This is definitely nothing like what people hyped it up to be. I like it...

This is definitely nothing like what people hyped it up to be. I like it, but it's not the masterpiece people keep saying it is. If I wasn't really into RPGs I would have dropped it in the first hour.

The dice roll combat is a retarded system for this game. It is completely fucking stupid and there is nothing anyone can say to justify it. I can look past stuff like this, but it's still a huge blemish on the game. Another flaw would be the walking simulator aspect which is awful by itself because of your slow pace, but is even further worsened by how dull and empty the world is. Speaking of dull and empty, the characters are just that. 95% of the NPCs in this game feel like they're just random text dispensers and lack any personality. I can forgive the lack of voice acting, but it does make the problem worse. They might as well just be pieces of paper on the ground that tell you random things. Now for the journal. What a great thing in concept. I like how the game doesn't hold your hand, but the journal is so disorganized and vague at times it just ends up being just as annoying if not more than hand holding.

I like some of the dialog. I like the lore. I like a lot of the quests. But it's not enough. I gave it my best shot Sup Forums. I'm about 16 hours in, and I'm done. This game feels like it's a chore. I'm not wasting any more time. It's not worth it. You people need to tone down the hype.


Unarmed or leave this thread plebs

Maybe you will like skywind.

>The dice roll combat is a retarded system for this game.

>Another flaw would be the walking simulator aspect which is awful by itself because of your slow pace
Matter of taste, yours isn't patrician.

>how dull and empty the world is.
Get graphics mods then, or at least ones that lessen the distance fog.

>95% of the NPCs in this game feel like they're just random text dispensers and lack any personality.
That's true of all RPGs, Morrowind is by no means bad in that respect.

>Now for the journal. What a great thing in concept. I like how the game doesn't hold your hand, but the journal is so disorganized and vague at times it just ends up being just as annoying if not more than hand holding.
I agree more with this one, but again, learn 2 play and you'll get used to it, or get a fucking mod.

>I like some of the dialog. I like the lore. I like a lot of the quests. But it's not enough.
You are WEAK!

>It is completely fucking stupid and there is nothing anyone can say to justify it.
You mean aside from "git gud"?

I don't consider this a valid argument. No one should. You might as well just say play a different game.

>Matter of taste, yours isn't patrician.

>Get graphics mods then, or at least ones that lessen the distance fog.
Not an argument.

>That's true of all RPGs, Morrowind is by no means bad in that respect.
I suppose you're right, but it's a bad aspect of the game regardless, although minor.

>I agree more with this one, but again, learn 2 play and you'll get used to it
You never get used to eating shit user. It will taste like shit.
>or get a fucking mod.
You already know how I feel about this.

>You are WEAK!
I just have different taste user.

The diceroll combat is fine, especially with the code patch that fixes the bugs with the stealth aspects. You did install the code patch right? Or did you just make an argonian with long blade spec and rage when you couldn't beat a guard while out of stamina?

Yeah I installed the necessary patches. Nothing that changes the game though.

Did you install the code patch?


Checked all the fixes, but didn't use anything that changes the game.

Well that fixes the RNG fixing in combat which is the only issue with it, so I don't see what your complaints are.

Nah, it's a shit game, not even good or mediocre, it's shit.

What does Sup Forums think of my painting? First time painting since I was at school so fairly happy for a first attempt.


You really do have to have a long attention span to enjoy the game. Not knocking you or anything, just the nature of the game.

Excellent, have a name for us to follow you?

That's fucking cool user

Yeah OP I pretty much agree with all that, even as someone who put hundreds of hours into it as a teenager. I think the world of morrowind is interesting enough to make me still like the game overall, but damn is there a lot wrong with it, even setting aside the time it's from. To be fair, skyrim and oblivion are barely improvements.

Nah, don't really use any social media, but I'll keep posting updates on the few Elder Scrolls threads we get on Sup Forums now and again.

Neither game is an improvement at al

Well, I hope I'm around to save them. Godspeed.

>claims to be "really into RPGs"
>calls dice roll combat retarded
Fuck off, poser.

>get boots of blinding speed
>get 100 percent magicka resistance for a second
>negates the blind and now i can see perfectly while moving fast as FUCK

Morrowind is my favorite RPG ever but if my friend hadn't taught me to use those boots I probably would have never finished it.

