Best Vamp

Thoughts on Darkstalkers, Sup Forums?

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Victim of Capcom sitting out of the fighting genre for a decade. The industry changed too much during that decade. Now they're stuck rehashing Street Fighter and Marvel because those are the only """"brands"""" that AAA-era executives will greenlight, despite Marvel not even being their own fucking property.

Like you need to stop making threads for this dead as fuck game.

>$0.05 was deposited into your account by Capcom Co., Ltd.

Some discoveries about push block input storage were made recently. You inputs intentionally get stored during block strings, so that it becomes easier for you to pushblock the longer the blockstring gets. But if you get hit and knocked down during a blockstring you've done inputs for and then neutral wakeup, your previous inputs will be stored and you can now usually pushblock any meaty the opponent tries to lie on you with 1 or 2 presses.

Hsien-Ko+Fat ass=instant ejaculation

those are my thoughts

He gives you a dark hand so its a pretty cool weapon. Invading is pretty fun too.

I don't know why Capcom hasn't farmed some of their series out to capable third party developers who could produce decent entries in the series to keep the property in the public eye for a few million.

i like zabel! he's cute

That's basically what they did with Street Fighter and Marvel last gen. It's only now that they finally started developing the latest Marvel in house again.


I love this series, SF is so boring in comparison.

Put Demitri or Raptor in MvCI.

Claim your waifus fast


Too many vampires. 3 needed more random mosters.

There's only one vampire in the whole series.

A couple new things were discovered in Night Warriors just a year or two ago too, pretty neat that things are still being learned about these games 20 years later.

Apparently the slot concept for Q-Bee was just "insect monster," so she could have possibly turned out a bit more monstrous. I think it was Akiman that narrowed that down to "bee woman." The "Morrigan headswap" and "Makai noble" slots were more or less that from the get go. And of course the whole point of B.B. Hood was basically to be completely off the wall as far as the series conventions went, but that was a big part of what made people like her.

One vampire and a dhampir, really.

At one point Q-Bee was going to be a mutant bug, probably the result of radiation.

Oh, right, forgot this post.

I'm married to her, ya know.

Why is Lei-Lei so fucking hard to use? I still can't use the chains as a reliably as I'd want to, sometimes I get shot up super high and sometimes I travel like 2 pixels out of it, I don't know how it works. Also doing IADs with her is pretty awkward or is it me?

best zombie

>that file name

10/10 user.

A bit dull as a gamr but the characters are terrific. Not even just for fapping, for which they are exemplary.

>A bit dull as a gamr
You don't pay VSav, you wouldn't me saying that otherwise.

I haven't played her much so I can't speak from personal experience, but other players tell me she's definitely one of the trickier characters to handle. She definitely takes practice.

To be fair, these days it kind of has the "Seinfeld effect" where it seems generic because everything new and unique that it did at the time has been copied over and over by everything under the sun since. Including Street Fighter and Marvel.

Copied? More like watered down, VSav is still one of the best fighting games out there, and also has mechanics that other games don't use, and should, like Renda Bonus.

Werewolves > Vampires

>Jab fighter

Thats very true.

Wonder what that new werewolf game will play like.

Hippies and blaming humans for everything, especially males

>Not being able to pushblock 3f jabs
What a casual

Pushblock isn't a good mechanic. Part of why the series is dead.

Hoping we'll see someone interesting in MvCI. Yeah, Morrigan's already out of the way, but I really hope they don't just go for Felicia again.

Congratulations, your wish has been answered. Capcom doesn't put Felicia in. Instead they add Lilith

How does this make you feel?

We MVC1 now.

Talbain would be best.

Would feel kind of ripped off.

Why is it a bad mechanic? It wasn't cheap, and is directly tied to player skill.

They should add Anakaris, he's pretty baller.

But this time not a literal pallete swap/recolor, she'd actually have a unique model.

It could be worse.

>EZ McBraindead Shitter-carrier
No thanks.

Kinda defeats the point since she's Morrigan other self

Hey, he's hugely popular in America. Enough that if MvC3 had a few more months of development, he was gonna be added as the 4th DS rep.

Don't lie to yourself.

That's actually what Niitsuma has said in interviews, though. He also mentioned that Donovan was considered at one point.

is trying fightcade for Vampire Savior worth it if I'm relatively new to fighting games? always been interested but, i mean, if it's just gonna be me getting my ass handed to me 24/7...

You are going to get your ass handed to you if you find anyone to play. The important thing is figure shit out.

You'll get your ass handed to you a lot of course, but the community's great about accepting newcomers, they'll help you learn how to play.

Good series with some of the best character designs and helped establish a fair amount of things we have in fighting games today. I would say it deserves a revival but only if it's done competently and not a rushed mess like SFV.

The best choice.

Best blue couple.

Best themes.

I miss it

Why are dead people blue in this game?

People are pale when dead + cartoony visuals look= blue people.

Even though VS Hsien-Ko isn't really dead.

>Darkstalkers 4 gets announced
>3D models

Do you think they could pull it off?

Can we get Huitzil back in MvC:I to replace Sentinel? I need to play a big robot no matter what.

It's debatable whether she was really "dead" to begin with, since she used a spell to turn herself into a jiangshi while she was still alive. Of course, she and her sister actually do finally die then at the end of VH, but then they get reincarnated, grow into teenagers again in the time between VH and VS, and then the act of being summoned into Jedah's dimension in VS somehow turns her into a jiangshi again. Don't you love Capcom fighting game stories? Don't even get me started on Huitzil's backstory.

