Pretty surprised they'd do a werewolf game right off the bat, I had expected another Vampire game or Hunter

>Pretty surprised they'd do a werewolf game right off the bat, I had expected another Vampire game or Hunter.
Focus Home is a budget publisher. They buy rights for niche tabletop IPs and hire small studios to work on them. VTM is probably too big of a goal for them and something Paradox might wanna keep for themselves anyway.

Besides they already have vampire game in development.

Other urls found in this thread:!YIgVwQKY!ykGezjo3qppcgHXzTKuBGQ!rFIDxRRK!IEzkLlroRoPwmDqtxKRMsw - The Forsaken.pdf

>Besides they already have a vampire game in development

For real?

Yeah i'm pretty hyped since werewolves are cool

I'm still trying to find WoD actual plays to get a feel for what the game was like but most of them are ass

Oh joy they decide to pick the shitty Werewolf the Apocalypse when Werewolf the Forsaken just came out with a 2 edition. Fucking disgraceful and disgusting\

Yeah, honestly, just from cursory looking, I think I like WtF a little more than WtA

>giving polygon clicks

WtA is almost entirely hippie werewolves versus the big bad cities and civilization fern gully avatar crap. Forsaken is a million times more interesting and nuanced

Werewolf the Forsaken seems cool. What's the lore like though? Are there still tribes? Are werewolves still giant assholes?

>Focus Home is a budget publisher.
this is completely false.

I don't know a whole lot but everyone seems to say that the lore is much more extensive for old World of Darkness (which would include Werewolf the Apocalypse) compared to new World of Darkness (which would include Werewolf the Forsaken)

I don't know if that applies to Forsakem but I remember there being 5 tribes in WtF, maybe more if you count evil/enemy tribes

Someone posted the PDF of the book in one of these threads a day or two ago

In the ancient past, the worlds of Flesh and Spirit were one, creating a world/time called Pangaea. In this time, the mighty wolf-spirit Father Wolf kept the peace between humans and spirits, destroying either of those that got out of line. The moon-spirit, Mother Luna, became enamored with Father Wolf's strength and took a human form to lay with him, giving birth to the first werewolves, who helped their father in his quest. These beings were special in that they were neither spirit nor human, but somewhere in between.

But as Father Wolf battled terrible demon-gods, his strength began to wane, and the world began to sicken, for he could no longer do his duty. Following their lupine instincts, most of these first werewolves rose up to challenge their father to step down as leader of the pack. Though he was unable to stand down by his nature, his spirit ban forbade him from attempting to fight in self-defense against his children. Thus, the first generation of werewolves were forced to slay Father Wolf. His death howl tore Pangaea apart, raising the Gauntlet that formed a barrier between the worlds of Flesh and Spirit. The grieving Mother Luna cursed her patricidal children with weakness to her sacred metal, silver, and charged them to take up their father's mantle as defenders of humanity against the spirits. This oath has been upheld by the Forsaken ever since.

What was the thing about the Pure Breeds being at odds with the Forsaken or something?

Also why the heck would they rename the auspices if they're pretty much identical?

Heya fellas
Obligatory oWoD RPG book dump guy here!YIgVwQKY!ykGezjo3qppcgHXzTKuBGQ
Happy reading!

The pure breeds are descended from Father Wolf's children that refused to hunt their father. They hate Luna from trying to force them to atone for their father's death so silver affects them even worse. Most of all they hate the forsaken from killing Father Wolf in the first place. Have no idea about the renames but personally I think they sound better.

no nWoD folder?
thanks by the way

There is one, but I don't have it. I only played oWoD ever, so never thought I'd need it.

What a shame you are surely missing out

I mean I know it sets up the werewolves quite nicely but why the heck would Luna choose to take the form of a human to fuck Father Wolf, das some kinky ass shit tho

Found it on /tg/. In case anyone wants to read nWoD stuff!rFIDxRRK!IEzkLlroRoPwmDqtxKRMsw

Can you post the Hunter Dante page

Cracks me up every time

I used to ST for 15-ish years, but I don't really have time to play any more anyway. And if I had, I'd play the Firefly RPG.

Thanks friend!

tfw no one to play these games with

Thats nWoD.

Neato, my first experience playing a tabletop RPG was a Firefly RPG

Well if she didnt we wouldnt have a werewolf game now would we?

It all sounds like fun but I imagine the experience would be severely hampered if you were playing with the type of turbo autist these kind of games tend to attract like myself

Aw, nice. I really want to ST one. All my RPG buddies left the city tho (it's our Uni city, and only I stayed after graduating). It's not easy to find new people to play with.
Aaaanyway, have fun reading guys. I'm back to watching "He Never Died". Pretty fucking good little movie, by the way.

I'm okay with that since i'm also a pretty huge loser

It's only like the 5th or 6th thread we've had in the last day or two

Which is actually not much compared to the endless console war shitposting - The Forsaken.pdf

Lol at first I thought the Ops pic was pic related




I'm a fan of vore, but you need to fuck off.

What a fuck

So what are the chances this game will not be low budget?

