>Latin Americans actually created a petition asking Nintendo to launch the Nintendo Switch with a fair price
>Latin Americans actually created a petition asking Nintendo to launch the Nintendo Switch with a fair price
didn't they pull out of that market
Only brazil
the less games those banana monkeys get the happier I'll be
just boycott those assholes
How about... dont fucking buy it then?
I don't know why console manufactures even bother with these third world shitholes.
Isn't all electronics expensive in that region because of high taxes, or something?
>implying that they aren't going to just steal it.
>not buying it in the US
this is why Latin America will always be a shithole
Hang on? They actually have internet?
I kinda of want to buy a Switch just to support Nintendo's anti 3rd world policy.
I'm Mexican and i already pre-ordered it in USA.
Import the console and pirate every game. It's much easier.
It's region free, why wouldn't you retards just import it?
But that's their goverment, not Nintendo.
I didnt realize Trump went on Sup Forums
BR here.
I know it is an english board but let me tell a message to those fucktards in BRHUE language.
isn't that half the market ?
>asking for lower taxes in a social-"democracy"
They are better off moving to another country.
Fucking niggers and their subhuman speech!
GTFO my american website.
Nintendo doesn't care for Latin America, they don't even have E-shop there (except Mexico)
Yeah, Brazil and Mexico are the ones leading the market.
I live in Chile and price is fucking retarded.
$300 USD translates to aproximately $200.000 CLP, so I expected the retail price to be around $250.000 CLP.
The actual price is fucking $350.000 CLP, which is ~$530 USD.
Along with a friend we're planning on importing one due to how much cheaper it is outside the country.
>tfw you live in a border city so you can just go to US and get the Switch
No, not with Trump you can't.
Not for long taco
Goddamn it feels good to have papers.
A private companny has no sins over the other countries's taxes.
It's our fault. We will solve this shit.
>Pica relatada.
Nossa, você parece estar muito "TRIGGERED".
Vou falar com você em português mais um pouco só para te irritar um pouquinho mais.
You are a piece of shit dude
Import fees, you dumb fuck.
>tfw you actually have papers so it doesnt matter
>inb4 all mexicans are illegal
Can't get past THE WALL Pedro
It's bullshit. You're better off using one of those Casilla Miami services from Correos. The total cost would still be around 60k less than buying it on Microplay.
Your fake papers won't save you much longer now that the Minutemen will stop being held back by the Muslim in Chief.
>Tfw you live near Paraguay
>A few years back you could buy games and consoles for really cheap, usually the same price as in the US
>Can't do that anymore now that the economy is fucked up
I miss the times when the dollar only costed R$1.50
I thought Mexico was considered "North America".
Wasn't PS4 like $2000 there at launch
>live in Venezuela
>Switch costs one Kidney
Aren't the high prices in Latin America due to insane taxes/tariffs? What's Nintendo supposed to do about that? They're not going to sell at a loss.
I want Sup Forums to leave
Good, fuck those monkeys. I wish we could remove them from the internet entirely, the world would be a better place without south american 'people' in it.
>Nintendo doesn't care for Latin America
No company gives a fuck about Latin America.
Who does that money even go to.
>obviously not nintendo
if you say so ronald mcdonald
The idea is that if you add a import tariff on electronics, things might be locally sourced.
The idea is partially proven in practices for metal work, plastics, toys, and several other products.
The problem is that for electronics & cars, it seems to be very untrue.
Manufacturing of electronics beyond 15-20 year old tech seem to don't happen(pagers, toys, miniaturized person medical equipment)
So basically:
1. There is no marked in BR because the currency and GDP is so low
2. There is no marked in BR because tariffs make it worse
3. Anybody who cares will be upper middleclass and shop it somewhere foreign
i am chilean and i fucking hate Hue Hues
PC is the only way now, bro.
I wish all games were ported to PC.
When will globalization get rid of VATs?
Pretty much this. There is nothing worse than having to interact with brazillians on the internet. After seeing how they all act online its pretty easy to see why their country is falling apart and they are destroying their environment. Must be some genetic thing.