Also the dice roll combat isn't so bad if you think a little outside the box for combat. I always bring random scrolls and potions and enchantments and shit, the most fun part of the combat is memeing out a win by summoning random creatures and causing silly status effects.

But user, you can't use axes when you have 5 axe skill so the game is shit.

He's "really into RPGs" because he played Skyrim and The Witcher 3

It's more of a nostalgia than hype. Yes, the combat is lacking and I guess I can see how getting around can become tiresome to people, but when I get on the familiar old road from Seyda Neen to Balmora and Shed Your Travails by Jeremy Soule starts playing it feels like home

>That's true of all RPGs, Morrowind is by no means bad in that respect.
Morrowind NPCs are walking wikipedia links. I liked the game but even that shit was retarded.

Bethesda has always taken a short-cut of sorts with their games. Every iteration of ES games are two steps forward, one step back.

I do understand all of your problems and yet, I still fucking love Morrowind. Consider Kotor or the first Fable maybe

Yes PC fags overrate the living fuck out of this game despite its horrible combat and all the other flaws you mentioned - and to the people telling him to mod his game; you might as well tell him to play a different game altogether

>installing graphics mods makes it a different game

Why is this game so popular on Sup Forums? I haven't played it, but most of the screenshots I've seen aren't exactly self-recommending.

LOD mods only make the game worse because low draw distance made the game feel much bigger.

Because it's the only open-world RPG where the world is actually fun to explore, and the lore is better than any other games out there.

Most the people I talk to who hate the combat hate it because they just tried to go like, all melee and just wanted to mash left click all day.

You just set the view distance to 4 cells maximum with exponential fog and then the game looks nicer and you don't feel like you're constantly in Silent Hill

Dice roll combat is retarded with 3D action games, especially ones that use over-the-shoulder view. It's alright with isometric because there's a level of disconnect with the world in that. If you see your spear skewer something and the game tells you that you missed, there's something inherently wrong with your combat.

>feel like you're constantly in Silent Hill
It's part of game's charm, for me at least. Maybe it's because I how I remember it.

You can do that if you make a logical choice during character creation like Redguard with long blade or Orc with axe or Nord with long blade or Bosmer with short blade or etc.

>It's more of a nostalgia than hype.
I've seen plenty of posters claim that they played Morrowind for the first time recently and really enjoy it. I even saw one guy post a creation date of the oldest file on his hard drive from 2004 or some shit and the creation date to his morrowind installation, only to have you "i-it's nostalgia"fags accuse him of lying on the internet because you can't fathom that a game can be considered good without being catered to your own personal tastes.

Morrowind isn't an action game.

>it's okay in isometric because i'll look like a casual retard if I say it isn't

He means Mass Effect was his favorite game as a kid.

Dice roll combat is the bread and butter of RPGs.

You're focusing on the wrong d's. It's not the 3d or 2d that makes an RPG an RPG, it's the d12 and d20s.

It just doesn't make sense for there to be thick fog when you're surrounded by lava in certain areas, and setting the view distance to 4 cells or lower doesn't make the world much less foggy (and during certain weathers there's just as much fog as before). It just makes the fog more like real fog and less like fog from The Mist where it's a wall that blocks your vision suddenly. It's more gradual with MGEXE

>isometric RPG
>stab your spear at guy
>it goes straight into him but he doesn't react, a miss sound plays and you do no damage
This is fine
>stab your spear at guy
>it goes straight into him, he moves slightly, a miss sound plays, and you do no damage
This is awful

I want to like this game.
The combat doesn't bother me. The walking is fine. The lore is good. The quests are good. The journal is good.
But EVERY SINGLE TIME I play this fucking game, I encounter game-breaking crashes. No matter what mods I do/do not install. Every time.

I'm not saying people can't love the game nowadays, I'm saying most love it because they were there in '02, and, I'm gonna go on a limb here, if they're like me in their 20s it was one of the first RPGS for them.

