Reminder that if Nintendo wasn't lusting for the casuals so fucking badly they released a semi portable iPad wannabe...

Reminder that if Nintendo wasn't lusting for the casuals so fucking badly they released a semi portable iPad wannabe with gimmick controllers, for 300 bucks they could have released a PS4 killer console and the new Zelda could have looked like the bullshots, and ran at 1080p 60fps instead of looking like absolute shit at 900p 20fps.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Nintendo wants the casuals so fucking bad they fucked up beyond repair their biggest game in a very long time.

Other urls found in this thread:


>caring more about graphics than gameplay

I think Horizon is more up your alley

top is shop
bottom is compressed

>Nintendo has sold nearly double the Handhelds as Home Consoles
>Releasing what is the strongest Handheld ever to this date is a bad thing
Are you okay?

casuals? are you feeling well. the bulk of console purchases come from "casuals". Back to mmo griping with you.

reminder that not everyone wants what you want or cares

>reveal amazingly beautiful trailer
>real game looks like absolute shit
Keep apologizing for manipulative rich Japs.

60fps instead of 30 affects the gameplay faggot.
Also, in an open world game, the game not looking like absolute shit is more involving and gets you into the world a lot more.

>Release a console just like the other 2 in the middle of their lifespans with built up libraries while you barely have anything
Are you retarded?

>muh grafix
>muh Nintendo can easily make a home console that can not only compete but beat the PS4 Pro in terms of specs for muh 1080p and 60FPS for us master race gaymers xD

It hurts too much to bare
BotW looks gorgeous in its 4K bullshots
The """""definitive""""" Switch version looks like a PS2 game with some shaders applied

How many threads are these butthurt sonyggers going to make like this?

Are they really this triggered by a graphically inferior but GOAT game?

>immediately attacks totally unrelated Playstation game because he can't defend against OP statement
Every time

>not posting the real picture

The Switch is going to sell extremely well in Japan, their primary market. They don't care what tasteless graphicsfags like you care about.

>Sonyggers have been calling Horizon "muh Zelda killer" for months

>unironically defending unstable 30fps at 900p in 2017

The big problem is that Nintendo were too wasteful with the triangles. The landscape should have been a lot more angular, you don't need perfect curves on the stupid, small hills. Instead, they should have used the power for more grass, like in the upper pic, and less fog.

This is a problem with all modern game developers. They have no idea how to plan the triangles right. They just go "we live in [current year], there is no reason the curves shouldn't be smooth". And the result is a lot of wasted triangles, and the graphics suffer.


no they haven't

Sonyggers don't know that it's ok when Nintendo does 900p 20fps on a 330€ system.

>The Switch is going to sell extremely well in Japan
Oh user, I'm so sorry


Wow that Twitter poll really has me convinced, that's it, a Nintendo handheld will certainly not sell in Japan.

The PS4 is so well established at this point that it probably won't be uprooted that easily and previous gens have shown that more power doesn't necessarily equate to more popularity.
The PS4 is also a hive of casuals anyway that just want to play their Fifa and their shit tier, casual AAA multiplats with their friends so regardless of whether they're targeting mobile or PS4 they're going to be aiming at the casual market.

Does it matter if it sells or not in Japan? When was the last time the japanese market influenced us baka gaijins?

Either way, it will bomb hard in the west.

Oh user, I'm so sorry

They already tried directly competing with the other players. Guess what, they got fucked over hard.

you retards have been making false flagging threads about the game shitting on it


And that's why they should not have given up on the Wii U, an aggressive price cut maybe with a bundled game (fucking Zelda) could have saved it. Instead they abandoned it for an overpriced dumbed down tablet.

So other platforms generate more revenue. They're still going to be the only handheld on the market.

They at the least won't abandon it early like the Wii U.

how are smartphone games growing? I haven't played a single good smartphone game and I'm regularly checking out new games on the play store.

Yeah right


Japan in particular is the largest mobile gaming market globally. Just about all handheld users have migrated to phone where the most popular games are currently being developed. I mean just think about it, menu-based JRPGs are right at home on a phone where a huge amount of buttons and input methods were never required to play those games anyway

Western tastes like more action based games which are harder to do on phones

yea Falseflagging how is a new ip going to be a zelda killer are you that spooked

>They at the least won't abandon it early like the Wii U.
I have no idea what faith you have in a company that abandoned its last generation that it won't do the same to its next.

reminder that every one of these threads takes selective shitty screenshots and compares them to the HD trailer cutscene

>HD trailer cutscene
nintendo specifically said that it was the actual game running on the console hardware, not a cutscene

fucking either way all the screenshots being compared are still 10x shittier than what they actually look like. An everyone still believes it's the shitty one. I never said it wasnt the actual game, you can record cutscenes of in-game

Is the top image real or computer generated?

>There are still people who believe bullshots
>There are still people who are surprised when the bullshots turn out to be bullshots
>There are still people making excuses for bullshots
>There are still people surprised literally every company uses bullshots

>Just about all handheld users have migrated to phone where the most popular games are currently being developed. I mean just think about it, menu-based JRPGs are right at home on a phone where a huge amount of buttons and input methods were never required to play those games anyway

I can believe in kids and casuals getting sucked into mobile, but I have a hard time seeing how previous handheld gamers could accept all the cancerous monetization and dumbed-down gameplay when they've already had experience of handhelds without that shit.

see one above

>how previous handheld gamers could accept all the cancerous monetization and dumbed-down gameplay
Again, it's a different market and different games. JRPGs are no different on phones than they they were on handhelds. The only thing that Japs actually like that wouldn't work on phone is monster hunter, which hasn't been confirmed for Switch either

>PS4 killer console
Nobody is going to buy it. PS4 is dying, Xbox one is dying, the whole market is going down in flames.
The last thing it needs is another competitor that is trying to compete with existing consoles that have way better games libraries. Might as well just release a "steam machine" at that point.

Introducing the Nintendo Steam Machine. PS4 killer.

Nintendo would make thousands off of me if they put their entire library on Steam

The only reason I pirate their games is because I have no way of paying them without buying hardware I don't want

>it's ok when sony does it

This is why PC laughs at console fags bragging abuot graphics.

I know, but you know damn well that Nintendo wants their exclusives, content control and walled gardens. These fuckers go as far as to shitting on youtubers who have the balls to use their footage.

But even so, I believe Nintendo can see a dying market so they are obviously not going to try to bust into it trying to pander to the few millennial man children who still play video games on consoles.

>JRPGs are no different on phones than they they were on handhelds.

What are the great mobile Jrpgs on par with console classics that are not ports of them?

Kek the Switch is totally doa

Breath of the Wild HD on ps4 soon

There are none, phones are just loaded with Kemco shovelware.

That's even less likely than Bloodborne getting a PC port, stop deluding yourself Sonycuck.

Spotted the triggered toddler.
Nintendo will go Third party in 2019 because of how bad the Switch will sell

I'll say this again.
>full hd image that's clearly edited to make it appear better than the bottom
>cropped screenshot of early gameplay footage from a stream on a wii u
The top image isn't even supposed to look like that.

>don't go for casuals and kids
>last 3 big sellers were motion control machine and 2 dual screen portables
>last proper console sold like dogshit

don't go for casuals and kids he says

Issue is even Japan's smartphone shit blows with nearly everything being F2P gacha trash