Unirocally the best fighting game move of all time
Unirocally the best fighting game move of all time
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>one of the most iconic and legendary
>best move of all time
I dont think so
>search google for image
>it's fucking jojo
jojofags are the new furries
>manga that came out in the late 80-s and became popular in the late 90-s
>manga that i'd never even heard of until the last year or so, now it's suddenly everywhere i look
the manga/anime might not be new but the gigantic influx of jojo bullshit is definitely new
>Super easily blockable
his point stands though, new jojo fanbase it's the worst
It's because of normalfags
There were references to it, you just didn't recognize it and filtered it out as just "weebshit"
The manga isn't but the fanbase most certainly is new faggot. Most jojofags weren't aware of the series until the anime started airing in 2012
It blew my mind to find out that this meme came from Jojo.
Is there any reason it's a steamroller? Isn't Dio's power just to stop time?
This is untrue.
Actually, it'd make Jojo like the new MLP. An old ass fucking franchise that was sitting dormant until it got a new TV series, and is completely unlike what most shows are about. If MLP is about cartoon horses in an industry with action cartoons, Jojo is about fabulous men doing fabulous poses in an industry infected with CGDCGT BUT WITH X gimmicks.
So if MLP fans are called Bronies, then are Jojo fans called Posers?
>never heard of it until recently
>ZA WALDO and WRRRRYYYYY and the like were memes from when Sup Forums was young
How long have you been here?
He is also strong as fuck due to him also being a vampire.
JJBA anime fanbase is to Sup Forums what the PC-and-after release of Dark Souls is to Sup Forums
maybe you would've heard of it before if you werent such a newfag
go away
I like it better in KOF 2003
>just because I havent heard of it means its new and shitty
Grow up
>because you never heard of it before means there were no fans of it before
ok, autist
come back once you realize the world isn't revolving around you
Fucking savage
Well I figured he was strong as fuck, he just picked up a steamroller.
So it's just some random thing, then? Was this a reference to something that actually happened in the comic, or were the devs just havin a laff?
I don't particularly have any interest in watching Jojo, but I can appreciate it and don't just hate it based on "ITS POPULAR AND THE FANBASE IS ANNOYING" because I'm not a fucking mongoloid.
Is Jojo the Steven Universe of anime?
That's not Terry Bogard's entire moveset.
it comes out of nowhere for no goddamn reason.
DIO just grabs some random road roller (that was never shown before) and smashes that fucker on Jotaro.
The people posting it every fucking day in every thread are the anime faggots
Yes it happens. Yes you are retarded. Your first thought was the devs were being wacky for the hell of it rather than adapting something that happened in the manga? Get over yourself.
Just fucking watch jojo.
Not watching Jojo is a retarded thing to do.
Also it was probably the heaviest object he could find in the nearby vicinity and that's why he used it.
There is no symbolism behind it.
The steamroller thing actually happens in the manga/anime.
This doesnt happen as much as you believe it happens. Quit being such a negative nancy.
It's an actual thing that happened in the comic
It serves an actual purpose in the comic too, as it's when Jotaro is revealed to also be able to stop time and he just escapes from under it
nigger I was referring to the manga and how it appears DIO is on a bridge with nothing around, then he grabs a steamroller from seemingly out of nowhere.
It's one of the most punishable supers in the game, Young Joseph can fully charge up the ripple beam super (highest damage super in the game) as a punish and hit Dio as the comes back down, doing roughly 50%
This looks so shit. What's the appeal?
Maybe it just isn't for you.
watch it and find out
It's good, but not if you take the final fight out of context
Part 1 and 2 are objectively better in the anime version
Is it full of tumblr shit?
hell no
No way it's either time stop onto as many star breakers as you can input finishing off with non stand mode oras or shin shoryuken
That I can agree with
Part 3 is better as a read
Part 4 has been good from what I've seen, I'm still on highway star because for some reason I dropped it and want to pick it back up but eh
>this adaptation it's better than the source
you realize how retarded is that statement?
