40 D A Y S until GOTY 2017 and the best and fastest selling console ever
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more like GOTC Game Of The Century
>Sup Forums desperately tries to strum up hype on a console that's universally hated outside of NintendoGAF
It's statistically impossible for a mid generation console releasing in March, that's underpowered, overpriced, and has one non-exclusive game, to go on to be the fastest selling console. It'll be incredibly lucky for it not to become the slowest selling console from the Big 3
>universally hated
Where can I pre-order one again?
>Sup Forums
it's just a small handful of vocal underage nintendrones
do not mistake them for the majority
>set an incredibly small quantity available to pre-order
>it sells out
wow, how many units was it again? oh right, they're not saying :(
I read somewhere that it was not the case for the switch but I am too lazy to source
Minimum 75 per store
What is not the case for the Switch? That only a small amount were set aside to pre-order? Of course it is.
>Fils-Aime: What we’ve said publicly is that there will be 2 million units that will be shipped worldwide for the launch, essentially through month one.
>through month one
They're shipping 2 million units throughout March. Only a small fraction of that was available to pre-order.
They *wanted* it to sell out, so of course they set the available quantity to be incredibly low. Then idiots write hype articles about how the demand is skyhigh despite the fact that no pre-order numbers are actually available. Nintendo is basically letting the press lie for them.
if i remember, Wii U had like 1.2 million units made, and the Switch has like 2~ million units made.
My store had 14, but let's say you're right
75 * 3900 = 290k
Not a lot
Nope, Nintendo shipped 3 million Wii U's at launch
Of the 2 million Switch units shipping throughout March, only a small portion were available for pre-order
This piece of shit will sell as fast the ouya
>it's a console that I don't like
Nintendrones are pathetic
Nintendo wanted to avoid the mistake they made with Wii U by shipping too many units, which started to sit on shelves shortly after launch. Switch will be intentionally supply-constrained until this holiday season, which explains why software releases will be scarce until then. No need for a lot of system sellers when the system will be in short supply.
38 days and 20 hours until BotW if you have a Japanese Wii U.
Probably like 25 days if you have a hacked Wii U.
So what time is the online store open..?
we don't know, could be 4am, could be 5pm
can you read Japanese?
how do you figure that people will obtain a rom before it even releases?
I'm using a translator.
If they're waiting for business hours, wouldn't that be at 7 or 8 AM or something?
>Universally hated
Have you been outside within the last 6 months or so?
>artificial scarcity
>sells out fast
You also only have like 5 exclusives so eat shit.
SS leaked weeks in advance, are you new here?
We don't know. Assume nothing.
Jokes on you, I skipped the last 2 gens and have a pc.
doesn't guarantee BotW will
Marketer spotted
at the very least it will be available a few days before street date, nearly every 3ds game is getting leaked early these days. all it takes is a single person in france to leak it and it's over
i think anything more than a few days is kinda unlikely though
>on a console
I'll pass on your 30 FPS cinematic experience.
40 days and we still don't know anything about the online capabilities.
This worries me a little bit.
Arent marketing threads against the rules?
>meme lovers
>in charge of anatomy
Why is she giving head to his navel?
Neither does nintendo, don't worry about it cause they sure as fuck aren't.
>that needledick
So what, it would've been better news if they didn't sell out?
Honestly? I want the hardware to succeed, but the paid online service to bomb hard enough they make it free again. It was the only blemish on an otherwise strong list of features.
Come on, user.
Nintendo needs to fail hard if you ever expect them to change at all
If they made 10m units and they sold out.
The final BotW teaser was a fucking movie trailer. That's actually why it was good.
So you're telling me I should cancel my pre-order?
>always do opposite of what Sup Forums says
Oh right.
I was actually quite happy with it being a beefed up handheld, with full OpenGL and Vulkan support, no region-locking etc. It's definitely not powerful enough to compete against the PS4, but it'd be a damn good successor to the DS hardware.
Since we don't know how many units were available to pre-order, it doesn't mean anything.
How many units did they make?
horizon is the saddest meme on Sup Forums
the more I see of that game, the more terrible it looks
They're only shipping 2 million through launch (March) and 10 million for the entire year.
>but it'd be a damn good successor to the DS hardware.
Minus the fact that they repeatedly say it's a home console, that it's not the 3DS successor, that they're continuing to support the 3DS, and they keep announcing handheld games that the Switch isn't getting.
When are you going to get it through your skull that this isn't a third pillar? It's the Wii U's replacement. The 3DS will get its own replacement
2 million
And they're saying it's a handheld in japan while moving all first party development to the switch with 3rd party support petering out by the end of the year on the 3ds.
can't say you weren't warned
I think this is a good thread to ask
Is there any chance of getting this day 1 if I don't have a preorder already?
Will amazon restock? should I try getting it retail at walmart or bestbuy?
>And they're saying it's a handheld in japan
Source please
Anons, you will buy a switch, right ?
They said that they could ship more than 2 million in March if there's enough demand.
The DS was also not a replacement for the gameboy and it was supposed to be a "Third pillar".
Comfy 2007 textures!
