Post your day 1 buys, maybes, and no buy lists

Post your day 1 buys, maybes, and no buy lists


Why couldn't Bomberman be Bomberman 64 2? such a good game, fuck

Day 1:
Splatoon 2
Xenoblade 2
Mario Odyssey
Fire Emblem Switch


The rest I don't care.

7 games isn't bad though

There already is a Bomberman 64 2
You mean a Bomberman 64 3?

Can anyone post that PS4 third party vs Switch third party picture? I'm getting a Switch and have a PS4 but I just want it for shitposting purposes.

What, Rusty Pup is still alive?


>2 days ago they announced it's moving to Switch

oh shit

>Yooka Laylee

They do realize that the majority of their backers and supporters were Nintendo fans right?

They shouldnt keep it waiting

I'll get BotW on wiiu

Splatoon2 and mario odyssey for sure

mariokart 8 deluxe maybe, I skipped it on wiiU because I don't have any friends to play local, and unless that changes I doubt I'd enjoy the deluxe version, either.

Sonic Mania and Yooka Laylee I'll get on a better system.

The rest I don't give a shit about

Red out stuff is either stuff i have no interest, don't know enough about to make a decision, or already own(I have Rayman Legends twice)

Orange ill consider but want to know more info first

>Sonic Mania

>On a better system

It's not really a powerful game

Also Yooka Laylee feels better playing on a Nintendo system given what type of game it is

I can tell you about Disgaea 5 on Switch if you have any questions.

There is literally not a single game there besides No More Heroes I would buy. Switch is looking kind of grim for me.

>Post your day 1 buys

rest of that shit is assumed red because I ain't got time for that.

I don't even know what half of this shit is

Sure. Might as well.

fuck i forgot the other dragon quest

I want Yooka Laylee on a Nintendo system, but I'm not sure it'll play that well. Ideally it would sell a lot on the Switch and help encourage more games like Yooka Laylee being made for the system



>with a a big NO ontop

The only one that I'd consider

Not really a lot but I just kinda want to play some games while at college.

So you hate Dragon Quest, Pokemon, and Harvest Moon, while not even being the least intrigued by the Bravely team's new RPG?
But you'll get SMT without hesitating?

Well whatever floats your boat.


Purple are games I already own


Green is a for sure, Orange is maybe. Everything blank I either have no interest in or have never heard of before.