I get that shes full of weird holes and that's suppose to be spooky but why would she stick random things like her toothbrush in them?

Somewhat high, but it's not going to be high budget either.

Those holes are like vaginas, she feels pleasure putting things and toying them.

Let me guess, its by the same guy who drew that one with all the people shaped holes in the side of that cliff

It is a metaphor, I will explain

You see, she starts as a simple, but pure schoolgirl, which changes when she goes for a shopping. In these exact moments of shopping she finds out about a hole, and that is not a coincidence, because, as I've said earlier, it is a metaphor of consumption.
She got "corrupt" by trying to appeal to the people around her by buying stuff, (rather than trying to understand that she herself is what important) thus, determining herself by another items. And she liked that, she found pleasure in that.

Bit by bit, she's been losing herself as a whole, trying to escape from the little things inside of her that make her "her" and by trying to find the meaning of her life by finding "her" in the objects around her.

So, to put it simply, these holes depict her inner emptiness, which she shamelessly tries to close by the objects which can fit in those holes.

No, that's The Enigma of Amigara Fault by Junji Ito. Ito is a horror mangaka and his art style is quite distinctive, it looks nothing like that.

that's dumb

Do your own explanations then, fag

Do these guys have any experience with making decent combat in games?

Because if I can't feel like a killing machine playing a werewolf game, then why bother?

No actually, their best combat system was on Styx and it was pure shit. Still, they could learn and do a somewhat good enough combat.

mother luna confirmed for craving the knot

But Styx supposedly at least had decent stealth, right?

I could deal with a "stalk around in the dark and jump out at target" style game as long as the combat was at least mediocre

>But Styx supposedly at least had decent stealth, right?
Best stealth in more than a while. Only bad part is the second half, which makes you backtrack every step you had.
Still, the game isn't out, nor any sort of video or concept. There is some hope, a simple enough Hack n Slash would be ok. It's not like anyone is expecting Bloodlines 2.

WtA pretty good and has a more focused theme (doomed warriors fighting a losing battle against the inevitable Ragnarok on the horizon.)

Maybe you should try reading it more before jumping to assumptions? At least educate yourself if you're going to talk shit.

are we still talking about this?

I think you mean CoD, because they have finally renamed it to something its fans like.

Still better writing that most AAA games

I wasn't talking shit, friendo

My big complaint with WtA is that there's always something about each tribe that puts me off from liking them completely.

desu that's an issue I've had with every subfaction in every WoD gameline. You just gotta roll with the punches. Fortunately your Pack matters more and Lodges exist if you want to flavor yourself differently.

WtA definitely needed some pruning or re imagining of their tribes though.. just not quite the personality scrubbing blandness that are the Forsaken tribes.

But if I'm making up my own separate subfaction within a faction that differs from the main one by a decent margin, how am I any better than if I'm just making it all up (as is the case with WtF)?

They have pre-written Lodges with lore you might enjoy. Check out the Tribebooks, they're up for grabs in the World of Darkness general on /tg/.

If you meant your Pack, that's.. that's not really a faction. But it does matter more than Tribe allegiance. Loyalty to the group is a very central theme to WtA, even if they aren't necessarily your friends.

>B-But muh adblock not enuff!
Quit being such a faggot. If you have adblock on your browser then its fine to click on sites even if you personally don't like the people running it.

>You will never be able to choose Full Moon Garou and fight your way through the game
>You will never be able to choose Gibbous Moon Garou and forsee the best path through the game
>You will never be able to choose Half Moon Garou and shmooze your way through the game
>You will never be able to choose Crescent Moon Garou and use the spirits to carry you through the game
>You will never be able to choose New Moon Garou and sneak your way through the game

I need to keep my expectations low for this

I'll look into it

T'anks friendo

The big bad wolf and the moon banged and made werewolves.
The wolf's job was to pwn all the baddies, but the werewolves thought they were bad enough dudes to take over his job after he hit the senior years so they killed him.
Moon Mommy got mad at them so she cursed them to be weak to silver and then told them to take up the family business.

In all honesty it's far simplified compared to what WtA was cooking even in 1e but I'm guessing all this hate for it is coming from the fact that no matter what happens everything is already fucked anyways before you start a game in WtA.

Hate for WtA or WtF?

Because I don't think I care for the "no matter what happens everything is already fucked anyways" element of WtA if you're saying that people dislike WtF due to the absence of it

Only a mobile phone game, not an actual game. Do not be fooled.

Its not as impressive or a lot to work with, yeah. The game tone is also different because you can at least expect to go out fighting against the inevitable. Forsaken is just kind of.. beat up spirits, establish a territory, then ???? YOU HUNT THINGS. That its become entirely about 'WHAT DO YOU HUNT' in a gameline that's always been about being rage-fueled, trigger happy (and often doomed) warriors, turning them on their head as hunters who hunt and nothing else feels a bit shallow.

It also sucks that the Pure have a casus belli to fuck you to death but you're suppose to turn the other cheek. You can't even butcher each other in a brutal shadow war like Gaians vs Black Spiral Dancers. So your antagonist choices often come off as frustrating rather than something you feel like you can actually fight.

