>Scalebound cancelled
>Fable Legends cancelled
>Project Spark released then discontinued in like a year
>Phantom Dust in development hell
>Quantum Break bombed
>Recore was mediocre
>Sunset Overdrive while good didn't sell well and they don't even own the IP
>That D4 game sent out to die
>Crackdown 3 is probably in trouble too
>People are sick of Halo
>All the money they invested in Kinect flushed down the toilet
>Wasting money on timed exclusives like Tomb Raider and Dead Rising
Scalebound cancelled
What the FUCK do we do bros? How do we save Xbox and our guy, Phil Spencer??
Where have all the MS pajeets gone? They were here in droves the past few months, but then they disappeared about a week ago.
Taking a break from the SWITCH SUX threads I see.
There's only one thing we can do, bros...we make.......the....Switch™....
>Scalebound cancelled
Platinum was letting it sit and barely allocated any resources to it after creative differences and Microsoft was forced to pull the plug
>Fable Legends cancelled
It was possibly one of the worst games I've ever played. It looked pretty and had good music. Everything else was beyond redeemable.
>Project Spark released then discontinued in like a year
Not full realized or easily accessible. It should have been sat on a bit and saved for the Play Anywhere feature.
>Phantom Dust in development hell
Don't even know what game that is.
>Quantum Break bombed
It was an awesome game too.
>Recore was mediocre
It was, but I enjoyed it. It was priced accordingly too and has the potential to grow quite a bit for a sequel.
>Sunset Overdrive while good didn't sell well and they don't even own the IP
It's a good game too.
>That D4 game sent out to die
Never played.
>Crackdown 3 is probably in trouble too
Possibly, it's defintiely at the forfront of the Scorpio's developement, but it's also probably getting a lot of attention from high ranking engineers.
>People are sick of Halo
Nah, I work with 40+ year old dudes who still talk about Halo and they are complete normies
>All the money they invested in Kinect flushed down the toilet
It's good to take risk, but sometimes they don't pan out. At least it's not a Sega scenario that destroyed them.
>Wasting money on timed exclusives like Tomb Raider and Dead Rising
Sony forced them, Sony just loves paying for timed exclusives and Microsoft had to open up the wallet.
That all said, you should be an idort. Some years are better for other platforms. This year will most likely go to Nintendo with a bit of PC and Sony. Xbox will only have it's time come Holiday season this year if it does unless they have some crazy 10/10 E3 lined up.
I love my Xbox One, but after the past 2 amazing years with it, I know for a fact I'm going to let it gather some dust this year so I can play my PS4 and Switch.
i think they are just actively trying to destroy the xbox until everyone converts to windows 10 games.
PC Master Race here, don't give up Xbro, endure and wait, back up is coming...
Will dominate the Switch and PS4.
We PC Master Racers have your back Xbro, but you better not backstab us with exclusives!
We need Mechassault 3
We need to make Battletech great again
>Sony forced them, Sony just loves paying for timed exclusives and Microsoft had to open up the wallet.
Sony didn't really do any of that until Tomb Raider happened
Xbox is trash
>Amazing last 2 years
No. The Xbone is garbage and I regret shelling out for one.
Leave the Mech genre to Miyazaki, Armored Core Reboot already confirmed and he said it will surpass Dark Souls as his magnum opus.
Microsoft is pulling their shilling funds just as they're not paying devs.
>>Quantum Break bombed
>It was an awesome game too.
what makes you say that?
Armored Core is good and all but It's no Mechwarrior.
Xbox doesn't get AC games either. Open your mind bro, Mechassault is kino.
The guys who made the new Shadowrun games are making another.
Phil Spencer, I feel is really close to the chopping block, like so many other before him.
He has 2 years to go, tops.
>Sony forced them, Sony just loves paying for timed exclusives and Microsoft had to open up the wallet.
fucking kek, be more deluded please
Mechassault was a set of games for the Xbox (OG) that sold very well. If there's anything Microsoft can pull out it's Mechassault.
