New companion. Four days left.
Pillars of Eternity 2
Hopefully it's not a piece of crap like the first one.
>Weird ghost NPCs with bizarre poorly written stories awkwardly peppered throughout the game
>Heaps and heaps of annoying trash mobs everywhere with no incentive to kill them
But the worst was that garbage stat system that completely ruined my immersion and ability to role play my character. The most efficient way to build a tank was to treat strength as a dump stat and put the points into something else which I can remember the name of but as a result my tank was laden in heavy plate armour but an absolute weakling who needed to call for the Mage to push through a wall and other strength checks.
What the fuck was that all about? Had to re roll as another character that I could make fit with the stat system from a role play perspective.
>>Weird ghost NPCs with bizarre poorly written stories awkwardly peppered throughout the game
those were kickstarter backers. honestly i didn't mind that, easily ignored because the names looked different to normal npcs.
it's like getting angry about the kickstarter backer statues you see on the way to valhalla in jotun.
They felt so out of place though. I'd walk in to an inn and observe all the characters and forever have to look at these weird ghosts.
It's not an insufferable objection but regardless they should not have bothered, or gone about it in a more subtle way.
I don't know how much more subtle you can get by going "hey these guys are kickstart backers, feel free to ignore them" and just ignoring them
>>Weird ghost NPCs with bizarre poorly written stories awkwardly peppered throughout the game
Those were backer NPC's, they were color coded so you could just avoid them. Since this one isn't crowdfunded they won't be around.
>What the fuck was that all about? Had to re roll as another character that I could make fit with the stat system from a role play perspective.
Sounds like you are just mad that might isn't the same thing as strength in most games. My gripe with the system was that some stats like might and vitality were almost never checked in dialogue while stuff like resolve and intelligence were far more frequent.
they're literally everywhere
the whole world is made of kickstarter backer OCs
I can not click on them if I like but every time I saw one it reminded me that in its place there could've been a thought-out NPC, with a backstory and reason for being in that exact position at that point in time. Instead it's Coldsteel the Hedgehog and his harem of half-orc, half-elf, half-cat lesbian lovers.
>I can not click on them if I like but every time I saw one it reminded me that in its place there could've been a thought-out NPC, with a backstory and reason for being in that exact position at that point in time.
ummm, no, they would have just been blank slate filler characters. your expectations are fucking ridiculous dude, what infinity engine rpgs have completely unique and varied background characters in taverns and cities???? all obsidian did was fucking replace 'generic copy paste townperson #2313' with a backer character, who cares.
Sounds like a defence of lazy development
>Well no other infinity engine games have interesting characters hanging around, so it's okay that Obsidian don't bother either and instead pepper shitty immersion breaking, poorly written ghost things all over the place instead.
Mate, they're garbage. Why are you defending them so much? If the Witcher 3 was littered with weird obnoxious ghosts with god fucking awful, disjointed, out of place stories, would that be okay? Well you could just ignore them but why should I? They're shit and lazy
>Well you could just ignore them but why should I
Autism of the highest order.>>Well no other infinity engine games have interesting characters hanging around, so it's okay that Obsidian don't bother either and instead pepper shitty immersion breaking, poorly written ghost things all over the place instead.
So basically what you are saying is that unless every NPC in future RPGs is handcrafted and has a backstory then the devs aren't doing enough and it's a shit game, ok good to know.
I agree with all of your complaints but still think Pillars of Eternity was great. Hopefully, there won't be golden backers and considerably less trash mobs this time around.
>Since this one isn't crowdfunded they won't be around.
This is most certainly getting crowdfunded on Fig. Feargus being a Fig investor along with Avellone spilling the beans (even though he's not in Obsidian anymore) confirms it
This is just the countdown for the beginning of the campaign.
Not him and I enjoyed the game, but I the backer NPCs did feel like they took out from the immersion of the game. The vast majority of them had an annoying name and a weird special dress so they stand out. As if that isn't bad enough, half of them are fucking godlikes (Which are supposed to be rare, and not counting backer NPCs, there only exist 2 of them in the whole game)
I will be very disappointed in Obsidian if they still have a stretch goal that has you become a NPC. I'm fine with tombstones, but not this Gold shit. Time wasted writing their backstories can be time spent populating cities with more interesting stuff.
>Time wasted writing their backstories can be time spent populating cities with more interesting stuff.
The whole point of them as a backing incentive is that it takes fuck all time for them to be put in the game, all the backstory is already written by the backer and they just hit random generate a few times and they're in the game.
No, they actually wrote them down based on Backer requests. It was a "we write your fanfiction" kind of deal.
White march any good?
Yeah. Very enjoyable, more so than the main game.
Hasn't this one been in pre-production since late 2015?
Around that time, yeah. This time around I imagine they're gonna show actual gameplay footage and trailers and shit but still try to get it kickstarted for that extra marketing bonus.
>Heaps and heaps of annoying trash mobs everywhere
If you don't want that then you probably should choose another genre.
why is he holding that M136 AT4 so wrong?
To be fair, there really were way too trash mobs, especially at the start. They patched a few of them out. The mega-dungeon is still too long, though.
>ywn see Eder meet his god
Inb4 he's the last boss fight of the game
you are the avatar of Eothas
that would shoehorn me into railroaded good guy experience (the gods can't step outside their designated personality boundaries), which isn't the case with PoE
Edér is the avatar of Eothas
I remember that was the theory for the first game too. I thought it was neat at the time.
It could also be a cool excuse to have the classic Level 1 dilemma. You die at the start of the game and reincarnate under a new body but still keeping all your memories.
4 days until what?
More like Johny Sawyerini, it's based in pseudo-Italy
bump, wtf is happening in 4 days? livestream?