Skyward Sword

What went wrong?

the wii

never played it but waggle controls i'd imagine

backtrackin and repetition in an effort to hide how small the game world actually was

Better question: what went right?
The answer is: not much

Favorite 3D zelda game desu
>Best Music
>Best Story
>Best Art style
>Fi was annoying but Groose, Zelda, and robots made up for her
>Actually liked the motion controls especially with items
>Amazing dungeons especially the pirate ship
>Very creative sailing through the sand etc
>No Ganondorf
>Very linear

having to fight this faggot over and over again.

it wasnt a hard boss fight. just fucking stupid and annoying.

>repetitive bullshit
>shit dungeons
>shit bosses
>repetitive bosses
>no exploration of any worth
>shit controls
>shit combat
>the worst companion ever

I could go on.

Music was good though, and the story in theory was a nice addition.

>constantly having to recalibrate your fucking wii motion bullshit
>no option to play without it and just using a controller instead
>the world itself was shit and tiny, only the skyloft was comfy

There is a 70% chance the answer is Fi.

I'm playing it now and the motion controls are so fucking annoying. The swordfighting itself isn't that bad (though it makes you sit up which is annoying) but everything else did NOT need to be there.

Dont you like twirling the wiimote around to unlock boss doors?

I forgot about this.


Literally everything.

The bullshit they inserted into the lore (Hylia, Hylia being Zelda, Fi, Demise)
The empty hub ) (minus a few floating islands, many of which you have no reason to step foot on bar once)
The collecting of pointless shit
The Silent Realms being more collecting of pointless bulshit instead of challenges appropriate to the Triforce segment)
The battles of the big toes
The 'swing this way and only this way' battles
More collecting dumb shit
Fi's constant hand-holding
Monster-farming for equipment upgrades

And I hated the stamina bar, but some seem to enjoy it for some reason

And other shit

You know what's easier? A list of what they did right
Groose's redemption
Zelda's cuteness

Heavy reliance on motion controls, which are apparently super-hard to emulate.

Honestly I think the game is great other than the controls and Fi 80% of the time

Many complained about the "waggle" but I really enjoyed the motion controls
Swinging the controller in right direction puzzles/enemies were fun

I really liked the Silent Realms, and the stamina bar was way too short but I liked what you could do with it. I'd also say this was the first game that made Sheik actually feel integral to the series instead of a sort of weird straggler.

>implying the robots were anything but shit
>fair point
>there were 2 good dungeons, no amazing ones
>fair point
>implying proto-ganondorf isn't pretty much the exact damn thing

SS is still the only Zelda I have not bothered to replay a year after release because so much of it was so underwhelming. Dowsing, the tadtone quest, the "find the macguffin" progress blockers, linearity, lack of variety in environments, it does so many things so BADLY that it's so hard to appreciate what little good there is.

>Ancient Cistern
>Sky Keep

>not amazing

For all they did wrong, I have to admit this is the cutest Zelda in the series.

>I really liked the Silent Realms
You could have solved an elaborate puzzle for Wisdom
Fought myriad enemies for Power
Braved treacherous terrain on a time limit for Courage

But instead you collecting items while playing tag with some enemies

I just wanna play SS, but since motion controls don't seem to be emulatable, and since I'm a poorfag (and lazy), I can't be arsed to go buy a USB Wiimote.

Outside of some wonky controls. Nothing really. Maybe only having the 3 main zones kinda made the game feel smaller. But it was still really good.

Sky Keep was pretty dull in all honesty, and Sandship was punctuated with one of the most disappointing bosses in Zelda history.

I fucking loved it.
Fuck the haters.
Rape the foul wombs that birthed them.
Gouge their fathers' balls out and feed them to the haters.

It was fun to play through even if it wasn't narratively thematic.

Yeah I didn't enjoy this shit one bit.

It's amazing when you're the worst enemy in every game you're in (Hyrule Warriors)

>likes worst zelda
>likes worst squid sister
how about "no"

>five minute cutscene at the end showing you dramatically dropping the rock seal on top of the monsters head.
>At the end fi tells you exactly what you just saw with your eyes in case you couldn't comprehend a rock falling on a monsters head
>then the game pretends it's a sad thing that her and link have to part ways

I can't think of many games more patronizing than this one.

>Game revolves around the Sword, making items in dungeons extremely pointless.
>Shit Hubworld
>Those fucking boxes for hidden treasure chests
>Amazing gimmicks like time travel only used rarely in the whole game
>Piss Easy
>The inventory is the fucking worst UI ever
>Half the game feels like a tutorial, even worse than TP

Zelda was cute, so that was great.

A disappointing boss doesn't ruin the dungeon as a whole, besides the fight with Scurvy-o was pretty good and it had the best use of Timeshift Stones.

Tentalus is still the worst boss in the game though.


Would you play Skyward Sword HD on Nintendo Switch with massively revamped world that you can actually explore like Zelda games?