Mechwarrior 5, Mechwarrior Online, Battletech, the Tabletop game, and Mechwarrior Living Legends are all doing very well. We just need Mechassault 2
We got cucked pretty hard. Im just going to sell it and maybe get a pc.
I bought it to play Halo, Forza, and Gears. Why did you buy one? Are you not very intelligent?
It's a AAA telltale style game with some actual gameplay. The TV episodes were a nice touch. It was very good for what it set out to be and I feel it did it well. I personally would like to see this being more prominent in the industry instead of everyone making an FPS-clone.
Armored Core Reboot already confirmed for PS, XBOX and PC. Have faith in Miya-Sensei.
I hope with crackdown 3 the first 2 become BC
please do the needful
and besides that one dumb fuck posting that halo 5 thread, no one has been here 'in droves'
Halo 5 and Gears 4 were both garbage. Forza was OK but not worth buying a console for.
They ramp up before any Microsoft event like thegameawards, then they leave for a bit. They are here right now, see the Xbox 360 and Xbox one Controller threads trying to shill the last few idiots dumb enough to buy their products.
Look at the ''Thanks Microsoft'' thread, most of the first twnerty posts are desperate shill attempts.
Than I suspect that the Xbox brand is not for you and the world does not share your view to the tee :)
Not everybody is a loyal cuck to companies that don't give a fuck about you or your opinion. I just buy and play the games I want no matter what platform they are on.
>you should be an idort
That only works when the console is actually worth something. If you already own every other platform and you buy an Xbone you're just throwing your money away. That console has little to offer, and doubly so for someone who can play the multiplats literally anywhere else.
>A new Dead Rising came out a month or so ago
I remember a time when that franchise was very high on my watch list.
>Doesn't give a shit when companies fuck him over
>I'm somehow the loyal cuck
Might as well get defensive I guess if you don't have a argument.
Xbox has been cancer for the industry since 2001, Xbots deserve every salty tear they've shed this gen
I agree, and that is why I am buying a Nintendo® Switch™
I don't regret my xbone decision since it has been enough to fit my gaming needs, and will continue to do so throughout 2017 from what I can see.
I was definitely disappointed at the Phantom Dust and Scalebound cancellations, though. Microsoft has the worst luck selecting studios for their exclusive games, or they're just retarded and like throwing away money. If Microsoft doesn't impress me this E3 (which they probably won't) I'll stick with my regular Bone and just get a Switch.
Seriously why do fags wear that shit? YOU DON'T DO MMA
>First to introduce paid online
>Microsoft killed Rare for no fucking reason
Seems right
I've had my xbone for a month and I am happy with it, I play it almost daily unlike my ps4, since I have friends on xbox
Not only that but
>Forced Valve to release free updates as paid DLC for L4D
>Created On disk DLC and killed Demos by forcing devs to pay for content uploaded to XBLA by charging based on file size
>Games For Windows Live
>Literally tried ramming used game blocking and always online down consumer throats
I mostly play Titanfall 2, ESO, and Forza these days. I've been holding off on playing Recore.
What are you playing?
>Scalebound cancelled
Looked like shit
>Fable Legends cancelled
Was shit
>Project Spark released then discontinued in like a year
Was shit
>Phantom Dust in development hell
Hope it comes back
>Quantum Break bombed
Movie game so it was shit
>Recore was mediocre
It was okay DLC and a sequel would improve it
>Sunset Overdrive while good didn't sell well and they don't even own the IP
I hope it gets a sequel
>That D4 game sent out to die
True fuck MS for that
>Crackdown 3 is probably in trouble too
Doubt it
>People are sick of Halo
People are sick of characters with bad gimmicks being shoved down their throats with inferior gameplay and level design to the Master Chief's gameplay and level design
>All the money they invested in Kinect flushed down the toilet
It was stupid of them to go chasing that Wii money anyway, it deserved to fail to wake MS's stupid asses up.
>Wasting money on timed exclusives like Tomb Raider and Dead Rising
True, they need to invest in first party studios and have a better relationship with third party making first party exclusives for them.