If 75% of the episodes were shitty filler unrelated to the plot, yes.
Is this one of those Jojo references?
It's less of a reference and more of a direct sprite rip from a jojo game
have you read part 1 and 2? Part 2 is debatable, but Part 1 is vastly improved by DP. It still doesn't fix the middle, but it at least makes it bearable.
name one tumblr thing in JoJo
The Godfather movie is objectively better than the book
Furshit is a mental sickness, Jojofags are just a new fanbase. Every new fanbase is fucking annoying to the outsiders
>Part 5 isn't his favorite
>watched part 3 anime like the champ i am
>watch part 4 too
>get excite for part 5
>try and read the part 5 manga
>see pic related
What the fuck, they were actually teenagers? They look like men in their 30s in the anime.
That's just the shitty modern araki artstyle. he can't draw his old characters at all, especially the buff ones like Jonathan/Joseph
Jotaro and Kakyoin are teenagers, Joseph and Avdol are adults and Polnareff I don't think it's ever really stated but I always placed him in his 20s somewhere
Jotaro and Kakyoin were high school students
Giorno is the worst.
no shit, Jotaro and Kakyoin are still in High School when part 3 happened.
Reminder that Young Joseph is arguably the most honest character in the game and if you lose to him you got outplayed
Polnareff looks young in part 5
>not Pot Buster or EWGF
Pretty good choice still but not the best
Jojo manga had a solid fanbase you faggot
Part 7 is best
Part 5 is pretty good
Part 6 is WORST
He's never included whenever anyone makes remarks to Jotaro and Kakyoin about being students so I think he's older than that at least
More like Jobronies. Get the fuck out of my gym.
>being so young you don't remember people spamming WRYYYYYYYY and ZA WARUDO eons before the anime came out
Jojo memeing is not even remotely a new thing
>the best fighting game move of all time
Budokai 3 Broly's Blaster Shell.
>sitting dormant
Not in Japan
Actually I'm well aware of that, I was just referring to how it had a sudden surge in popularity.
Yeah, Sup Forums sure didn't change at all.
Not at all.
One of them is made for girls under the age of 10. The other is made for teenager boys and young men. Argument is invalid.
It's alright
>twenty years old
Next you're going to say, "I was only pretending to be retarded"
>tfw no jojo game that properly simulates the tacticool asspull fights
>Fan art of a 20 year old series = Tumblrsit pandering
dude is that loss
Its a goddamn city, there has to be construction somewhere and there HAD to be a steamroller somewhere.
It's also a fighting game, what the fuck is your point?
It's yo not wo
Get the fuck outta here with that shit opinion of yours
yeah but in 9 seconds? I know dio is fast and time matters very little in JoJo, but come on.
when i actually got around to reading the manga i was disappointed that dio used his fucking elbows for some reason instead of clawing at the thing with his vampire hands like in this move
The fighter is literally either characters with punchghosts throwing ridiculously overpowered bullshit at each other or weapon stand users/a ripple user trying to find a way around the punchghosts bullshit
I'd say that's pretty accurate
There are a lot of fags jumping on this post but it is 100% fact. I habe been browsing Sup Forums longer than I care to admit and knew about jojo long before that.
JoJo posting is a new phenomenon.
Araki's art got worse over time
Part 3 is his peak, where he was able to draw his buff characters with great proportions and faces
Then it became full of narrow shouldered sissies who take estrogen hourly.
He's 22. It said on his character sheet.
Glad to see someone who appreciates early JoJo. Parts 1 and 2 are my favourites and classic JoJo.
how'd the road roller survive two guys pounding it at the speed of light
>Makes DIOs son the protag of a part
>He's awful, and only less boring than Jotaro and Jonathan
How did Araki fuck that up s much?
I'd say he's worse than Jotaro and Jonathan to be honest