And no, I don't expect anything but shitpost replies from Sup Forums

Deal with it faggot, we crushed you so hard. I played for like a dozen hours to ensure our QUEEN's victory. Hotaru stans persevered and we tasted the sweet wine of VICTORY and your pretender is now DEAD.

But Callie is objectively better.

>every time you grab a monster drop for the first time in a playthrough, it stops everything just to show you, then opens the menu to show it added
>even in the middle of a clusterfuck of enemies

If I find the person who decided to do this I will fucking murder them.

I didn't have a problem with that because I beat the game in like three sittings. So I only saw that stuff three times.

How else will the 5 year olds who have never played a video game before know what to do?

If they keep the motion controls, handholding and story, no.

They ran out of personality in the previous game when they slatherd a bunch of it on characters that nobody liked in the hopes people would suddenly give a shit.
Then people got sexually attracted to the blue prostitot and I lost all hope for humanity.

Not much. The ending was slow, swimming was atrocious, and Fi was intrusive. Yet I look beyond that and find a game I love.

Six solid dungeons, not a single bad one.
Amazing bosses (although Scaldara and Tentalus were both shit)
Great soundtrack
Great story
GOAT villain
Good swatch of minigames and sidequests

I like Skyward Sword for what it was. The sky was barren, but I liked how the overworld felt as puzzley as the dungeons. It reminded me of the Oracles games. For all the bitching people do about backtracking, you're really just opening up a new spot in an old location. There was nothing wrong with that.


how would you control it in tablet mode?

The intro was slow*

Not that user, but
hmm, Okami-style, maybe? Need a stylus?
Or take it MGR-style with slowed-down time while you aim your cuts?

What the hell are you talking about?

Fixing this:
and having higher resolution and some other tiny details would have made it my favorite Zelda game. I like it, but I always feel it's like a racer that stopped in front of the finish line.

That sounds terrible and incredibly slow

>Then people got sexually attracted to the blue prostitot and I lost all hope for humanity.


The way your mother raised you to not appreciate quality video games.

Also the lack of IR tracking.

Right stick controls instead of motion controls.

I'm just trying to put out ideas that don't involve the damn Wiimotes. If you've got any better ideas let's hear 'em, otherwise stfu.

Maybe the answer is that a game designed from the ground up to be a wii exclusive using wiimotes can't be played on a system without a wiimote or wiimote equivalent.

>do nothing
Well, that idea sucks too, user. Join the Frustration Club.

Koloktos us the best Zelda boss ever.

Prove me wrong.

meant to reply to

Zelda was the canon love interest even though actual best girl is the superior choice

the horrible controls
all the fucking hand holding
all the back tracking

breath of the wild will take place before skyward sword through some nintendo shenanigans

This is the only 3D Zelda I've yet to play. Should I bother? I've at the very least enjoyed each one overall.


There's a master sword in BOTW and it's beaten down as fuck and ancient as fuck, also ganon is named ganon and not demise, so, impossible.

Small enemy variety, hub instead of a connected over world, hand holding and Fi, intrusive messages every time you get X item. That's all. The rest is common to most other titles.

Backtracking wasn't that offensive. Motion controls worked smoothly (if you have coordination and a functional controller) , the style was great (Wii limits aside), the dungeons were all top tier, the desert was amazing, the OST was up there, supporting characters were phenomenal, the setting was interesting. It's a great game set back by details.

Pirate fags had a hard time emulating it due to it requiring Wii motion/remote plus.

Bullshitting aside, what I didn't like about it was how little there was to explore. In the sky, there weren't many sky islands. On the ground, you were basically railroaded. Not being able to travel at night was just lazy on the devs part. There was also no passage of time. Story was ok I guess. Motion controls worked fine for me.

Bad motion controls.
Bad skyworld.
Focus on story despite that story and characters being rather dull.
Imprisoned x3, plus a few other bad bosses.

Yeah, aside from the wagglan and Fi it's still pretty solid

>Has the Wii Motion Plus shifted the focus of the game? Is the emphasis now more on combat than previous games in the series?

>The combat is definitely a key part of the game. In the past you could fight almost any enemy by just button-bashing, but in this game, because of the Wii Motion Plus, the fights are almost puzzles in and of themselves. You won't be able to beat the game simply by doing the same movements over and over again for each fight. You need to take each enemy separately. You need to find each enemy's weak spot.

what went wrong? basically the hand-eye coordination of most fat/ugly/retarded nerds while "trying" to play the game.

>Bad motion controls.

>best music
Best quality definitely, but some of it wasn't very memorable

The motion control worked just fine, the problem was the game was made too easy to accommodate them.

Minish Cap : Breast of the Wide when?

>"well known" Youtuber uploads a video showing correct motion controls
>video blatantly shows incorrect inputs and half-second input delays
When the best support for the game having good controls outright shows delay or incorrect controls in a two-second video, it is not good support for the game having that good of controls.