What's the 7-1 of the e-sports?
What's the 7-1 of the e-sports?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cosmo getting beat so bad he turned into a girl
Perfect legend challenges Sonic Fox to a first to 10 and loses 13-0
and the full thing
Well-coordinated and heavily practiced Reddit team beaten by a rag-tag group of Sup Forumsirgins run by a furry tripfag and a BR with 140 ping
this is the only correct answer
>Sup Forums got completely blown out the first 2 games and was 4-0 in the 3rd game
>anywhere close to a 7-1 moment
wtf was that shit man.
holy kek
>you played the wrong character
Every time.
My b.
Cosmo vs John Numbers
0-50 lowtiergod vs punishere
not quite what you're asking but Overwatch vs Battleborn is a good one
I can't think of one. E-sports guys are all tryhards that love nothing more than crushing their oponebts effortlessly. The Germans were instructed to play worse and not pursue any more points which is why we got 7-1 and not 11-0
>shitass talks shit out his ass
>gets nuked by one of the top players of all time
gotta go with these as the closest thing. never seen someone get annihilated quite like that.
Guy made an disstrack about another player, and then got destroyed by him youtu.be
ffffffuck i need more of this absolute gold. Are there any more vids with shit talkers getting put in their place?
If you like smash
This is a perfect example.
Arturo: "Did we learn anything"
Spooky: "No, no."
So clean.
The FGC is the place to be for salty matches
If you haven't seen it already, enjoy this entire hour of entertainment
>diss track
These are disgustingly embarrassing
I know LTG is all talk and shit, but i still think Vicant was pretty scared when the big black guy suddenly showed up.
He did tell him to waste the taste of his dick out of his mouth at the end so I think he got over it.
The worst thing LTG could have done was start fighting him on camera and he probably knew that.
Please post Filipino chimp getting destroyed.
this hurts to watch
>Looked him straight in the eye
>Didn't even blink
>Washes his ass and continues to talk shit to his face
I thought he did pretty good in the face of big black man trying to be intimidating.
You're right.
It was one of the greatest comebacks of all time and it was lead by a bunch of nobodies.
>>Looked him straight in the eye
>>Didn't even blink
Just like a deer you just flashed with the vehicle that's gonna kill it.
I mean sure, he got over it after the fat guy started interviewing LTG, but im pretty sure he was scared at first.
Nothing wrong with that either, niggers are known to chimp out and call all their homies out of nowhere.
There was a SC2 match, P v Z (dont remember protoss players name, but Z was played by Idra) where protoss lost a huge amount of army, regrouped and hallucinated a bunch of colossi and Idra ragequit the match.
He claims he knew they were hallucinated but...
This is the only correct answer.
I don't give a damn about Mortal Combat and still watched the full thing last year. It's hilarious and I'm 99% sure it doesn't get better than this.
I don't think it's the exact equivalent of the "7-1" meme but the Daigo full parry is pretty exiting.
Daigo full parry is two incredibly evenly matched players performing an incredible feat under stress.
Completely different than a high stakes match becoming a total wash and dishonoring an entire country (if you can call Brazil a country).
Not exactly a 7-1, but still relevant.
>ltg says he'll never lose to a smash player
>loses to anti
>goes apeshit on twitter
It was against Huk.
John Numbers literally made Cosmo his bitch!
France beating Korea 5-0 in the finals of Nationwars 3 (SC2).
Not exactly e-sports, but if Method gets the Mythic Gul'dan world first next week or in the next two weeks it'll be pretty big.
Ever since Serenity broke from Method nobody expected the new Method to beat Serenity, but they're 2-0 now and the excuse Serenity gave both times is that what matters is Gul'dan, so we'll see.
I wouldn't be surprised if Serenity disbands if they lose yet again.
>first game
Yeah I'm not a football fan so I didn't watch the game. Was it pretty much decided at the start of the match or was it 1-1 or 2 - 1 or something for a long time before becoming 7-1 in the 90th minute?
If the latter than I guess it is close enough.