Has it occurred to you they might be telling the truth this time?
Not an argument.
I can just play Breath of the Wild on my Wii U (or wait for emulation on Cemu if I really feel like caring about 1080p), and there's fuckall else coming out soon that would justify a $300 investment. Nitendo's moronic online implimentation from what we know so far isn't helping either, since I'm not gonna deal with paying for that shit if Splatoon 2 is the only game I would play on their service
I'm also not paying fucking $70 for a Pro Controller
it wouldve been better news if they did make a better product or go back on that paid online shit
>1080p with no jaggies
Nice bullshot
The reality is most games are in development for years, so even if a platform is being phased out the releases will keep coming out for a while and that's even prolonged since building an audience on a new platform can take a while. Usually platforms die a slow death as the market (users and developers) just naturally move onto the newer and more popular platform, the company never kills it outright unless they're losing a lot of money maintaining it...
The reality is that $300 makes it the most expensive handheld ever and the 3DS and Vita both performed terribly at $250 because people don't want handhelds at that price. The 3DS was bombing until it received a heavy price slash only a few months after launch.
There are two distinct markets: the cheap, portable market and the expensive, premium console market. Make no mistake, the Switch is being targeted towards the latter. The 3DS will have a successor and you'll know it instantly because it'll be affordable, have $40 games, have a good battery life, and be pocked sized. Everything the Switch isn't.
>The reality is that $300 makes it the most expensive handheld ever
You always set your prices higher to start so you can make more money off anyone buying it early, then slash the price later to something more reasonable to appeal to a larger market. This is why you'll see games at ridiculous price points and then get discounted a month later... It's free money and as a business there's no reason not to do it.
Are you captain of the debate team?
Please name the handheld that was more expensive at launch
More like BOTC Blunder of the Century.
They burned a LOT of people and credibility with the 3DS's price slash. Dropping the price of your products severely and so soon after launch gives people the impression that your prices are unreasonable and it lowers buyer confidence. It isn't any wonder that 3DS went on to become Nintendo's worst selling handheld.
Is a it a good idea for short-term profit? Yeah, if you're hurting for cash, you can shoot yourself in the foot by losing long-term viability. But it's a terrible business decision for a company like Nintendo whose future depends on their long-term business decisions.
>tfw I remember the NX officially being announced and excited for info back during E3 2015
it's finally almost done. I don't even think the switch looks amazing, I'm just glad the info is out and the wild ride is almost over.
The fucking 3DS.
250 dollaroos retard
$250 > $300? Ok.
There will be a minor price cut for the holiday. 250 at the lowest, 279 with a game being my guess.
>price cut
>nintendo consoles
>first year
yeah fucking right.They'll probably do a discounted bundle for $330 or something.
I remember Nintendrones building up the release of the Wii U back in 2012, saying it was gonna be the Wii for the hardcore gamers, how Nintendo was gonna bring out another smash hit console that would please everyone, say that Sony was gonna be bankrupt by 2015 and would never make a PS4 and Vita would be their last system and scream NINTENDOMINATION for months on end
Then it came out and became a bigger joke than the Vita as Sony rolled out the PS4 and won 8th gen with no effort
Don't embarrass yourselves, the Switch will do better than the Wii U but worse than the 3DS
When was the last time one released internationally in march?
When was the last time a home console got a price cut within its first year?
The 3ds.
>home console
It'll be like the Wii U. It'll get BotW and/or Mario as a pack-in and the price will remain the same
Again, I'm telling you, this isn't the 3DS's replacement. It's the Wii U's
It's both. There may be a more portable version down the line, but it's playing the same games the same way.
I expect them to kill 3DS if they cannot stop the piracy.
You really expect me to take that thing outside?
Does it come with a tv? I don't understand. I already have a tv. What do I need to buy a tv for to play this console? Also where IS the console? Is it in the picture? I don't understand.
>There may be a more portable version down the line
unlikely. Nintendo doesn't really make offshoots on home consoles.
it's literally designed for both at-home and mobile play, so yeah.
>There may be a more portable version down the line, but it's playing the same games the same way.
If the initial Switch bombs, there's no way they're continuing the same line with their actual portable. They'd be killing it too by association
Remind me what the original NX briefs said, it's been awhile and I can't find the infograph. Something about unified development environment and all systems play the same games.
So they slap another screen on it and call it a DS.
It was just Iwata talking about Nintendo using a unified OS so that they would have easier times porting games from console to handheld and vice versa.
>Remind me what the original NX briefs said
Original NX briefs had all kinds of things like 2 separate SKUs that would share a library, supplemental computing units, etc, none of which have materialized.
Nintendo knows a lot more about the Switch than we do. They've test marketed it and consumer reception was probably bad. Remember, Nintendo doesn't care about gamers. They're after non-gamers, the same ones who bought the Wii. It also would explain why they've priced it so high. They know it's going to fail, so they figure they can at least profit off of it from the few million who will buy it regardless of how expensive it is
So this game probably takes place between Twilight Princess and Wind Waker. Maybe the "great flood" happens at the end of this game?
Fuck, you things are stupid.