What games do you play in public places?
What games do you play in public places?
None. If you think playing video games in public is acceptable, you're a neckbeard and any hope of ever getting laid is long gone.
>how insecure can you be
shadowvers mostly, sometimes bring my ds, but never out and able to play for long anyway so its thats almost never worth it
I usually play my Aoba during lunch brake at work
I don't play video games in public places, I do my reps.
None, it's very risky to someone to steal you, same when using a phone
I play mobile games in public areas because I don't have a portable.
Granblue Fantasy.
I play animal crossing on my n3DS in public and I fuck my wife every night
sorry you're too casual to do both
You're afraid someone's going to steal you? That's pretty cute.
>fucking one's wife every single night
Well that's a lie.
the waiting game and the silent game
peenis weenis etc.
None, I'm not a manchild waste of life. I can go an hour or two out of the house without bringing toys along.
>his wife doesn't have an overloaded sex drive due to implanon
Maybe he's recently married.
>going in public in the first place
None. I only bring my handhelds with me when I'm going to a friend or family house, and that's not public. I don't have games on my phone.
>this projection
What the hell is that!?
I don't really play in public. If I'm out and about then I'm too busy for that. At best, some shitty mobile game.
I usually play FFXII on my laptop with an Xbox controller on the subway.
I also weigh 300 pounds and own multiple fedoras.
Does anyone else get too embarrassed to play a handheld in public? I think it's mainly because of conformity.
Who knows, maybe it's a blessing in disguise.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
i don't go out into public unless there's something i need to do. even then, im too busy doing whatever that thing i need to do is and then afterwards its strait back home.
I'm actually severely underweight. Not a good look desu.
Monster Monpiece. I sit in cafes and play it below the table.
None. I don't play handhelds in public and I hate playing games on a phone.
I just read stuff.
I usually go on Sup Forums or reddit
Project Diva F2d
Shogi on my phone
Good thing I play Vita in public.
>he lives anywhere near niggers
Your own fault.
>it's your own fault you chose to be born in x country
Yeah, what was I thinking?
I've been playing persona 4, senran kagura and attack on titan (super shit game btw) and even got a bit of discussion about them with strangers
Any JRPG is fine
But do not play yuribaits (e.g:Neptunia) in public
Platformers and shooting are also acceptable if there are tons of people passing.
>playing in the park
What is the reason for this? it would be better to play in a queue
A Vita looks considerably less autistic than a 3DS, probably because it doesn't look like a fucking toy.
I own both and I also only play the Vita in public.
If you are on any level faded by that you are have some serious esteem issues man.
When I have a 2 hour train comute I'll play my ds, thing is made for it
Playing vidya in public is ok as long as you have headphones in / volume turned off, it's not some chinkychinky desudesu weeb shit, and you're not morbidly obese and smell like sweat and urine.
None. If I'm out in public, I'm doing something.
I always get home ASAP.
every weekend i put on some fancy robes and go to a public park and scream about the tyranny of yhvh, the impending apocalypse, and the perks of living in a world of str.
Are you winning, son?
i play my favorite game of all time, bullying anime nerds
Name me one good Sunday Night HBO program
t. fedora wearing manchild with nothing to lose
To normal people they are the same. The reason playing games on your phone is different from playing on your little game machines is that phones are versatile devices and owning one doesn't make you anything. Meanwhile, owning (and shamelessly using) a dedicated gaming toy signals to the world just how important games are to you. And that's not very attractive.
>To normal people they are the same.
Actually no, at least not in my experience. I had quite a few 'normal' people mistake my Vita for a phone, which never happened while playing 3DS.
Woops I play video games in public AND have sex maybe you're just ugly user
snuggling your daki doesn't count. Pretty sad that you have to lie on the internet to support your tattered ego.
You don't have to believe me sir but unfortunately for you it's true. But if it helps you feel less ugly and/or autistic you can live in your deluded fantasy I suppose.
>video games are the reason I don't get laid
>It's not my various other physical and or social problems
Mobile shit.
Yeah, best case scenario people won't notice. Still doesn't make Vita acceptable on any level.
>doubling down on denial
god damn this board is full of sad, sad people. when did it go wrong?
>He doesn't know that people are either interested or just simply don't care that you have a handheld
If you're worried about looking autistic you either are too socially worried about your image and what people think of you or you often do autistic things and are autistic and so don't like unwanted attention.
In fact, having things from my hobbies helps me to start conversations at my job.