This game cemented the fact that japanese developers are superior to western developers. I know it's cliche to say but the game really had a sense of adventure, exploration and mystery. No hud, no markers, no hand-holding, minimal menus etc. No triple A developer in the west would've dared to make a game like this. The setting and artstyle is distinctively western but viewed through a Japanese lens, which makes it that much more mysterious and somewhat eerie. Despite all the memes, I still think this is one of the most singular games ever released.
This game cemented the fact that japanese developers are superior to western developers...
>japanese developers are superior to western developers
Ay user. I've know that since the NES so I don't need to read your wall of text.
That doesn't mean that there aren't fantastic western developers.
This game cemented the fact that indie developers are superior to triple A developers. I know it's cliche to say but the game really had a sense of adventure, exploration and mystery. No hud, no markers, no hand-holding, minimal menus etc. No triple A developer in the west would've dared to make a game like this. The setting and artstyle is distinctively bland but viewed through a stoner's lens, which makes it that much more mysterious and somewhat eerie. Despite all the memes, I still think this is one of the most singular games ever released.
Shitposting aside is the game good
I'm still not sure whether it was meant to be taken serious, a parody of 2deep4u indie walking simulators or one of the most brilliant troll games ever made.
You're just showing how much of casuals Dark Souls fans are by not knowing great retro western games.
>Japanese devs
Yeah, with all the fucking bugs and shitty UI. I don't know how the managed to release it and not alienate people. FFXIV suffers from the same
Storywritting, music and graphics are cool, though.
>wall of text
>barely 6 sentences.
Don't you have a 50 word essay due tomorrow?
Yeah OP. Jap devs are usually better but there are still good west devs. It just so happens that west style done by Japs somehow turns out awesome every time.
e.g Silent Hill, Metal Gear, Dark Souls, etc,
This game cemented the fact that releasing unfinnished shit isn't exclusive to western AAA devs
The same can be said about Western devs, namely Bethesda.
>TFW Morrowind crashes after spending 20 minutes creating a fucking character
Souls games aren't very buggy.
What? Nigga you got health, stamina, souls, equipped weapon, equipped off-hand, spells, items, and even a lock on indicator. That's a HUD my nigger.
It's like a broken record with these Japanese devs are superior posters.
you can't be serious
That's not Demon's Souls.
I fully agree.
Jesus christ this has not happened to ANYONE other than the instance in the Webm. Souls "bug" Webms are such examples of cherry picking it's ridiculous.
It has a hud and has loads of menus.
but I remember this happening to me AND have one more webm of the exact same thing
Souls is OK, but that isn't the game that cemented it
What nigger recorded this video?
The Japanese consider video games art.
The West considers video games as child entertainment.
I've only ever heard westerners claim that vidya is art 2bh
i agree, but do you know how many times we've had this same thread now? i feel like we need r9k's uniqueness checker
r9k was a failed experiment, because they got around the uniqueness checker pretty easily.
New pasta bois
that's art, nigga
This game cemented the fact that if your game is about some socially relevant bullshit is superior to shitty fictional videogames. I know it's cliche to say but the game really had a sense of adventure, exploration and an abscense of bigotry. No hud, no markers, no hand-holding, minimal menus, not even characters, etc. No developer would've dared to make a game like this. The setting and artstyle is distinctively bland but viewed through a pregressive idiot lens, which makes it that much more mysterious and somewhat eerie. Despite all the memes, I still think this is one of the most singular games ever released.
This game cemented the fact that one-man developers are superior to any other developers. I know it's cliche to say but the game really had a sense of adventure, exploration and mystery. No hud, no markers, no hand-holding, minimal menus etc. No big budget studio made up of an amalgamation of different minds and personalities all working for a profit would've dared to make a game like this. The setting and artstyle is distinctively human and adult but viewed through an exaggerated and cartoonish lens, which makes it that much more mysterious and somewhat eerie. Despite all the epic tumblr memes, I still think this is one of the most singular games ever released.
This game cemented the fact that old developers are way superior to new developers. I know it's cliche to say but the game really had a sense of adventure, exploration and mystery. No hud, no markers, no hand-holding, minimal menus etc. No triple A developer in the west would've dared to make a game like this. The setting and artstyle is distinctively goofy but viewed through fun value lens, which makes it that much more enjoyable and somewhat challenging. Despite all the memes, I still think this is one of the most singular games ever released.
are you serious? Souls game are chock full of bugs. Nobody's hating on your favorite game, mate but arguing these games aren't buggy af is ridiculous. If anything, it's nice that despite all the bugs, there's nothing game breaking àla late 90s/early 00s western rpgs
japanese devs will always be better then the west
>cares about gamers
>makes sure what they come out with is good
>puts so much into games
>doesn't care about leftie sjw shit
>doesn't view games as "art" see's it as a game
>looks to make a game and give us value for our money
western shit heads only care about this
>monies from dlc
>monies from microtransactions
>making leftie sjws happy
>puts the game out in a state thats pre-alpha at best
>looks for every way to screw the players
this is why i will always support sony, square and others and why microshit, ea and bethesda need to go under
>Japanese devs are always better than western devs
Konami-mobile gaming is the future
it's a terrible game
>Sony & Square
>Not charging monies from dlc
>Not charging monies from microtransactions
>cares about gamers
Nice one, user
faggot sony and square do that shit however they do it in a better way they care about us and they need the money to keep things going. where as microshit wants ur monies so u can get a pink halo helmet
>it's okay for sony/square to suck me dry because they're doing it for my own good, they actually need the money to create another product to suck me dry with
>No hud