>An idort
I hope you don't include the xbone, because the few games anyone would want on xbone are released for PC too so even xbone lost that.
i thought about buying a ps4 just for nioh but that is quite the investment so i bought a wii u instead. i bought a used ps3 last year and i'll get P5 for that, but other than Nioh and maybe Bloodborne i don't see why you'd own a ps4.
Nioh is more worth it than bloodborne unless you like the visual style of it.
Bloodborne is boring as shit until you get to the dlc and replayability is super low as there isn't enough viable variety
Gears of War 4 is dead on PC and Forza ran like shit on my PC even tho I could run Evolve on max setting. Also ESO has the biggest community on Xbox and people use actually microphones.
There are reasons to own an X1, granted not many if your PC runs everything fine on Play Anywhere. I'm most likely going to just get a Scorpio instead of upgrading my PC at this point. I've mostly been playing exclusive indie games on my PC anyways where I didn't need the extra power. Modding is mostly dead these days sadly, which is why I even got into PC gaming originally. Also I'm not a huge fan of Steam having the monopoly on PC gaming.
mostly gears UE, I have dr4 that I need to start. I just beat gears 2 for the first time in forever. Getting gears 4 next week so hopefully that's good
>but you better not backstab us with exclusives!
don't worry PC bro, all of our exclusives are also your exclusives
10/10 b8
Agree with recore that game could be megaman with a day night cycle or city areas
>replayability is super low as there isn't enough viable variety
that is every souls game
Sunset overdrive was garbage
No it wasn't. The movement on rails could have been a faster and it had shit humor but everything else was pretty good.
>am a normie faggot, only like first person shooters and a couple of different games like TT Walking Dead
>been team xbox since the classic although i did mess around with the PS1, PS2 and a couple of nintendo systems
>we don't have early DLC for cod anymore
>battlefield 1 fucking sucks
>titanfall 2 isn't even that good compared to the original and its no longer a exclusive
>Rainbow Six 3, FNV and Skyrim is way better on PC and I have all the DLCs for them on it
Where can I buy Microsoft brand nooses?
>only got the bundle when it first came out because the white xbox controller looked sweet
>game was boring fuck
>broke the front shell in a fit of rage from a laggy game from some stupid shooter years later
Nothing but regret desu
Why is Microsoft Studios such a fucking shit show now? Why did so many projects get canned?
Shut up you fucking shill
To allocate resources for the ''scorpio'' the big response to PS4 Pro. They are heaps stupid
Do you still have the files user? I'd like to data mine Fable Legends plz
Will Scorpio be the next Dreamcast?
ps4 pro is hot garbage thanks to an underwhelming GPU upgrade and ever more to the nonexistent CPU bump.
I expect the price to be outrageous (or for MS to willingly throw away big money on every unit), but Scorpio would have to try very hard at this point to not make PS4 look awful in comparison.
Just got out of the Sea of Thieves Alpha this weekend. It was pretty amazing.
Literally the only good game this gen between the XB1 and PS4.
>Scalebound cancelled
Looked like shit. Who cares?
>Fable Legends cancelled
Played the beta, it was shit. Who cares?
>Project Spark released then discontinued in like a year
Shit, who cares?
>Phantom Dust in development hell
Looks like shit, who cares?
>Quantum Break bombed
Still a good game, who cares?
>Recore was mediocre
Still a good game, who cares?
>Sunset Overdrive while good didn't sell well and they don't even own the IP
Who cares?
>That D4 game sent out to die
Episode 1 is shit, who cares?
>Crackdown 3 is probably in trouble too
Based on what? Last official word we have is that it's coming along smoothly.
>People are sick of Halo
No they aren't.
>All the money they invested in Kinect flushed down the toilet
Who cares?
>Wasting money on timed exclusives like Tomb Raider and Dead Rising
Who cares?
OP is just mad that the only good PS4 game is a collection of PS1 games that isn't even out yet.
Do you still have the files installed for Fable Legends user?
>implying I'm going to waste my hard drive space on a shit game
Just have to dig through all the nintendo shill threads to find them
I'll take that as a no then. Oh well, thanks for replying.