And now, this is just my opinion, but the whole 'personal horror' angle that nwod pushes just doesn't fit the Werewolf in a Werewolf Pack theme. I guess if you want to go the route of TWD with an ad hoc family being torn apart by circumstance and a brutal, unforgiving world, but much like TWD it starts to feel very directionless and pointless. That was my play experience anyway.

WtA's apocalypse isn't a guaranteed thing. The W20 even went back and spelled it flat out that it *could* be stopped.. if the Garou could accomplish the nigh-impossible task of truly unifying against the Wyrm at the 11th Hour.

But couldn't you make a story about some spirit threatening to end the world or am I flying too far off the allowable rails? I'm new to this

Have the best of both worlds (WoD style story with CofD mechanics)

They actually have a conversion guide for porting WtA mechanics to WtF. It isn't perfect but its servicable.

You could do an end of the world plot in WtF if you wanted that. You might want to turn the power levels up though, Forsaken are quite as powerful as their Garou counterparts from WtA.

.. unless of course you don't want to give the players any chance at succeeding.

Anyone got Chronicles of Darkness on pdf?

I'm hoping at least tribe choice will be an option

and even then when they pretty much-inevitably lose, they can still fight hard enough to ensure something survives.

I worry they'll get lazy because that's a lot of different tribes

Don't expect another Bloodlines. It will be some shitty action game I guarantee it.


The Apocalypse can be argued as a matter of perspective, too. The other Changing Breeds, the Fera, might tell you its not the End of All Things but merely another phase of Gaia and the universe, and its better to hurry it along than delay the inevitable.

But isn't insuring something survives a victory?


>introduced to what people call old world of darkness through comic posting on Sup Forums nine years ago
>lore is complete ass
>character creation is retarded
>story has so little cohesion you can't make heads or tails of it
>can't even decipher an antagonist out of all the possibilities

I've never seen such an open ended game give the player so little agency. it's going to suck massive dick

I would assume the choice of tribes will probably be; Silver Fangs, Shadowlords, Get of Fenris, Children of Gaia, Black Furies and Glass Walkers or Bone Gnawers. The rest are either too specific in their focus, or too easy to fuck up and get slammed over their depiction (Silent Striders, Uktena, Wendigo, Stargazers.)

Expect most of the other Tribes to show up in the form of an NPC or antagonist, especially a 'RAAR SMASH HYOO-MUHNS!' cliche Red Talon meathead Ahroun.

I'm down for a Werewolf game even though I've only ever played Vampire and Mage tabletop.

I'm hoping it is decent and does well enough to justify them doing more PC/console games with better budgets.

nah cunt the video games so far have been decent to good. they're only loosely based off the tabletop game.

>Paladin, Rogue/Assassin, Berserker/Warrior, Cleric/Healer, mandatory tumblr audience choice, Classy Ranged DPS with a gun/Technomancer/Street Savvy Smartass Wizard

Sounds about right.

Okay, gonna need a source.

>completely changing the game to make it not suck massive dick
sounds about right

A nwod game would be terrible, I agree.

I thought the Bone Gnawers were hobos

Street savvy multiculti hobos!

Actually no, modern day Bone Gnawers are basically werewolf chavs or gopniks.

I wanted to only put Glass Walkers in because they fulfill the niche of tech specialist and gun user in an otherwise very melee oriented game, but I can't see them not taking the Strong Hard-Working Poor Minority as a character archetype.

What does Sup Forums think about Obsidian making a VTM/Changeling/Promethean game (I'm assuming Mage is too difficult for even the likes of Obsidian to adapt to video game form)

If there's anyone who should do it it is Obsidian. After all they have a lot of ex-Troika staff including Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky. Now all they need is Brian Mitsoda.

That is if we just want another VTMB and not something different.

it's not what the file name says
it's gay
I didn't save it either

I'm not surprised and I am okay with that.

iirc bone gnawers sort of fill a niche like nosferatu in VtM

'uggo poorfag skulking in the sewer'

Except that's covered by the Ratkin in the WtA world so.. there's really no reason to have Bone Gnawers, most of the tribes have poor disenfranchised members and kinfolk anyway. Having an entire tribe of poors is kind of retarded.

Maybe if they were a bi-partisan Lodge that spanned across multiple Tribes? especially the ones that got fucked by the bigger tribes.

My problem with the Glass Walkers is that they tend to stay out of Werewolf form which is not surprising given their environment/place of residence. But if I'm playing a Werewolf game, I'd wanna play as a Werewolf

Also they seem to be the "get with the times, Grandpa" types which is a little annoying

glass walkers are the only upside to old world of darkness

who else will you use to go into Glabro and dual wield L85's?

how do you not remember CBH?

That's neat but I'd like to enjoy some good ol' fashioned rip and tear too

Otherwise what's the point of the whole werewolf thing?

The point of having options is so you can do all of these.

dual wield rpk's then switch to crinos when you run out of ammo and use them as clubs

By that logic there's no reason to have anything besides Silver Fangs Ahrouns. Don't play it if you don't like it, but it's nice to have options.