Any good games about the timeless legend of King Arthur?

Any good games about the timeless legend of King Arthur?


Runescape has an entire quest line about him and Merlin. Unfortunately, Camelot is only a single building instead of a country.

Do you not like black folks OP?


But that's a black comedy series, right?

you do?

Tbh I'm more bothered about historical accuracy than post modern revisionism.

Yeah, his name is Buru Pureppa.




Do you think it would be well received if I made a Luke Cage movie and made Cage a white guy?

lol king Arthur is a fictional character who gives a shit, the stuff from BF1 was a bigger deal

>Learned about King Arthur from RuneScape
>Learned about Romeo and Juliet from RuneScape
>Learned about economics from RuneScape
Tricked into playing an educational game.


Would anyone care? I don't hear any blsck people complaining about the new Falcon being white

Divine Divinity has a sword you can pull from a stone and a merlin type character, if that counts

>The two guys who ruined Camelot are black
Not really surprising, the real surprise is that no one complained about it.

> who gives a shit.

You are now realising king Arthur is literally the prophesied messiah of the English peoples who will arise once more when the kingdom needs him most.

What kind of fucked up timeline did we get stuck on?

>new Falcon is white
Marvel is taking this whole "let's swap genders and skin colors" too far

10 out of 10 chance that the director is a cuck or a jew.

>game takes place is the past
>cast is unrealisticaly racially diverse

If I was a TV producer I would make a WW2 drama where everyone is black (even the nazis) for shit and giggles.

he's Mexican

Don't really have a strong opinion towards the group as a whole.

>Let's make a fun pseudo-historical action drama show about Lancelot
>Yeah and we can make him a black guy! Brownie points!
>Oh shit lancelot was actually a bad guy
>fuck fuck we can still do this
>"Alternate History!"

>King Arthur's folk tale
>Black people

It's like having mexicans in Mulan

Black Knight 2 is finally coming out?

close enough

>historical accuracy
>about fictional stories


Not the point, there was no fucking need for a change

shieeet we knightz now

Didn't lancelot actually cuck king arthur?

Wasn't Lancelot literally cucked?

well the old Falcon is Captain America, so the spot was vacant

Did they also make king Arthur a cute girl?


>game takes place in the past
>protagonists share 21st century sensibilities and are basically just modern day people
>antagonist is what the people of that period were actually like

no, Lancelot cuckolded Arthur

that's like, the whole plot

Battlefield 1 (ww1)

>Steve dies
>Falcon doens't want to be the Cap
>Bucky becomes the new Cap
>Steves comes back
>Something happens to him and he's not Cap anymore
>Instead of Bucky taking the mantle again, Falcon, who never wanted in the first place, takes it now


>this summer
>Tom Cruise is
>Malcolm X

Nope he's white, and the villain

>Camelot was forsaken because guinevere wanted the BBC

Who here /Axeknight/?

Bucky didn't want to be Cap again

>feel the need to turn white characters black
>when there is literally a moorish knight, sir Morien

He was all black, even as I tell ye: his head, his body, and his hands were all black, saving only his teeth. His shield and his armour were even those of a Moor, and black as a raven…

>Lancelot and Melanin

Oh also didn't remembered that part

>Arthur seeketh for a knight worthy of knighthood in Avalon Island
>Finds Lancelot
>He swears loyalty to him
>Arthur goes to find the Holy Grial to the Crusades
>Comes back
>Mordred, his son, fucked everything up and tried to take the throne
>Morgana helped him
>Everything's on chaos
>All the knights that were left behind were circlejerking each other
>Where the fuck is Lancelot? Oh...
>Lancelot has been banging Guinivere, Arthur's wife
>Also Lancelot has a bastard son that he didn't took care of
>Guinivere and Lancelot fuck off to the horizon, leaving the kingdom in flames
>Arthur has to take care of Galahad, Lancelot's son, and kill Mordred and Morgana to take back his place

Sounds black alright

Do you even need to axe that?
