, but I seriously can't fucking imagine anyone looking up the upgrade paths for the weapons. Are you that fucking retarded? The game literally tells you how much shit you need and that's it. If you didn't find the other blacksmiths then that's your problem.
I haven't played 3 yet or kept up with the lore. Is Nameless King confirmed for the firstborn?
>ywn be Gwyndolin's bro
It's all but directly stated, he wields miracles previously exclusive to Gwyn and item descriptions associated with him point to him as "the heir of Sunlight/Lightning"
Modern games rub social issues in your face like someone trying to get a balloon to stick to a cat. Dark souls doesn't.
Explain your reasoning for
>because it exists
>it's shoved down your throat
It is okay because unlike Western developers they don't beat you over the fucking head with the fact that the character is transgender. I think nobody would bring this up or care if it wasn't done as repulsively as it's done in Western games. SJW developers have no fucking tact when it comes to these things. There's always some passive aggressive social commentary attached to the trans-character and the entire character's personality is built around the fact they are trans.
When it's done right, nobody complains or even remembers the character was trans. Just shrug and keep playing.
I wish Bioware and scum like them understood that.
dark souls has weird lore and i thought the idea of "im the sun god and my son is gay so im making him be the goddess of the gay faggot moon" is pretty funny. its also not celebrating trannys, its flat out mocking them as male failures.
ultimately though
>its ok when japan does it
>itt weebs/souls fags fall over themselved trying to defend this obvious pandering
Literally proving OPs point.
I think he just wanted to make a lewd post. Dickbrainfags never think their posts through, pay him no mind.
Yeah, he turned his back on the kingdom to go fuck dragons. His real name is never said, but it can't be solaire because canonically solaire because he links the fire in 1(time is convoluted lel that's why both you & him can).
>tfw ur gonna be cuter than gwyndolin and post pics this year
>one son is a furry
>one son is a faggot
>daughter is a coalburner who runs away
damn why couldnt gwyn catch a break
His dad raised him as a FEMALE you fucking mong.
how new
Gwyn raised him as a faggot, his first son was such a failure he figured he could do better with daughters.
>game has transgender, blacks, or any other denomination Sup Forums disagrees with
>Sup Forums disagrees with
Dude, do you even know what board you're on?
Gywn kinda seems like a shit, I don't blame NK for running off to pursue his scalie fantasies
I thought it was almost universally accepted that the Nameless King in DS3 is Gwyn's firstborn (Or at least a reincarnation of him if the whole "cycle" thing started by DS2 applies)
Don't the statues seen around in all three Dark Souls games have fragments of what looks like the spear Nameless King uses?
Two of these happened after the Linking, so at least he didn't know.
>solaire because he links the fire in 1
wait what
>Dark souls fapbait character is transgender pandering
So does pic related right?
And Rance is actually aimed to sensitize people about about rape.
I don't remember any bitching about that one gay guy in Last of Us
Add me on snapchat
They have.
Nameless King is the Firstborn, but what >364980914 was saying is that he definitely ISN'T Solaire.
Anor Londo doesn't go to shit it's already gone tits up the illusion hiding it just goes away
>His real name is never said
Going by the naming pattern of the family, it has to be Gwynfor or something similar.
In his own home-dimension. At least sometimes.
Miyazaki said that he likes to think that if you save Solaire and take him to fight Gwyn, Solaire goes home and links the fire in his home world.
World, mind you, not time. The whole "time is convoluted" is some shit Solaire said because he has no fucking idea what's going on and tries to make sense of it all. Why the fuck do people put so much stock into what some guy says that is seen as an idiot even by his own account?
Because dark souls isn't mainstream enough, nor does it count as a tumblrite special snowflake.
Funny how it became so successful because of this like
Because they don't push an agenda with it. Also he isn't exactly a trans, since he was raised as a girl but considers himself as male.
>no DS porn in this thread
Come the fuck on.
Nah, it's totally Gwynson.
Catarinians are black and everybody loves them.
Not for lewd
Not op, but wrong. HIS FATHER thought that he should be raised as a female, because of his moon powers. We never get to hear Gwyndolins say "I identify as a pretty little girl" or shit like that.
Close enough