Time to revive old franchises, lets see PGR, Midtown Madness and Mechwarrior
I don't give a shit there will be stuff announced at e3 and resident evil 7 is coming out tomorrow so fuck off and play your backlog asshole
The real sad thing in this post was that this user believed he was helping the xbones case
no worries scorpio will come soon and put the final nail in the coffin for sony.
>Platinum was letting it sit and barely allocated any resources to it after creative differences and Microsoft was forced to pull the plug
Lets be real here it was purely because they thought they weren't given the same attention as Nier was. So they threw a hissyfit.
>Nah, I work with 40+ year old dudes who still talk about Halo and they are complete normies
>40+ years old
Thats exactly why its dead. Only old people like it. New generation kids dont give a fuck about Halo
ITT: Desperate Nintendrones and PC gamers.
I'm 99% sure you are a french canadian.
What's the game actually like?
I too actually enjoyed Recore and Quantum Break
but Quantum Break was short
>no worries scorpio will come soon and put the final nail in the coffin for sony.
Yet the opposite has happened.
The Xbox division has been loosing money for Microsoft for years and years now. Sony made a bet and assumed the PS4 Pro would serve two purposes and succeeded. They wanted to attract new adopters yet somehow knew the Pro would bait the Xbox division into R&Ding an aggressive 'response' console despite high end gaming being a predominantly PC market.
Sony knew Xbox suits were desperate for market share but desperation breeds hastiness. Xbox suits didn't realize power was the Pro's secondary feature, it's primariy feature was it's value proposition and knowing this Sony strategically positioned it and baited Xbox into playing a really dumb hand by making the Pro seem like it was competing with PC when it really wasnt.
The Xbox division has a limited budget to work with so for them to move resources away from Microsoft Studios and into hardware production benefits Sony incredibly well. Scalebound was most likely canceled for the Scorpio along with other projects just to stay within their budget. Investing millions into the production of a 4k Console that is already obselete to PC's that already have every single advantage including the entire Xbox software library is suicide. And so Xbox began destroying itself.
And for what? Sony basically duplicated their existing GPU and repackaging it with a 30% CPU increase in a bigger Slim case. The Pro was a ridiculously straightforward console that wouldn't have taken much of Sony's workload and could still output some great results when optimized for. While Sony knuckled down and continued work on what actually mattered, compelling first party games Xbox worked in the complete opposite direction and began cancelling games to prioritize the Scorpio. This is why the Xbox first party line up is now so weak.
>not being an Idort that has a PC/Xbone/ps4/WiiU/Psvita/3ds/ps3 for all exclusives and all experiences
Its like you guys are trying to be faggots kek
You forgot
>All games have to have a PC version too, thus giving you even less reason to own an Xbone.
But user, Phantom Dust is doing well.
I'm an idort, but not an idiot. So I never bought an XBone.
>>Phantom Dust in development hell
uh no
that shits straight up done
it's scalebound-tier dead
I remember reading one of phil's tweet saying that they plan to release it before E3.
Does anyone who fell for the Xbox One meme mind explaining why you bought one? Was it just for Halo, Gears and Forza?
Wait until before or after E3. There really is nothing to shill or hype up rught now.
t. sonycuck
Pretty much. I regret it, there's just nothing else interesting coming out for it other than rehashes of old games
How was Gears 4? I played the shit out of 2 and 3 on 360 back in the day but nothing really compelled me to get a One and it's on PC anyways.
Except PS4Pro was announced 4 months AFTER reveal of Xbone S and Scorpio.
Yes, I see this exact same post in hate-Xbox thread. Letter-to-letter, same. I guess someone likes to spread little, cute lies all over the internet.
>Armored Core Reboot already confirmed
Please post a source. I want to believe you but with how well the Dark Souls games have done I don't see them stopping making those.
Why did people even get an Xbone at launch with how horrible it's 2013 reveal was? I can get if it was only because they changed their mind that much but even then its still not that better 3 years later.
It plays like a cross between 1 and 3
Its not bad,and the campaigns...interesting
Its worth a buy
dude what