Redpill me on the third oracle game, Sup Forums

redpill me on the third oracle game, Sup Forums.

Where can I play it? Why does the government deny knowledge of it?

Nigga, you 90% memes now. What is user anymore?

you can play it easy
Because most of the puzzles and concept from it was put into Oracle of Ages

>Seasons Oracle is hot
>Ages Oracle is cute
>Secrets Oracle is Yotsuba but older
Best Girls


It was moved to Ages for the most part. That's about it.

The trilogy period started as a remake of the first game and you can tell with Seasons bosses.

Midway through the development of Oracle of Secrets, mysterious code appeared seemingly overnight. When analyzed, this code various unknown facts about life, history and governments across the world. The project was shut down soon afterwards, and all those who read the code disappeared.

This, and it's also why Ages has so much more depth to its characters and story.

Seasons I suspect absorbed most of the DNA from the project's origins as a Zelda 1 remake.

Also a funfact. Seasons has OoT characters and Ages has MM characters.

meh the games are timewasting cashgrabs as it is compared to LA, adding another game to that would be ridiculous

What an ingrate you are.

>two games with a half as much content each as the predecessor
>b-b-b-but combined they're great

yeah no it was bullshit then and just bearable today if you emulate

Why is this, sadly, a shitposting thread.

You haven't played them and it's very clear.

that's the worst fucking shop job i've ever seen.

of course i have, that's why i can safely declare that the highlights of both combined make a capable game (yet not worthy of Links Awakening) but releasing two full price games with barren overworld maps and a crappy "buy both!" gimmick was trash

but i suppose you're too underage to even be playing games when that happened

>Where can I play it?
Doesn't exist.

The original concept of the idea was to have three different games, each which could influence the other. As the story goes, they were having massive numbers of problems with the idea until Nintendo came along and recommended just two games. From there, they ended up developing just the two games.

There was never a completed third game, or even a fully developed third game. What dungeons and ideas they had were scrapped and used in the two games that did come out. There is no "third game content" for you to play.

>says nothing about the games
>memes too

hit you with the underage comment huh?

I can only remember the windmill dude in Seasons and Tingle in Ages. What were the others?

its called the minish cap

Nah, each game is bigger than Links Awakening on it's own. Sorry.

I forgot you even stuck that one in there!


Seasons: Windmill Man, Biggoron, Malon, Talon, Ingo.

Ages: Tingle, ???, Postman, the dog racing lady.

Happy Mask Salesman is in Ages too.


Oh, right. Ages even had the Mask Salesman (an OoT character yeah, but most notable in MM).

Cool distinction.

>Oracle of Secrets
Shouldn't it instead be Oracle of Colors?



They also planned on having Ganondorf instead of just Ganon at one point.


When they were the Triforce trilogy, one game had seasons as the focal element, one had time, and one had colors.

This shit's annoying. That is some real bullshit costume design.


>Oracle of Seasons: Use a staff to alter seasons
>Oracle of Ages: Use a harp to alter time
>Oracle of Secrets: Use a _____ to alter ______

Fill in the blanks, Sup Forums


>Oracle of Secrets: Use words that kill

there is a place in ages/season where you meet Farore and she is called the oracle of secrets (you can go there to use "secrets" you get from npcs). so "oracle of secrets" is somewhat canonical.

I know, I guess I'm just a weirdo who likes the original concept.

Use a stick to alter secrets.

For instance, the Great Moblin is blocking your path through a cave. Using the Stick of Secrets, you make it so his secret is being scared of the dark, so he leaves the cave. Or if the mayor refuses to help you out, you make his secret that he's actually gay, resulting in the town burning him at the steak.

>untrue statements aplenty
>"if you disagree you're undersaged."

Please stop.


Meh, the whole 'play through both games to connect them with your game boys and get secrets stuff' thing was retarded as fuck.


It's irritating dealing with passwords and the like, but at least it changed the game you chose for the second playthrough, adding a lot of replay value.

>Farore is the goddess of Wisdom
>Oracle of Secrets
>game produces classified info
I bet this was Mozarts handiwork.

Don't mind me. Just one of the worst dungeons stopping by

I didn't mind Jabu Jabu Belly
