He plays games with graphics

>he plays games with graphics

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Yeah, why do you?

>Make a huge fleet complete with giant flagship
>Enemy AI is nothing but meson fights

How do I get into this?

>he plays games

>get as far as sending mining outposts to other planets and moons
>lose interest


Also fuck off dumb anime poster.

>he plays a spreadsheet

Isn't aurora unresizeable? I've tried it before, but I think my screen was too small, which is a heck of a problem to have. Is panning to complicated?

Who needs graphics? I just play with my screen off.

>too dumb for df
>can't stop playing anyway

>He plays Quill18 meme games

That's still graphics, isn't it?

Is this game actually good?

The problem I had with Dwarf Fortress is that after you got over the initial hump of understanding the interface the only way to lose was intentionally handicapping yourself trying to do some stupid shit. Is that the same thing here?

I like modded Distant Worlds more than Aurora

No. I'll continue to talk about the game and post anime because you're a cunt.

I've been trying to get multi-warhead missiles working but I can never find the right balance between separation range, fuel, and total size.
Watching salvos go off to their targets never gets old at least.

>the only way to lose was intentionally handicapping yourself trying to do some stupid shit.
That's like the central element of the game though

As soon as I had to design a ship that wasn't a simple transport ship or a geo survey I got completely bored

>always wanted to play df
>too stupid to figure out whats going on
are tilesets approved?

Which is why I wasn't fond of it. Is Aurora the same?

Tilesets are just fine.
People like to make the "I'm so cuul" jokes about sticking to the original ASCII/icons, but it's really just what looks best to you.

Admittedly I use the original ones simply because that's what I learned the game with back in the 2D version and I'd rather not learn a new set of icons.

Nobody has ever played Aurora long enough to get over the shitty interface, because it's too fucking boring. So, I don't think there's an answer to your question.


ill give it a try, thanks

>>Make a huge fleet complete with giant flagship
Post pictures

Still rudimentary graphics. No graphics would be text adventures.

the fuck is this thing

a meme

I played it long enough to get over the interface. It was actually pretty easy to navigate around once you're used to it.

What I couldn't get over, and what made me stop playing, was the mid-game 5 second turns that never stopped due to AIs fighting in places where I didn't even have vision. Doing 5 second intervals for an hour+ as a battle resolved in bumfuck nowheresville.

download the game.
play it.
have fun.

How do you design military ships that don't break every 3 days?
Should I just disable overhaul

I learned the game on ASCII, but once i found a tileset i liked that was legible I haven't gone back


Fucking pleb

Doom 3 has graphics, though, visible or not.

joke's on you i play on a console

text is still graphics

you'd need to play a MUD in blind mode with a braille output or something to play with no graphics.

A text adventure in audio mode with mic inputs.

you're still imagining the places, you're making graphics with your imagination.

this, is the power of audiobooks

Man, that joke is a blast from the past.

What's the game user?