Install the Morrowind Code Patch and don't install the game in Program Files

>play morrowind for the first time
>choose agility as one of my attributes
>level up longblade
>land most of my hits
I thought guys said the combat was shit

Or they love it because it's one of the best RPGs out there, and they like all RPG and not just action games with dialogue choices and a barebones skill tree like Mass Effect or TW3.

Even then, it makes combat a chore. To really enjoy the game you have to spec in a magic school or two or stock up on scrolls and potions.

the combat is shit if you're 14 and you don't know how RPGs work besides The Witcher

It partly is, champ. We're talking about Elder Scrolls here. If you're going to hide everything in abstract, then might as well hide the pretend combat in isometric view.

It's an old concept not fit for any rpg with action based combat like Morrowind.

It's fine because in isometric view, you are basically just playing table top with miniatures. Like I said, there's a level of disconnect with it.

I don't even understand why y'all keep defending it. ES games have had horrible combat since day one and it barely improved with subsequent titles. Decent melee combat is not something Bethesda can do.

>action based combat like Morrowind.

>TW3 was literally just bamham combat
>bamham also had a similar xp and skill system
>bamham is considered an action game while tw3 is considered an RPG
It doesn't make any sense.

>Another flaw would be the walking simulator aspect which is awful by itself because of your slow pace
Just cast a quick Resist Magicka 100 spell and put on the Boots of Blinding Speed, you donut.

You can greentext all you want, doesn't make me wrong :3c

>It's an old concept not fit for any rpg
It's an RPG concept fit for ANY AND ALL RPGs
If it doesn't have RNG, it's not an RPG.

Yes just like the game

but user TW3 has AMAZING WRITING. it's better written than any piece of literature in history! don't you remember all of those super-memorable characters, like that crazy king who you killed and who then was never mentioned ever again and nothing changed? or, uh, that one gay guy? SO GOOD

Well, I'm willing to admit I view Morrowind through nostalgia goggles but you don't.

Nice of you to ignore the rest of that sentence.

no, what makes you wrong is that Morrowind is not an action rpg

No you don't, if you pick a race with a +10 to a weaponskill and major in that weapon, then with the bare minimum of 30 fucking agility (which is abysmal) you still have ~70% chance to hit. If you start with 40-60 agility or more, start with The Warrior as your sight, start with a race that gets a +15 to a weaponskill like Redguard, or any other logical fucking character building choices then you'll have a pretty high hit rate right from the start assuming you're not trying to take on powerful enemies right at the start which the game warns you against repeatedly.
The real issue is that Skyrim/ME/etc. kiddies who don't actually play RPGs think they know RPGs, start the game, rush through character creation because it no longer matters in modern RPGs, and then have a shit hit rate because they have 30 weaponskill and 40 agility and fight with low fatigue.
Your entire fucking argument is "this game is bad because I don't like the viewpoint and I am bad at the game."

There's nothing wrong with the dice rolls.

There's everything wrong with the animation.

Even modern action games are rolling dice to see if X guard plays his backpedal animation.

Bethesda's faults have only been added to over the years.

I mean, there are plenty of times where I just don't have the attention span at the moment to play it. But in terms of fleshed out worlds, it hasn't been topped.

Skywind looks great, shame its it Skyrim's engine, though if it can be played in the 64 bit engine once the script extender is out and it comes with out of the box "You're not in skywind anymore N'wah" tweaks, I can see it being very good.

user, RNG is the only thing I'm arguing here. Don't project the rest of your argument onto me, I'm not interested in the rest of it.

Morrowind is a weird hybrid between dice roll and action combat. There is no priority or some way to limit actions per turn like Fallout 1, but attacks will still hit and miss based on numbers. If you take away priority and Action Points you might as well go the full mile and remove missing based on dice rolls. A good fix for this is to use those lost hit/miss rolls for damage calculation.

Morrowind doesn't have action-based combat.
>We're talking about Elder Scrolls here.
Yes? Elder scrolls had this combat system for 3 games and suddenly it's only a problem with Morrowind which is the only classic TES game that Skyrim/Oblivion babbies will touch for some reason. Strange how the games that only hardcore real RPG fans play are the only ones exempt from this """argument"""", really activates the almonds

I don't because the first time I played it for more than 20 minutes was in 2009. I would have more nostalgia for Demon's Souls than I would for Morrowind.

you must be 18 years or older to post on Sup Forums

>two steps forward, one step back

One step forward, two steps back.