It's still expensive as fuck, you usually have to rely on buying outdated stuff
I want libatrds to leave. You lost, get out!
>Be Chilean
>Hate BR
>Every company forces you to play on BR servers with high lag and monkeys who don't speak Spanish or English
>Even though connecting to USA is a lot faster
Says the person that comes from the same country that has the first child obesity position.
You'd have to ask your shit countries not to charge ridiculous import taxes in the first place
You're confusing south america with latin america. Latin america is all of america (south, central and north) excluding US and Canada only.
You have no idea what country I'm from, monkey.
Microsoft and Sony support the region tho.
Think about it this way, if you played on US servers you'd be the mokeys with the shitty connection.
Come to brasil.
>the latin servers are in BR
>its just argentinafags and brfags arguing in broken english the entire game
fucking BF1
Why do you think we tries to import it illegally?
Zotac gtx 1050 ti 4gb is somewhere between 700 to 800 reais as sugestive price, mano.
As I know the one who get on fire is EVGA.
get rekt pedro
And you know what country I'm from?
No, they don't.
Releasing 1 out of 100 games with Spanish subs doesn't mean they "support" Latin America.
half the shit will get stolen out of stores or reported as not received anyway
why bother shipping anything there
youre gunna sneak past the border just to get a switch?
A special breed of idiocy like you can only be born in the US.
i know , is horryble , but i am worried now that if i get the switch i will get to play whit shitty hue hue
if you say so sandy hook
>grouping Cuckanada and glorious USA together
A good portion of Microsoft's sales come from Indian shitskins, and Sony makes huge profits from weeb niggers, so it makes sense.
Some shithole 3rd world in south america for you to be getting as mad as you are at the truth. Sorry you were born a monkey.
Not even the right hemisphere, 3rd worlder.
i wonder how long itll take for the switch to be hacked
the wii u and 3ds security were extremely weak
I have greencard
I'm from Spain.
>Live in Latin America
>Browse Sup Forums
>"lol dude, like, build a PC! so cheap!"
>"lmao why haven't you bought (latest console)? it's so cheap!"
>"kek 299 dolaroos, so cheap! why isn't EVERYONE buying them?"
>"you bought (new game) already, Sup Forums? you can't tell me you don't have $60!"
You fucking American just don't know my pain.
You just don't.
For the Wii U at least, you could change your region to the US and never have to face a hue again.
That's what I did, at least.
Isn't it Latin America's fault for putting high tariffs to support their small economies? Besides that, they don't have high spending power so Nintendo has to jack up the price to break even.
I'm sorry for your loss.
being poor is not everyone elses problem.
BR here.
At least you guys have Nintendo in your countries.
>Latin America has small economies
>So they have to pay MORE
It's a fucking lose-lose situation.
Is Mario cold because of the ice or is he scared because of the skeleton?
>i have god like connection , i can donwload shit and watch netflix
>if nintendo do the same whit the switch , i will be playing whit friendly americans
feels good man , also in 2 years i will go to america
Well we're doing better than Greece, that's something. right?
Where are (you) from, then?
pretty much what said.
I can't argue that, carry on then.
Probably the ice
I haven't checked gbatemp in a while, but poeple seemed pretty hyped over there, and Nintendo has done a better job at marketing this time, so I hope that the greater userbase means that more people get to work on the hacks.
>he ACTUALLY THINKS the only reason shit is expensive here is because of taxes
FIKDIK: Se eles tirassem completamente os impostos o Switch e jogos ainda seriam ao menos 60% mais caro aqui.
well good on you
i hope you enjoy the switch.
i'm gonna wait till it has something i want to play before purchasing it myself
I stopped caring about Nintendo after the GameCube so I honestly don't care about it, if I ever buy the Switch it'll be through the grey market anyway.
Typical response from a burger.
You can always fund your own country, boiolinha sulista.
Latin America is like Latin America, and Brazil.
Thats 2 different regions.
Brazil has tariffs that don't work on electronics, so it makes everything worse for that.
Latin America has no real purchase power due long term failed economies, so it won't really sell, so its more expensive there as well.