If the former: top lel.
IG vs EG was a bigger stomp tho
1-0 at minute 22/90
5-0 at minute 29/90
The time BoxeR bunker rushed YellOw three times in a row in the 2004 Ever OSL semi-finals.
>not EG getting 22-0'd by iG
Man i wish chinks were this good again.
link to this?
Do you remember when july zerg beat up that one protoss with like 3 cheese strats to win the golden mouse or some shit?
get out
vid link?
You're thinking of the Ever OSL 2008 finals, which had him do two cheesy strats and the third being a decently long macro game.
Headphones warning.
thanks m8.
Best was fucking crying after that lmao.
>insane level
more like cosmo was already fucked in the head at that point so he made beginner tier mistakes
I don't give a fuck.
>that zoom-in on his face
Im confused, can't read twitter for shit.
who started what?
Impressive beat down but damn that game looks like shit
the loser mocked the furry and got rekt
good god I didn't realise just how destroyed he was, that was hard to watch
battleborn twitter taunting the overwatch twitter with "come at me bro".
if you're still surprised battleborn tanked, look no further.
straight from google
LTG is a pussy though.
Not who you replied to but thanks, I'm having a blast
That's fucking embarassing
I don't know much of anything about the fighting game community so this could be inaccurate, but I remember hearing 2 years back or so that some Peruvian showed up at a major tournament for Marvel vs Capcom 3 with a "team" (I really don't even know how these games work) composed of fighters that completely went against the agreed upon tier list within the community and then proceeded to wipe the floor with everyone.
what autism did I jut witness, did that guy literally concede because someone in the crowd was yelling 'hoo ha'?
Holy shit the excuses.
His name is KaneBlueRiver. He's from Chile.
He basically ran a heavies Hulk/Haggar/Sentinel team to tank the first hit of most people's combos and convert it into his own combos of death. People didn't think it would work, but it did, and all the top players were salty because they were embarrassed to lose by it.
Just look at Chirs G. Everyone called him a faggot for using the Morrigan/Doom bullshit, but everyone now just says "it's a viable strategy." Everyone hates fighting shit they don't know how to get around.
It's hard posting the whole thing that led up to this but it's still gold.
Why are e-sports people such salty children?
Being awfully generous there
First post, best post
Didn't 7-1 happen years ago? Is Sup Forums this deprived of decent memes? Brazil even won the men's football at the olympics for fuck's sake
Important context is that Filipino Champ beat KBR in a first to 15 the previous day and was being massive cunt, including
>Screaming "this is my game" in his face
>Physically touching him at some points
>Purposefully pausing the game to give KBR free wins because "he needed to catch up"
>Doing trolly shit in game like spamming Magento's push move to his grappler based team
>olympics football
>mattering at all
Hell no it was not
>2014 was almost 3 years ago
What the fuck
KBR deserves all the shit talk that he gets honestly.
hes a bum who begs for money despite winning evo because he wasted it on loli figures.
didn't LTG go 0-50 against some Chun player?
A national humiliation takes years, nay decades to overcome.
seriously, you expect me to watch 4 hours of autists?
But the analogy doesn't work since that faggot wasn't even expected to win in the first place
>tfw those threads after Ingerlund lost to Iceland in the European Championship
I hope we get more of that in the world cup
Perfect legend getting 13-0d in a first to 10
Look for "El Maracanazo", people don't forget
7-1 was such a total assfucking, at the world cup, at their HOME FIELD.
You don't overcome that, ever.
>olympics football
Literally who cares?
why not pick a bigger meme sports?
Germans don't let things go that easily.
See the holocaust hoax.
Both time where /vg/ played wargame with reddit. Bith time they won using the same tactic.
Don't you mean Perfect 13gend?
Not exactly esports user.
If anything between Sup Forums and reddit was to be remembered it's the tribes match
I´m still pissed at that violation of a classic Sup Forums flash becoming a banner.
>Sup Forums classic
I'm pissed that cuckolds like you exist.