Yes, but even if your weapon has a 100 percent chance to hit that's boring as fuck. You're just standing there left clicking. Fuck weapon skill, buy scrolls and potions and spread your points to magic schools and you'll actually have FUN.

Real-time combat != action combat
> If you take away priority and Action Points you might as well go the full mile and remove missing based on dice rolls.
You're right. While we're at it, we should remove stats (since you just made a good chunk of them do literally nothing). We should also remove any options for creating your character so you get a more cinematic experience.

>doesn't make me wrong :3c
You're essentially saying "I think a 3d action games" whatever the fuck that means "shouldn't have RNG misses".

Which is fine.You're stating an opinion. You literally can't be wrong about your own opinion. Pointing it out is kind of pathetic

The important thing to understand about Morrowind is that if you didn't play it in it's prime, it's simply outdated now. A lot of the immersion was in it's amazing graphics. And even for things like being able to pick up so much random shit like a knife off a table. That was a bit TECHNOLOGY by the sheer virtue of how much of shit you could pick up was around. They allowed for ignoring some of the flaws you mentioned.

If picture related doesn't make your drop hit the floor, it's too late.

There are a lot of mods that forcefully push the game into the standards of today like a square peg through a round hole. But most of them lack taste and an unified visual style so the end result is like some sort of cheap bootleg Morrowind. Like an ugly girl with lots of poorly caked-on makeup.

That applies to a lot of games though, Skyrim and Oblivion don't do much to alleviate that other than power attacks all of which are useless besides the disarming one.

I meant the combat, not necessarily comparing it to Diablo.

And I'm referring to Morrowind, not the entirety of the genre.

Yes, my point exactly. It's a problem with all of the games but it's worse with Morrowind.

That is true.

Then I revise my statement. There's just something wrong with Bethesda's implementation of dice roll combat because it lacks proper animation. That still makes it bad.

I agree, Skyrim and Oblivion have shit melee and then the magic schools/potions/scrolls/enchantments are fucking BORING. If those 2 games had shit melee but had nailed everything else they would be awesome.

It's not a problem with any of the games, you're just a child.
funnily enough Diablo has the exact same style of combat, except with more of an action focus, but it's okay when Diablo does it (even though Diablo not only doesn't allow you to reach 100% hit rate like Morrowind does, but outright lies to you about your hit rate).
I disagree, even fixing the magic with mods in Oblivion and Skyrim doesn't make the games playable. You need a magic overhaul, OOO or FCOM, and UL to make Oblivion playable and you need to have no standards to make Skyrim playable.

>And I'm referring to Morrowind, not the entirety of the genre.
RNG is the lifeblood of RPGs. You literally cannot be "really into RPGs" (the entirety of the genre) if you think RNG misses is retarded in any RPG related context.

>D&D relying on dice is bullshit! I should just hit every turn no matter what my skills, weapon or feats are!

Your argument is still "I don't like the camera perspective so the game is bad"

Come back when you have a real argument.

>I don't consider this a valid argument. No one should. You might as well just say play a different game.
except that morrowind did a lot of things right that others dont.
>might as well play a different game
might as well take a good game and cater it to your own tastes because 1. there are a lot of small details and mechanics that simply come down to personal taste 2. the game was released with modding tools, so they always had modding in mind and 3. there's so many fucking mods for anything you could imagine. the reason its still talked and raved about today isnt because its the greatest vanilla game of all time. its mostly because of the mod support that adds polish to a great base game


>the reason its still talked and raved about today isnt because its the greatest vanilla game of all time. its mostly because of the mod support that adds polish to a great base game

But I've been playing morrowind for 15 years without ever installing a single mod, user.

When you say you are "really into RPGs" do you mean Twitcher type RPGs or Fallout? Morrowind has a lot of randomness, all classic RPGs do. It's supposed to be based on your character's skill and not your own.

>The dice roll combat is a retarded system for this game. It is completely fucking stupid and there is nothing anyone can say to justify it.

While I agree that the combat is not good, I don't think it's bad either. It's the definition of serviceable to me.

