The Switch has no ga-

The Switch has no ga-

I'm seeing a lot of multiplats there.

We don't know if the Pokemon game will be mainline or a spinoff though.

Out of all that shit i will buy

>Zelda botw
>Mario Odyssey
>mario kart(even though i own it on wii u)
>splatoon 2
>bomberman maybe

So 4 games and a maybe


let me just end the thread right here, this is a bigger lineup of games in the first year than the WiiU, XBox ONE and PS4 combined. The end. stop complaining all u haters, it's looking great

I dont have any friends. Even if i did i think it looks awful

Port port port port konami shit and nintoddler party game shit indie no effort shit
Port port and nintoddler shit port port
Port port

Why the hype?

Looks better then fucking Splatoon and Bomberman

Are you retarded? There is single player and online multiplayer. Also this is going to literally be the next Splatoon so saying it's awful is objectively incorrect.

Already planning on buying :

The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild
Super Bomberman R
I am Setsuna
Fast RMX
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Lego City Undercover
Splatoon 2
Shovel Knight
Fire Emblem Warriors
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Stardew Valley
Hollow Knight
Fire Emblem
No More Heroes
Dragon Quest Heroes I - II
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI
Octopath Traveler
Pokemon Stars
Shin Megami Tensei

Switch Master Race!

>"It's okay when Sony does it!"

Removed multiplats and games that haven't even been announced (Pokemon)

FE warriors is on 3ds

Go back to Redout faggot

of course it's going to be a spinoff. when was the last time a main game was on a home console?

>autism: the post

>Fire Emblem: No More Heroes

Is it a port of Conquest?

>the inevitable Sony deflection

>ARMS looks better than Splatoon


waiting for crack
t. piratefag

Street Fighter 2 is on NES

>shit posting console war thread
>"My platform of choice does no wrong!"

Fuck off sonyggers, back to Neogaf.

What's sad is that it still has 3 more good games than the PS4 and WiiU had combined.

Don't leave out XC2, casual

>hating on based Bomberman

>Switch needs third party support
>Multiplats don't count tho

My bad

>removed smt
>kept street fighter

It needs NEW 3rd party games, not games from last gen and bottom-of-the-barrel indie shit.

Oceanhorn for instance is an IPHONE GAME. Jesus fucking Christ I mean do you even realize how shitty most of those games are? You're not making your system look good by bloating it with garbage.

>the inevitable Sony deflection

Switch users will be mostly playing

>2 minute tf2 lite
>anything above pretty good

SMT is on 3DS though
I'm sure """""HD""""" means a lot in a turn-based JRPG

I love bomberman and I'm getting R, but it's still a fucking budget game

splatoon is nothing like tf2 wtf? Are you sperging out right now?

Nigga these people think the new Zelda and mario looks like trash

Do you really think they'd enjoy Bomberman?

skyrim needs to fuck off already

they are two separate games

Only own a PS1-3 and maybe 30-40 games for all three systems. I have more Wii games than all Playstation games. The Switch just looks like flase promises and 2018-2020 a near total drought of games.

Probably canceling that preorder.

same actually

>kof 98
really? you're going to list a nearly 20 year old port of an arcade game that can be played on a toaster

It's TF2 boiled down to it's most basic form. The full game is basically a glorified demo of TF2 and Overwatch. That's why you're not allowed to pick what fucking game mode you wanna play.

Also it's still got less content then vanilla tf2

>He's shilling for glorified Wii Boxing
>wants to call Splatoon anything lite
They're not even the same genre

We don't even know if they're exclusive. Notice how so few 3rd party devs have said anything about exclusivity. The Switch is going to lose 3rd party "exclusives" left and right when it bombs and their games don't sell, just like the Wii U did. Just look at the Rayman Legends. This time they're not even promising exclusivity

Street fighter 2 counts since it contains game modes and characters not in any other version

>metal slug 3
>shove night
>stardew valley
>streetfighter 2
they're not only non-exclusive, they old as FUCK

they have turf war in tf2 and overwatch where they have to paint the ground?

It also doesn't include d-pads so I say we forget about it

Mostly ports and indies
Can get them on other consoles
Indie games are a bunch of shit

>Also this is going to literally be the next Splatoon

Horrible online with a small fan base of japs with a short shallow single player?

Sounds like shit

>Skillful enough to THAT
>Only died because it was 2v1
Feels bad man

This bait was shitty even when it was fresh two years ago

This webm ignores the part where this was in no way a benefit because the retarded yellow didn't paint any ground. Then fucking died.

At least ARMS is trying to be a game with depth

>facts are bait

Mad that Nintendo is making a real E-sport game now?


>considering FE warriors a multiplat because Theres a downgraded version on a NINTENDO console

>He paid full price to not be allowed to play tower control

Maybe it'll be available tomorrow?

This is actually a really good launch year for a console.

Especially since only 12m people even own Wii Us, so BotW is basically an exclusive. So is MK8, for that matter, but to a much lesser extent since 8m people already bought it.

