Who /trade/ in for Switch here?
im thinking about it.
Even if I had one I wouldnt trade it in because it's a great system with great titles. This comes from a guy who preordered the Switch
nintendrones that don't actually own a ps4 like you, and
name one besides bloodborne
name six besides your shriveled unused dick
im not a nintendrone
i've only owned sony for 10 years now.
the ps4 doesn't have any games that interest me anymore.
uncharted iv
proof ps4 has no games
You'd have to be a brain dead retard to do something like this.
you know no one actually like uncharted.
they all forced themselves to like it because it was the only competent game on the system.
its not even fun
Just these few weeks?
>Gravity Rush 2
>Yakuza 0
Sonyggers are a sad bunch. Kill yourself.
>I don't like it therefore nobody likes it!!!!
Let me guess, OP is a brain dead retard who only likes western shit and is put off from the ps4 because of all the japanese games.
Fuck off
Well maybe 90 playthroughs of Bloodborne was enough for OP
>being too poor to afford multiple game platforms
I'm actually thinking about buying a PS4 sometime this year.
oh no, what would I do without a COD machine...
nah too many good games on ps4
I'd rather trade in my wii u desu
>look at my weeb games
wow you really got me there
nah but I'll probably sell my Wii U. I can't even remember the last time I used it
That's not the case, this is Sup Forums we're talking about, no one here is actually retarded enough to sell a console, for an underpowered gimmick console, for one game that isn't even exclusive to said console. Espcially with games coming out soon, nioh, nier, persona 5, horizon if its good, it's just not a logical investment.
That would be retarded. I'm poor and I can afford both
Just stop eating as much as you usually do
I am. PS4 is boring as fuck. No innovation. Just movie shit, Souls clones, and COD.
>Tales of Berseria
>Trails of Cold Steel 3
>Cyberdimension Neptune: 4 Goddesses Online
Just off the top of my head.
There hasn't been a big western game on a Nintendo platform in like 30 years.
You can't even name a vagina you've penetrated besides your mother's at birth, so why would I list anything for you?
are ponies upset because they know lots of people are did ?
no one is talking about generic ps4. Everyone is talking about NIntendo Switch.
Make the Switch .
Meant for
cancel pre-orders, f.am
Rockstar is bring LA Noir HD Edition to the Switch
ring a ding ding
lol embarrassing
>OP says he wants to trade his PS4
>blood thirsty sonyggers rush into the thread and attack
Be careful, when you walk into GameStop with a PS4 receipt, the balding PlayStation goblins will be summoned and they will proceed to skull fuck you and shove terrible shovelware weeb games into your asshole to convince you to stay.
the people in the nioh threads look like they're having fun, I'd like to be a part of it.
You should *switch* your living status to dead. Preferably with fire while drinking bleach
>trading the most powerful 8th gen console for a 7th gen handheld console
>one which costs 330 €
>one made by Nintendo without third party support
Brilliant idea!
There is absolutely no one who bought a Pro and is about to trade it in for an underpowered, over-priced, Nintendo gimmick machine that isn't even getting a Mario game for a minimum of 6 months. That's just too retarded. Hardly anyone bought the Pro anyway, and if they did, I'd bet that they weren't so poor that they'd have to trade in the powerful thing they just bought for a less powerful thing with no games, right as the PS4 is starting to GET games.
I'll be trading in Mario Kart 8, that's about it, seeing as it will be obsolete. At least I can get a good price so buying the DLC again won't be so fucking expensive.
Nice try Nintendrone $witchtosonywesosorry marketer $hill
What if not everyone on earth cares about nioh, nier, persona 5 and horizon(LOL)?
What if not everyone cares about "M-MUH GRAPHICS"?
Im trading in my wii u for a switch
You'd have to be legit retarded to trade in a ps4 for a switch in 2017.
That's because the wii u flopped and games were being moved to the switch.
>but muh pc
Yeah. I play all those games that you call "exclusives" at twice the amount of frame rate you get on your potato pc station 4.
>the order 1886
Literally 3 hour movie game I even regret renting it at redbox
Shameless rip off of dark souls from a comppany that tried to rip off monster hunter so many times but failed.
>Yakuza 0
>gravity rush 2
I've seen how it runs, runs like shit on ps4.
Now that PS4 has too many games, I will be trading in for Switch so I can go back to a console without games.
Pre-reveal rumor bullshit.
Still waiting for that Ubisoft Rabbits RPG, Beyond Good and Evil 2, and a plethora of other bullshit rumored titles to be announced.
But by all means buy a platform based on game rumors. It wouldn't be the dumbest shit drones do.
It's so funny watching console wars. Do you guys ever ask yourselves why you let people bait you so easily? Does it get you off to look frustrated? What exactly do you gain by stuttering and crying while you justify a purchase of a toy?
>I've seen how it runs, runs like shit on ps4.
Meanwhile 22FPS BotW runs great. Praise Nintendo. Praise the 1 game machine Switch.
>this is coming from the lardass neckbeard permavirgin hot pocket stained parents' basement dwelling manchild who has been playing rehashes, ramkes and rereleases of MUH MARIOS MUH ZELDAS for the past 25+ years and considers them the peak of video games.
Switch's library consists of literally iOS tier shovelware diarrhea like 1,2 Switch, Arms and re-releases at full price like MK Rehash 8 and even Breath of the Wild is a fucking port. KEK!