What I really disagree with is the reasons why it's not good. To me, using dice rolls for hit chance combined with a first person action-game isn't the problem. People say it's immersion breaking but to me I have to suspend my disbelief either way.

For example, let's say in Morrowind you have a 10% chance to hit with a weapon that does 10 damage. In Oblivion that translates to a 100% chance to hit with a weapon that does 1 damage. In Morrowind your chance to hit goes up as your skill levels and in Oblivion your damage goes up as your skill levels. In both scenarios there is no visual indication of this change and both boil down to mashing left mouse till a thing dies.

To me, neither are more engaging or immersive and the real flaw is the lack of depth.

>Another flaw would be the walking simulator aspect which is awful by itself because of your slow pace

This is not a flaw, this is you misunderstanding how Morrowind's character creation works. In most RPGs, your character starts as a competent adventurer and your choices determine your specialization. In Morrowind, your character starts as emaciated prisoner and your choices determine what you're not shit at. If you neglect athletics and speed, your character is going to start off slow as fuck. This comes back to the combat, if you don't pick a weapon skill for a major, you're going to have a bad time. It's possible to leave the census office with an 80+ in a weapon skill and have no problem hitting things right away.

you are Lelek1980 and/or TheMinttu? if so, good job, its one of the loading screens i use in morrowind. if not, fuck you

see above, its on morrowind nexus under Lovely Loading Screens, but only a few are showcased

What is the point of this post? That image has been around for fucking years, and the one you posted is artefacted to shit. I don't understand why you are trying to trick people on an anonymous board into thinking you made something you didn't. It's not the first time you've posted this either, I've seen you in the other threads. Fucking schizo.

I am right. Agility could be reworked into how much fatigue you lose from weapon swings, and how much fatigue is used by some kind of dodge mechanic. The truth is that the problem boils down to Morrowind's combat being shallow. No proper side-step mechanic, and I can't understand for the life of me how block is number based instead of press button to hold up shield.

>I can't understand for the life of me how block is number based instead of press button to hold up shield.
Because of what people have been saying the whole thread, the combat is based on your character's skill and not your own.

Blocking is number-based because a block completely negates all damage instead of damage bleeding through your shield magically like Skyrim/Oblivion.

If you can block on command you have to program the AI to not attack you while you're blocking. Bethesda still is incapable of doing that in 2016 so I don't think they were capable of it in 2001. If you just have AI wail on your shield and waste their stamina it makes them look even more retarded than they already are.

Blocking in actual combat isn't about holding your shield up in front of you while an enemy pounds on it, you're supposed to be timing blocks. Your block skill represents your character's ability to predict an attack and block it in time. Hence why it's governed by agility and not strength or endurance.

thats kind of strange, imo. at the least, there are a lot of balance issues you should have tried to address at some point. like i said, they gave people the tools to mod the game, it isnt heresy to use them

In D&D there's usually some flavor splash from the DM to explain how you missed instead of see sword hit guy for 0 damage. Dice are good for PnP, and people get so used to it they think that migrating that into a more visual medium like video games is a good idea. It does work, but only if you stick to turn-based.

I love it; sincerely.

Reminds me of old book covers, it's amazing.

and also, Id say most people will tire of any game after 15 years, though this one has a lot of content which helps, but the mods do give it more replayability and longevity, even though a few fans like you are content to enjoy the game as-is after all these years

"Action combat" has no real definition, it's just some label you heard in passing and felt it applied to Morrowind, so you personally labelled it as such. It's a label with no weight behind it aside from you and you alone, which doesn't mean much on an anonymous imageboard. Any claims based on the game being an "action combat" game is entirely your opinion and nothing more. You're not right. You're not wrong either. You're simply stating your opinion that you've fooled yourself into thinking has some kind of objectivity behind it.

Morrowind is a terrible game. The only good Bethesda published games are ones they've not developed.

Elder Scrolls as a franchise is horrifically overrated and are a mess, in terms of both narrative and mechanics.

>muh skyrim meme

Because it was taken on a phone camera, retard. And I never claimed it was original, just that I painted it. Learn to fucking read.

>It does work, but only if you stick to turn-based.
So suddenly it doesn't work for isometric RPGs anymore either?