Join voice chat

>join voice chat
>people make fun of your voice

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry user

just give 'em the best comeback

>He doesn't have a deep voice

>join voice chat
>don't talk
>eventually people notice you're in voice chat
>people ask you to talk more
>you don''t and they think you're weird
what do when you crave social interaction but are incompetent at it and scared of it

>be trans
>have a fem voice
>join CSS 64 player server
>start chatting on the mic
>server explodes
>half white knighting; half freaking out over a girl (male)
>admin comes in
>asks what the fuck is happening
>sees the shitshow
>you have been banned: reason: sorry, it's easier just to ban you than 30+ people

Fucking asshole

I'm pretty sure I do but it just sounds like shit

>join image board
>people make fun of your image

>be European
>nobody uses mic because nobody speaks english, or rather nobody wants to speak it

you're the fucking asshole you demented cunt

No one here has the balls to mock me

Just open your fucking mouth and speak dude holy shit. It really isn't that hard.

I have a fem voice too but have never had a problem like that, you did something else

>be trans

you're the asshole here

seek help for your mental disorder

>speak under your breath all the time
>sometimes run out of breath while speaking

I may have alluded to offering services at a major convention near where the server was hosted. maybe.

>open mouth
>studder like crazy
>can't control volume of voice
>can't find something okay to say
I did it

>join chat
>people question the quality of your prose

well then it's obviously that you're a dumb whore and feel the need to let everyone know, not that you're trans or have an effeminate voice

Stop telling this gay ass story fag

>person has open mic
>jut hear their fan blowing non-stop

just say "okay" one word, two syllables, easy peezy


this is a girl(male)

>tfw deep as fuck voice.
>tfw high voice beta faggots don't stand a chance if we get into an argument.

u mad?

>tfw people enjoy my voice and say I should do ASMR

How the fuck can people talk while playing ?
Im too focused on my shit to talk

t. newfag

>seek help for your mental disorder
You realize a psychiatrist is just going to tell you to transition.

>join game with voice chat
>there's an obvious chad
>he's chill, everyone thinks he's funny and talks to him
>be salty as fuck at the chad for no reason

>o-OKay (nervous breathing)

>join voice chat
>people insist you're from a country you aren't from
Guess I've learned to mask my accent at least

>be 21
>joining casual voice chat for some team play with acquaintances and some friends
>'haha, dude, are you 12?'

In frustration, I ended up getting one of those overkill Yeti-Blue mics

I still sound 12

you are 12

>Being jealous of another man
How pathetic can you possibly be user?

>have deep voice
>get told im a squeaker and that im using voice mods
>get told i sound like sans
gee a deep voice sure does wonders online
at least i managed to make people think i was cr1tikal once and they gave me free games

kys yourself degenerate

Fuck me are people really this insecure? Just grow a pair, damn.

I had a guy exactly like this in my RO2 server the other day, he was playing teamleader so he was talking constantly. I was laughing at him.

I wouldn't say I'm insecure, I just have bad social anxiety

> still no awesome real-time robo-voice filters