Packet time Sup Forums

Packet time Sup Forums

whats in the box?


>buying WiiU

you fucked up OP

Please be dragon dildos


aids in a box



There's something lewd about bubble wrap

Oh boy it's the tiny dragon dildo guy again. Great...

you fucking underage trash

super smattering of dragon dildos?


I can't remember the last time I saw purple packaging in an unboxing thread.

>that huge box for fucking smash

Take a closer look user...

Not only is this a repost, it's not even your content

We can tell from the filename that you saved it from Sup Forums, dipshit



It's still fucking nothing and not even vidya

>Sup Forums filenames
The thread was literally days ago

Fuck off, retard. It's an anonymous board, what are you gaining from copying someone else's pictures and claiming them as your own? If you need attention this badly, just fucking off yourself on camera. It's a win win for everyone.

Nice copycat, faggot

Why would you save pictures and repost them like your own? It's an anonymous imageboard, what do you gain from doing this? If you need attention this badly, just off yourself on camera. It's a win win for everyone.