Let's have a >muh dick thread

Let's have a >muh dick thread

Post whatever you want but keep it vidya related

Other urls found in this thread:



I love Reisen!

>tfw we got cucked out of loli Wolf in MGS5
It still hurts.

When's Darkstalkers 4?

Not even best Darkstalker.





The best Darkstalker isn't even a girl, or a boy for that matter, but that's off-topic for this thread.

Thats my wife, ya know.

I believe I know who you speak of.



this is fan art, right? Or was this an actual concept for V that got binned?


I was about to post this.

Why is hypnosis/mind control the best fetish


Honestly, I have no clue, it looks too professionally made to be fanart, but it can't be official art for V either, because Wolf would have been way younger at that time.

because it's the only way a girl will ever touch you





you're new to this board aren't you
enjoy your ban i guess

Toob thread?
Toob thread.






Put your fat cocks where I can see them.


For the Glory of Mankind.

where my prison gay niggas at?



This is actually the best depiction of a succubus I've ever seen



Exquisite taste, friend.

That outfit was hot



What lewd things would you do to May?

Pokémon battle



Next time I'll give you even more amazing paizuri.

From Haruka

What did she mean by this?




You haven't seen shit. Morrigan is literally the Undertale of demongrills. She doesn't even look demonic or lewd enough.

Post more May pls

I want to marry raison!

Why does this post turn me on so much

Member that time if post ends in 3 she dies

What if I want to be the one hypnotised?



You call that soft?


A succubi is supposed to seduce men, and that pic of Morrigan is the most seductive/attractive one i've ever seen. The pic you posted doesn't look very seductive at all.


I know a girl who cosplayed may and had huge tits, I still have the pics around here somewhere, if anyone is interested please reply


Yes please.


Those are raisins.


Succubi is the plural.

Youmu is the softest


He did this in the May thread that was just up already, he's just fishing for (you)s


Fuzzy is better.

Sure ;^)

A succubus is a demon and she's supposed to look like a demon. She's supposed to have a combination of frightening and alluring traits and Morrigan is anything BUT frightening. She looks like a generic slut with ass wings.

Mercedes is for breeding!

____ __ ___ ____!


Replaying RE5 right now.

The first time I unlocked clubbin Sheva outfit and played a chapter I was hard the whole time.


>TFW I look like a boyish version of adult sherry

I should cosplay her someday


That wasn't me, someone was just being rude. I never posted in those threads!

She looks a little like Elena



I want to fuck Komaeda! Chiaki can join in



Gotta give it to her, she makes her tits look good in these photos, if I remember correctly they're saggy as fuck


>she'll never break down your door and demand rough sex with milk on top





just gonna be trap posting