Cheeky MK8 Sup Forumseekend thread.
This may be the last chance to play with Sup Forums before Nintendo kills it with MK Deluxe.
4584 9410 2777
It's an old Sup Forums tourney. If it asks for a password, it's 'rage'.
Cheeky MK8 Sup Forumseekend thread.
This may be the last chance to play with Sup Forums before Nintendo kills it with MK Deluxe.
4584 9410 2777
It's an old Sup Forums tourney. If it asks for a password, it's 'rage'.
I thought these died off due to faggots ruining them, though I never really took part so I wouldn't mind it if this thread takes off.
2/12 currently.
No attentionwhoring.
Come join us, we can use the company.
Come in.
is this shit 200cc?
oh sweet, I just hacked my Wii U too
Might as well play these online games before Nintendo pulls the plug
too fast
Yes. And with the 2 DLC.
Also 5/12
Lets go!!
I am currently spectating.
Maebbie! Bully me
Join us. There's a ShyGuy that's winning all the races and needs to get his butt kicked.
Nope, sorry. Constantly running into shit and off the track is not fun in the slightest. Make a 150cc tourney and I'll come back.
>hmm, maybe I should join for some fu-
yeah, I'll pass.
this, the tracks weren't designed for 200cc
literally who is he? Just ignore him
Gonna need the cemu room code.
you can play online on cemu?
I do know how to play. Tracks were not designed for 200cc.
>in order to enjoy going fast you have to go slow!
>you can't join because you don't have the necessary dlc
braking is part of racing too
if you're a yank I don't expect you to every fully understand that
>Tfw 8th
Feels good man
But muh 4K
heh they forgot i stop and let them pass to fire a red shell
>controller goes full potato right before race starts
>paying for online
lmao nintencucks
I'll play once the dlc comes out
>That fag is still alive
Not racing
I am worse at this game than I remember
It's almost on.
is alice in the lobby? I'm not joining otherwise.
no worried, my cute little kitten, we have found quite a lot new people and regulars
Joining. Thanks for the thread.
It seems like competition is finally sparking up in the top.
Cheers, guys. You're very good.
cum error ;_;
finally regulars to bully
Let's wait for more players.
>Tfw when can't break 10th
Is it time?
Joining in a bit
how do you even have star as 3rd, candy. I saved that blue shell for one round
lmaoing at your life
couldn't afford an elgato?
Same user here. How long does it usually take to join the group?
>full room on the day I can't play
please tell me there will be more
The lobby is full right now. You're gonna to have to wait a bit.
I shouldn't have to come to a complete stop to turn a corner in a video game. Sorry that I don't like your precious "Gotta brake all the time" mode, I play racing games to go fast.
AmarecTV is a free program I'm using to display the capture.
My capture device is an Avermedia HD DVR, which when I bought it 3-4 years ago, I wasn't too big into streaming, so didn't want to go all out on a big name capture device. I bought one that suited my needs and was only about $80, and it does what I need it to. Elgato is a meme.
>every other course is babby park
who said brake all the time?
I knew this was pointless
I'm sure there will be a lot when Deluxe comes out
Breaking is essential in most racing games. I think you're confusing the genre with Sanic
I don't actually have an elgato
I have a USA-TECH brand HD recorder which does hdmi and component, the box itself if the encoder so I can plug it into my tablet to record stuff anywhere I go
it's nice but it only records 720/60 or 1080/30, which was fine when I got it a few years ago, but 1440 is pretty much the standard monitor now so it's a bit lacking
alright for £35 though, definitely got my moneys worth
>candy blocking the jump shortcut with a star
Yeah, no.
So should I just wait on the track select screen or keep exiting and re entering?
If you wait in the lobby, you for more people to join you. If you go in and out, you may end up with us if someone leaves.
They should be putting you in spectetor mode while the lobby is full, if not, just wait a bit and try again later.
I'll take 3rd place, thanks
>Picking Neo Bowser city at 200cc
Y-you assholes…
git gud, scrub
Not in this lobby but fucking hell I swear I'm a magnet for getting hit by items
Stop this, Kevin
Hurry up
>enter thread
>see familiar names and remember that /mk8g/ was a cesspool
dodged a bullet there
MK8 threads have become cancer. Where can you go to play MK8 with people that aren't cringe worthy?
Thanks for passing by. We care about you too, stranger.
>only in 8th
>went 5 places up from the last race
This is why it's my favorite course
>tfw not gud enough to do the Yoshi circuit shortcut with shrooms
>go for the most handling and accel I can
>still can't turn for shit
This game is just too cuhrazee for me.
Yeah nah. Shit wasn't designed for that. Fuck off.
>Currently spectating, get ready
>it's a 2 player match
Goddannit lemme in already
Reddit maybe.
>stealing my 2nd place like that
Oh boy
>comm error
I will play with you guys again in MK8 Deluxe on the Switch
in random matchmaking, where the worst thing someone can say to you is "I'm using motion controls!"
>I play MK8 to go slow
>bought the game at launch and pre-ordered the season pass
>don't even get a digital discount on MK8DX
Thanks, Nintendo.
>Mommy, it's too fast!
>using a goldshroom
>hit by backwards shell
>it's alright, I can recover
>hit by star
>it's alright, I can recover
>fall off edge
>can't recover
My performance is declining
It's ok, the game will be dead soon.
>tfw le occasional 6th man
>speed up towards the sword blindly trusting someone to activate the remaining switch
>green shell on the finish line, still third
Nice try.
>TFW i brought a speed kart to a handling kart party
Brb, gotta change up my parts
I will only play if Alice is playing
>tfw using Toad on weak shit and still running off road constantly even while braking