Post video game images that are no longer relevant

Post video game images that are no longer relevant

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Was this ever relevant




I miss old crown. Three way fights and hundreds of players. It was a slog, yeah. But it's not nearly as terrible as the grenade hallways on Amerish. TE was better than our outfits now.




I don't get it.

Do people still play it? How active is it?

don't remind me of tribes ;-;



>tfw always cut off from supply line
>tfw your low pop TR bros and you always get fucked at the crown
g-go away

>holding the crown as TR until the beta ended
fuck yeah

People still play it and it is still active. Just decided to play again after having a break from it for a while and there are still big fights. They improves a lot of the bases design and added some cosmetics and base building and some new guns.

>be in record smash
>funnest time i've ever had in this game
>in all the games

fuck I wish PS2 wasn't dead

>Still no dungeons

i know its not real vidya but its close

Google berenstein conspiracy

Damn Old Crown was fucking amazing holy shit, I always went there if possible
Shame it's ded though




Beta screenshots from the top of The Crown

>mfw I only play stalker infiltrator
>mfw I kill the same guy 8 times in a row because he came to hunt me down over and over again

Beta also looked much better than the game now but ran far worse.

Beta screenshots from inside your warp gate you fucking cuck.

> t. assblasted VS

nice grafix

I remember beta planetside 2

i wish they maintained more RPG elements from ps1

Gauranteed replies from gauranteed bitches!

>we used to have empire logos on our vehicles
>now we have luminous faggy shit
fuck you tray for killing the faction pride

I know full well what Buzz did to you and your faggot alien butts day in and day out over on mattherson. I can still see the asshurt to this day years later.

The crown was the last holdout for that old Planetside feeling where you would spend an entire day fighting over a location. after they took it away I stopped playing

That's relevant in a couple weeks though



Are you the guy who made that image?

I haven't played since beta, what changed about the crown?

>tfw PS2 is ugly as shit now because PS4

just the base layout and where the capture points are

it is still on a massive hill over looking Indar


I've never been hyped for a game more than Planetside 2. I was a huge PS1 fan and was following the rumors of a sequel for years. It used to be Planetside Next and was supposedly just an enhanced version. And then we got Planetside 2 and I came in my pants from the thought of a brand new and upgraded Planetside.

And then we got a worse version of PS1 with less features and content and ran like shit with frequent crashes. PS1 was a MMO first and a shooter second while PS2 is the opposite. It still has less interesting features and continents than PS1 to this day. At least it has weapon bloat I guess? Someone end this travesty of a game.

Did they ever fix that game?
I remember dropping it as soon as it left beta because Smedley was adamant about making it as shit as possible.

post the facesitting webm

I kinda miss Planetside. Is it still alive?

nice cherry picking, now heres mine


Naw nigga I'm from emerald, originally West 3. I was there the day Buzz and co tried to push through paris tech plant and got the entire faction trapped in Paris tower for 6 straight fucking hours. With the very end resulting in the screenshot above!

That picture was the last image of the enclave on west 3, buzz had already rage quit. The enclave spun such great yarns about leaving for stability issues. But the great reality is they tried to invincible sundy spam into our warpgate from Paris and got gate'd back like bitches.

Planetside 1 is dead.
There's guys working on an emulator for it though, right now you can just run around the environments.

PS2 is doing pretty okay. There's still an update every other month or so


yeah nah, you dont know what you are talking about

come back to me once you played on mattherson

I hope you aren't implying I'm vanu


what you said is bs

>he didnt play on the only server that mattered son

>there will never be a TR and NC version

PS4 ruined planetside 2
Wish the devs would've realized it

Yeah it's a shame he was not on waterson, I agree

All SoE/Daybreak games fail pretty hard. They were desperate for cash.

>tfw yuro
>tfw ceres
>tfw we didn't even win the merger so now we're cobad

not h1z1 though

It was ruined when they decided to make a BF3 clone instead of just making their own game.

Sure thing johnny come lately pussy bitch.

This man also ruined the PS2 community, although he did revive me once

it still pisses me off that a shitty cashgrab zombie game #654 is more successful than Planetside 2. Especially since the market is already saturated with zombie games.

That man was an ultra sperg, but it's not like he was the only one.

fuck this shit I hate SOE/daybreak so much reeee
i'll still return to this some day because it's actually kinda fun

Mattherson is THE server if you want challenging gameplay in PS2. We talk big, walk big, and carry a huge fucking stick. Some people can't handle the trash talk. That's cool. Some people need that kind of "great job everyone, you tried your best so your all winners" kind of gameplay. You're not going to find that on Mattherson. This is the adult server. No trophies for second place here.

I've played on all the US servers. There are some very good players on the others. But nothing like what we have here. I see outfits and players on the other servers who do things that simply would not be possible on Mattherson, because if they tried that here they would be destroyed again and again. Mattherson players, and outfits are simply top notch. Whether VS, TR or NC, no other server has the same level of talent.

