What exactly went wrong?

What exactly went wrong?

It was gay

it's too early to be a sleeper hit

framerate and controls

The game is kind of hard to control and doesn't yield short term enjoyment like most games do so game journos shit on it.

It tried to be more like ICO and less like SotC.

>tfw being chased by child molesters

I enjoyed it tb.h

It came out 10 years too late.


5 years from now people will sing its praise

It was gay

The Core Concept. They should have sold it as a movie to Sony instead of a game.

the entire idea of it is flawed from the start - so you have a game about bonding with a big cat, alright fine, but why in the everloving fuck did they think that having Trice ignore your directions was a good idea? It makes the game so fucking frustrating and tedious. Team Ico's other projects were great, for both gameplay and artistry, but this time they tried too hard to make it artistic by being about human bonds with nature, and they let the gameplay suffer for it instead of complement it.

Nothing, it was goty.

The game was fine but it took too fucking long to release so everyone had these huge expectations for it

There was absolutely nothing wrong with it other than the framerate. Shit gives me nausea.

Better than Ico and SOTC in gameplay, in between them in terms of quality.

he isn't ignoring you, you just keep spamming shit at him so he keeps resetting, ADHD kid.

They made it a PS4 exclusive half a decade later, instead of getting the game running on the PS3 last gen.

Only the standard issue with Team Ico's controls, other than that, It was my GOTY 2016.

This, desu. Trico's supposed to be treated like an animal and retarded players don't get that.

>you just keep spamming shit at him so he keeps resetting
how the fuck is this good game design?
So, what, am I supposed to tell him to go somewhere and wait 2 whole minutes for him to finally fucking do it every time?

Tell him to do something and he'll do it. No need to spam the command like some kind of adhd autismo

not always, sometimes he doesn't do anything, other times you need him to do something quickly and he fails to do so due to this dumbfuckery.

I haven't finished it yet, but I'm not enjoying it too much because it runs like horseshit.

tfw they tear off trico's tail

>Better than Ico and SOTC in gameplay
what the hell are you smoking?

>team puts out ico
>it's fairly nice, has good atmosphere and does what it wants to artistically
>team puts out shadow of the colossus
>it's very nice, has good atmosphere and does what it wants to artistically
>team doesn't put out a game
>team still doesn't put out a game
>team teases a game
>everyone loses their fucking minds
>team releases game
>it's on about the same level of quality as ico
>everyone loses their fucking minds but angrily this time

I was expecting it to be mediocre from the start, I don't know what was with all the hype around it

Nothing, it's an underappreciated masterpiece.

That whole sequence was incredibly traumatic.

nothing, its one of the best games ever made, give it 5 years and people will admit it was better than ICO and SOTC

you played it wrong, simple as that

An entire generation and half of development

i'm old and kinda cold hearted but dang it if they didn't make me feel a connection with trico. when he jumps with joy after reviving you or whenever he put his head through a hole to check where you were going. it's really an absolutely fantastic NPC or whatever you wanna call it

It got caught up in development hell and people lost hype, the same thing happened with Starfox: Zero. Duke Nukem and Daikatana had the same problem but it didn't help that they were also bad.

It's just as good as Ico, people just expected more after the years of waiting.

It's gr8 if you have pets where you can attribute Trico to but the mechanics and controls are fucking awful

blew all their time on dog ai instead of making a good game.

I really liked the game. I think that SotC has spoiled some people into thinking that Ico team would continue that path, this games resembles Ico more than SotC and I think some people, that most likely didn't play Ico, will find this really off putting.

While the game has a lot of problems, personally I think the game overcome its shortcomings into what Ueda tried to portrait in the game, I think it will be a sleeper hit like Ico and not a Home run like SotC was.

What happens if you don't resist the abduction or let Trico get riddled with spears for hours?

Controls were iffy, game was fantastic but not for everyone.