>tfw you didnt pre order one and are having severe anxiety about getting one


>Splatoon 2 is an "exclusive"

It's the exact same as the first game

>not leading your target

That's the most basic lesson of shooters. Are you trying to imply that this is impressive?

>this is going to literally be the next Splatoon
ARMSfags I genuinely wish you the best but Nintendo absolutely fucked you guys, the trailer was so bad most people think it's literally Wii Boxing 2.
Splatoon got an excellent trailer and three days of major coverage at E3, coming home with huge hype and praise from many journo outlets. On top of that they gave it a dedicated Direct and released a free demo for everyone to try the game out.

Unless ARMS gets major promotion (not a demo at some Jap game con) I really don't see it doing well.

>Distracting half the enemy team
>in no way a benefit

>a real E-sport game
That's funny, I don't remember a stadium full of people watching ARMS in the Switch reveal trailer

Yes it really does not have any games. Now fuck off nintenshill.

>Sonyggers: Multiplats count until the moment Nintendo has them.
>Nintendrones: Multiplats don't count until the moment we have them.

>Microshills: please remember we exist

>I don't remember a stadium full of people watching ARMS in the Switch reveal trailer

Oh. You're being ironic

If you had to play one of these games to completion or be shot in the head, would you stick the barrel in your mouth or against your forehead?

>the trailer was so bad most people think it's literally Wii Boxing 2.

Not really

>not playing zoo tycoon instead of killing yourself

>a quarter of your team did nothing but let other players paint the ground
>a benefit


The difference is no one buys Nintendo hardware for multiplats, so using multiplats to claim you have games when you don't have any exclusives is retarded. The whole reason for buying an overpriced, underpowered tablet are the exclusives, and the Switch barely has any in its first year.

>Implying they're not just going to port over sun and moon

The 3ds has another year or two tops, Nintendo aren't going to skip a Pokémon game for the system, especially when by that point the system will be cheaper and can be bundled with it for less than its current price

Explain to me why it isn't wii boxing 2

Because I thought it looked like wii boxing 2 and was gonna be in a switch minigame bundle and stopped paying attention to it during the presentation

watch dogs and ac4 are mediocre but they're not bad games. though i did pirate them

It has like 4

The 3DS is the best platform of this gen and it had 0

>coming home with huge hype and praise from many journo outlets.

lol it was received worse then ARMS. At least people who play ARMS like it.

There is serious nothing but garbage and kiddy shit until the end of 2018 unless Mario turns out to be good. Nintendo are so stupid holy shit

>he doesnt know

Is gonna be multiplayer

>Explain to me why it isn't wii boxing 2

explain how it is

>Because I thought it looked like wii boxing 2

Wow it's almost as if you're a retard.

>a quarter of your team did nothing but try to capture the flag
>a benefit


mes on launch

>The difference is no one buys Nintendo hardware for multiplats, so using multiplats to claim you have games when you don't have any exclusives is retarded. The whole reason for buying an overpriced, underpowered tablet are the exclusives, and the Switch barely has any in its first year.

The difference is no one buys Nintendo hardware for multiplats, so using multiplats to claim you have games when you don't have any exclusives is retarded. The whole reason for buying an overpriced, underpowered PC-wannabee are the exclusives, and the PS4 barely has any in its first year.

I changed TWO WORDS in what you just posted and it turned into a typical Nintendrone argument from one month ago.

You are a parody of yourself, Sonygger.

>I'm to stupid to listen to a presentation
>This is everyone else's fault


>Rebuying Mario Kart even though you probably won't bother with Battle Mode
>$50 Bomberman

>random false equivalency

>cube life

Are they seriously ripping off Minecraft?

you are delusional if you think it's going to be anything but a mediocre spinoff

>you probably won't bother with Battle Mode
nigga that's gonna be chill as fucc online, kys

>You are a parody of yourself, Sonygger.
I don't own a Sony anything

That's not the issue. Third-party support only matters if the games are exclusive to the platform, since exclusives are the only reason to get any console.

some of those are eshop games and games not even in development yet

>to stupid

And I thought I was stupid

No, it's pretty much equivalent. The goal isn't to just kill other players, the goal is to capture the most territory.

It's not that hard to understand, nigga.

The Switch will probably fail like how the 3DS did intially, but then rise up once Nintendo stops being jews and lowers the price of fucking everything.
Probably won't sell that much either with paid online.

>Story of Seasons

This better be a legit HD game. I don't mind the fact they've cheapened out and kept the series on handhelds, but dammit it'd be nice to farm on a big screen again with an actual camera again and not isometric like the last three games.

>but then rise up once Nintendo stops being jews and lowers the price of fucking everything.
You mean when they put a NEW mainline Pokemon game on it.

This "stars" bullshit doesn't count.

>The goal isn't to just kill other players, the goal is to capture the most territory

The yellow did neither while the two pinks did both.

It has already sold better than the 3DS did initially.

Actually having a launch title which, if I may remind you, won e3 all on its own probably helped. Everything else is just icing on the cake.