Go ahead, flame me. But if you ever want to improve your score, come play on Mattherson for a while, then go back to your old server. Going and playing on Waterson or Connery for me is like playing against bots.

Mattherson = Hard Mode
All the rest = New to FPS games? Play here to begin your adventure.


Remember me?

thought i was in /ps2g/ for a sec

Aww shit, I miss the days of [NOGF].

>played purple butts when magriders could climb up 90 degree walls
>parked myself above a space america sunderer near the crown and farmed the endless line of blue lemmings
>when I got bored I'd wander around, sneak up behind snipers and flash my headlights until they turned around, then run them over

got bored before they even nerfed the magrider but man it was fun while it lasted

That's not Miller, the server for real TR men.

>played team killer faction
>thought the vanguard was meh
>got my ass kicked by everything
>bought AP rounds
>everything made of armor fucking dies

i miss these days

MAXs are good

I like PS1 Maxes more though

need to nerf the mobility and increase the resistance to small arms, as well as making C4 placed instead of thrown

My only Auraxium weapon is my bolt action sniper rifle, should I feel bad?

The last time I played, MAX suits were metal caskets. Did the C4 fairies get a nerf or something?

NC maxes are top fun, TR ones are boring as shit.

>what you said is bs

Oh okay, lets talk about bullshit for a second.

Whiny pussy bitch TR cry and whine about TR warp gate being south east. " It's a bad spot! Every where else is advantage! * Tower camps internally *" So they fuckin swap our warp gates and NC is forced into the fucking southeast and TR has the fucking North. " Nooo its not fucking balanced! We want the Southwest! ".

Then the made claims that the NC Reaver was moving faster than it should, until information finally circulated that players were merely ascending while thrusting forward. Then TR got the scatmax nerfed into uselessness and it took a fucking research video to get it unfucked.

Then they took away fucking auraxium because TR was too fucking stupid to leave the crown and farm it for unlocks. So NC and VS basically doubled down on TR with their new rocketpods.

Shit never fucking ended, TR was like the shifty jew that couldn't stop being fags and getting BTFO. TR plant pod beacons ontop of NC and VS warp gate, SOE is forced to code in the fucking return to battle counter. TR join factions and /suicide inside of dropships, SOE is forced to fix that too. TR just ghost hacks all day, SOE removes more fun from the game.

If I had a zimbabwe dollar for every time TR ran around and did some nigger shit in the first year of PS2 I'd be a billionaire.

>remembering back to when the game first came out of beta
>SOE did Friday night twitch streams of people talking and flying a camera around the server
>suddenly a swarm of TR Mosquito's as the PS2 /vg/ group is dropping in hot and blowing shit up

When I used to play PS2, I spent most of my time playing TR double anti-aircraft guns. I wanted to make sure no one in the air was going to have fun. Aircraft flyers do not deserve fun.

Is there a video of this?

Talk shit and are a bunch of fakes that sprouted up roughly after closed beta. They call matherson hard mode, but in reality its because the games gone through so much bullshit nothing ever gets done. These faggots never played when a faction could run out of resources, or when sundy's could repair while moving and at a frightening rate.

Fuck off.

The skygods and their chariots really turned me off from Planetside 2. Nothing ends fun faster than a competent top pilto.

As long as you are aware of them you should be fine, never put yourself in a position where they can be above you, always keep an eye out.

There's an implant that highlights C4 as well which is helpful

havent played in a year though


No because it never happened, aside from buzz and his zergfit. /vg/ couldn't align itself to one fucking group and were mainly solo warriors.


There's a whole playlist of [NOGF] shenanigans. Here's one:

This is wrong because I distinctly being in groups of like 50 odd people from /vg/ playing on the weekends

What year faggot? All of my screens are from either alpha tech or closed beta and fucking /vg/ couldn't agree on a faction. Buzz would come in from time to time to recruit, but people were getting tired of his bullshit real fast.

This sounds like some post cert era bullshit, but by then PS2 and most of the real game and fun was blown. By release of the second map most people were already tired of the bullshit.

2012-early 2013


>and fucking /vg/ couldn't agree on a faction
I recall some relatively coordinated /vg/ effort in the late beta/early launch phase.

well it's a Sup Forums image

I'm just wondering if people remember this.

Can basically confirm.

I was a pretty bigshot platoon leader from launch until about three years in. The TR always had the bitchiest outfits and players. It was a fucking travesty, every fight with them would be endless complaining about balance in /yell.

TE was pretty good though. Wish they could stop playing revisionist historian about fucking everything though.

Gone but not forgotten.

Yeah that sounds like some post Cert bullshit, you and your " muh-mathersons" must have been coming in as we were going out.

the general had fights even before people got invites and I was a lucky enough fucker to get in the alpha. Game was so much different back then. There were Gal's loaded with troops constantly moving and we coveted auraxium.

About the only people who didn't care about auraxium was TR, but that changed when people got their first wave of unlocks and TR bitched the resource out of existence.

