Muh Lawrence Stern
t. New Vegas babies
Muh Lawrence Stern
t. New Vegas babies
New Vegas thread? Favorite companion?
Cass or Raul
ED-E and [Spoiler]Veronica[/spoiler] get an honorable mention.
Fuck companions
max stealth + fist of rawr + mobius glove
Nah man, max luck, better criticals, and lucky and you're golden.
What's TUN and who's Lawrence?
Max luck in NV is completely broken
>get like 100k money once you get to vegas
>get near infinite stimpaks, repair kits and ammo from Dead Money dispenser
ED-E is just a bro
Boone for when I storm the Fort and for the Hoover Dam battle
I only pal around with Arcade so I can get to his family armor
Why bother with ganon armor when riot gear from LR exists?
>wearing the ugliest Veteran Ranger knockoff
>impgylin ganon armor isn't gay as fuck
>imblyign it matters in first person view
>implying I don't admire my character during walks
Shit taste detected
I'm begging ya user
Elite Riot is the pinnacle of tacked on garbage with a hideous colour scheme
what is that ugly garbage?
Max luck is baby-tier shit that literally every single style of play in the game gets huge benefit from.
>digital camo
the fuck have you done
Is the courier the most /k/ protaigonists in all of video games?
ED-E & Boone everytime. I do their companion quests straight away, reach about lvl 15 or so and head to the Fort to kill Caesar.
not as /k/ as major degtyarev because he doesn't die from a single headshot
So have you ever actually played the game or do you just enjoy watching it play itself that much?
The most /k/ protag in Bethesda games maybe. While not being the most /k/ overall he does rank high.
>in Bethesda games
ED-E and/or Raul. I mostly solo or go with ED-E though.
Favorite weapon? of each type?
What outfit?
Courier fatigues from Courier's Cache mod and facewrap helmet from NCR Trooper Overhaul. Also authority glasses.
Another outfit from a couple mods
>modified Daniel's outfit
Yeah it's actually just Daniel's outfit with the courier vest mod vest and the hat from the gunslinger mod.
how people defend the lack of choices in 3 and 4
by being shit eating retards that just want to shoot stuff and don't care about role playing
White knight/BH outfit.
Either 3/4 was their first Fallout and was likely also their first "RPG"
the people who prefer those games don't really give a shit about playing an rpg and are more interested in having a sandbox action game
Because they don't like RPGs. Some people play those games and think there's no choices at all. They go through their playthrough thinking everything they did they had to do and didn't have any choices at all. Just following quest markers for whatever questlines they encounter first.
Honestly though, I had no idea about the yes man ending in FNV until my third playthrough.
Should I get HH or DM
>Should I get HH or DM
You should have the Ultimate Edition already
Fallout: "New Vegas 2"(or whatever)
here's what I would do
>slightly bigger map with stuff sometimes spread out more, no invisible walls
>more strategic points for whatever faction-war is occuring.
>vehicles and /or NPC's that utilize vehicles. meaning there's
>Things that would be adopted from "Fallout 4"
>Vertibird design (I frankly like it, regardless of it's a retcon or not, the vertibirds in fallout 4 actually look more like aircraft.)
>some gun mechanics (but with bolts on the right-hand side of weapons and not the left)
>some basic power-armor mechanics.(animations should be changed though as I think it's kind of weird how power-armor opens up, should be slightly less theatrical)
>clothing/outfit/armor system. (perhaps more or less flexible depending on what results, essentially you should be able to have different designs for pants.
other ideas:
>power armor should also be rarer and have disadvantages like sinking into mud or something
>some heavy weapons should be placeable/braceable if character STR-value isn't high enough to run-and-gun with them. think the machineguns in verdun, or the engineer turret in planetside 2
Mostly all good points. Fo4 made power armor 2ez. Like, if you knew how to do it you could get PA pretty early in New Vegas but you were corralled into it.