One section has that frame drop, but it beats all the games you listed.
Checkmate faggot.
>1 game machine
Look who's talking.
>It's so funny watching console wars.
No it's not. System wars is the biggest reason why Sup Forums is shit.
>Bitch about weeb games
>Buy a weeb console like switch
Like poetry
I do, its my NaughtyDogStation
>One section has that frame drop, but it beats all the games you listed.
Yeah, a game that isn't even out yet. No one is taking you seriously when you have the fanboy flag so zealously.
You're probably another one of thse dumb fucks that the switch is a designated home console, when in fact it's the strongest handheld you'll ever see with the battery life of a 3ds.
>ios tier games
You're getting sloppy
It's funny because it's true
Nintendrones are fucked and sick in the head.
Yeah, I guess you're right. It is pretty terrible. I just don't know why people feel the need to justify buying a fucking hunk of plastic on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. If someone insults their system of choice, do they feel like they're being insulted as well?
I own one and I'm also getting a switch, dont be an idiot
No one is taking you seriously when you boast your shitty ps4 and try to compete it with a handheld because the pc shits on your stupid marketing scheme console.
>You're probably another one of thse dumb fucks that the switch is a designated home console
So, uhm, you mean like Nintendo themselves?
Kill yourself, you buttshattered Nintendicksucking pathetic loser.
I bought the PS3 for two games: MGS4 and BG&E2
and then the PS4 for Uncharted 4
I have a horrible track record with games getting delayed =(
>when in fact it's the strongest handheld you'll ever see with the battery life of a 3ds.
So it's trying to be a Vita. Except bigger and less portable.
should I do it Sup Forumsros ?
>Nintendo called it a home console multiple times in their reveal
>Criticize it for being a shitty home console
Nope it's a hybrid you stupid sonygger.
Never trade in consoles
Is this the part where I'm supposed to laugh? I'm assuming that was an attempt at a joke?
The vita is fucking awful, switch has btter hardware than a vita by a longshot.
>speedrun record is 4 hours
>The vita is fucking awful, switch has btter hardware than a vita by a longshot.
I see the point I made flew right over your head.
Holy shit so many sonyponys froffing mad right hot damn, hahahahaha you niggas got no chill
hahahahahahahaha it's just a game nigga hahahahahahahaha you actin like he's just raped your whole family hahahahahahahaha
fukken brand loyalists man hahahaha kissless virgins
This is the part where you run out shit to say.
nah, just bought gravity rush 2, nioh is coming out in like 2 weeks, nier is coming out in a month etc etc
I won't buy a switch either I'll rather wait, because I'm kinda dissapointed with the wiiu desu only got three wiiu games
>Thankfully, the game manages to reach and maintain a stable level of performance. Whether you're playing on a base PS4 or a Pro, you can expect that the overwhelming majority of your time with the game will be spent at a locked 30 frames per second.
Try again drone.
Your asspain is palpable
That doesn't make it any better lmfao
I'm not the one getting paid to tell bad jokes. I think Nintendo needs to a hire a new clown.
>Legend of zelda speed run records are 4 hours
Really makes you think?
Except the fact it has pop ins like fucking mad, I imagine it's a buggy fucking mess.
trump is gonna deport all those chinese games back to china.
Why are people on here trying to connect Trump with Sony? What the fuck do these two have in common?
>30bux for 3ds max
>75bux for bone, ps4, vr or wiiu
fuck no
Bloodborne and persona 5 are the only ones worth it, some are on pc and rest are fucking movie garbage.
I would never trade any console in. I get these urges like 10 years after I've played a game and want to replay it, and then I would have to get the console and game again.
I just stuff my old consoles in the attic.
>getting this upset and savage because someone isn't buying sony's latest games
sorry, did I offend you? you mad as fuck lmao, your face is red cos I didn't buy any of those gay games kek keep crying marketer
To make you sleep at night, for the record I do own a PS4 myself, I just haven't touched it in weeks cos I'm a bit burnt out from bloodborne at the moment.
>trade it in
Why? Do you really need the cash that badly? If so you should think about getting a second job instead of shitposting on Sup Forums.
How about reading the fucking article?
Why even spout bullshit when there is a fucking linked article the says the exact opposite and provides a glowing technical review for the game.
What's next?
>W-w-well the gameplay is shit. Enjoy your m-m-m-movie?
Clueless asshattery.
Yeah I don't even know where the other post number came from. Very odd.
>actually trading in your consoles
The only console I've actually gotten rid of was my Wii U because I felt burned. I kept my 3DS though, it's my most played system this generation.
Anyone who buys a Switch at launch is retarded, but that goes for any system launch. 2013-2016 fucking sucked for PS4 but the first half of 2017 looks amazing for PS4.
Anyways, does anyone have that picture of the PS4 third party support vs Switch? Purely for shitposting purposes since I'm getting a Switch whenever Monster Hunter and Animal Crossing are released.
Dude there is legit a webm out there of the textures and npcs just popping out like ten seconds later, the game runs like shit.
>all these pissed off sonyggers
Holy shit op you opened the flood gates
>purely for shitposting purposes
You disgust me
>Dude there is a webm of the demo with bugs so obviously the completed game is the sam amirite
That is on top of the value of the console.
Still pretty shit though
>All these Nintencucks that got BTFO'd
Yeah but you're not selling it for a switch