Depends on if they put the work in.
Theoretically anything is possible.

I still say they should use the "giant character instead of two little ones" system from Tatsunoko vs Capcom.

One can be Huitzil, the other can be Devil Dinosaur.

Huitzil isn't anywhere that big.

The 3 reps we got in MvC3 looked pretty good and Morrigan looks fine there. It's possible.

Could be if they wanted. I guess.

I know some people will just say it's just absolutely impossible, but personally I say that if they really, really put the effort into it, they could do something that respected the original sprite visuals reasonably well. Guilty Gear Xrd has shown that if you sort of think outside the box and put effort into things you might not normally in 3D then you can replicate many of the characteristics of 2D animation in 3D. And no, I'm not saying that Darkstalkers should look exactly like Xrd, I'm just saying that it's an example showing that this sort of thing can be done. The real problem would be convincing Capcom to put that much effort into an IP that hasn't been on their A-list in over 20 years.

That actually kind of makes me want to play again.

>Why is Lei-Lei so fucking hard to use?
Because she's brittle as fuck and her cHK isn't a sweep.

He's smaller than Sentinel, but the Darkstalkers and X-Men sprites aren't really to scale with each other so it's hard to do a direct comparison.

Yeah but her cHP is, and it's gud.

Favorite Capcom fg lore.
This is the strongest darkstalker and future messiah.

But I thought that you needed to press at least 5 buttons in like 10 frames for pushblock to occur? How come you can "store" them, then?

That's for a single blockstop. But if you start being on the receiving end of a continuous blockstring, each successive blockstop counts the attempts you previously made during that blockstring. Essentially, the longer a single blockstring continues, the easier it becomes to pushblock.

>The real problem would be convincing Capcom to put that much effort into an IP that hasn't been on their A-list in over 20 years

pretty much sums it up. if it ever happens I'll hope for the best but I doubt they'd ever animate pic related

And then the glitch in question comes in when you get hit during this continuous blockstring (for example you guess wrong against an overhead or a low) and get knocked down. The stored button presses then don't get cleared until you enter a neutral state again.

That isn't even Jedah's most difficult to animate move. Liquid splash is pretty well known compared to the various ones that turn into an unlike object.

That one's less about difficulty to animate and more ratings concerns. Probably couldn't get a T rating on that these days.

i vote jedah, huitzil, or anakiris

>Use purple-color like in the western release
>Pass easily

Personally want Raptor, Huitzil or Donovan.
Or Hsien-ko and be properly designed for the game she's in this time.

Donovan seems like he would be very hard to use effectively, but Lord Raptor and Huitzil seem like they would fit extremely well.

Nah that's not true. Basically the more buttons you press in a certain time frame the more likely it is you'll get a pushblock out. If you press all 6 it's guaranteed and if you press 4 it's 50% I think.

please do tell

Oh geez. Alright, if you insist. At the time Darkstalkers 1 first came out, the character story blurb that was in most of the magazines and guides and such said that he was sent to Earth 65 million years ago by aliens (plural, yes even in the original Japanese) with the orders to destroy all life on the planet. This resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs. Earthquakes then buried him deep in the Earth's crust where he remained dormant until being awoken by the arrival of Pyron. Not long afterwards, to the point where it was actually written in some later guides for the same game, his story blurb was rewritten, now claiming that he was a guardian built by the ancient Mayans to protect Central America... But at the same time references to alien creators still popped up in texts, and also suddenly Pyron was being singled out as the identity of his creator. Despite this contradicting earlier texts about his creator being a race rather than a singular being, and Pyron himself not exactly seeming like the kind of guy who would want or need an army of killer robots for any reason. The everything from then on just becomes a complete hodgepodge mess of any and/or all of these possible backstories. Night Warriors guides say he's a Mayan guardian! Vampire Savior 2 gives him a Mayan kid to protect! But Vampire Savior 2 also has dialogue between him and Pyron where Pyron acknowledges that he's his creator! What the fuck is going on? Who knows? Probably not even Capcom.

hopefully my fav makes it


ya beautiful user

Clearly there were ancient Mayan astronauts and the lifeforms of Hellstorm were their descendants.

Truth hurts bitch

At this point It would be best to just go with his Iron Giant/Bastion story line. Ancient alien weapon tat eventually became that found something to protect.

Pyron was simply too lazy to kill off all the dinosaurs by himself so he built a bunch of robots to do it for him

>MvC:I story mode.
>Introduce GotG character with them going after a wanted alien criminal.
>It's Pyron.
This needs to happen.

It makes no differnce to the meta

It suffers from the rampant dickriders problem who don't actually play, and a meta that's become super stale so it'll never keep a stable population outside of Japan.

Every fightfag owes it to themselves to play the father of air dashers though, either casually for it's vibrant and stylish take on fighting games or professionally for it's rich complexity.

Why bother? The Ninja Science Team already bopped him years ago along with a lot of other guys.

MVC2 had one of the stalest metas ever and that shit got played for 10 years

>It suffers from the rampant dickriders problem who don't actually play,

You can't really blame people too much for this though. there is no version of vsav where you can easily get games, even the fightcade lobby is barren as I type this.

They just released a compilation re-release with online and no one bought it. Might as well just make a Disgaea clone with Morrigan and Felicia.

and DS is over 20 with no sequel ever going to happen, and the games themselves are not a massive cross-over between companies and IPs. It's understandable why it's harder to keep a population.

I wasn't really saying they were responsible. It just doesn't help.

No one bought the compilation of MvC1 and MSH either. Large amounts of people aren't interested in paying money to play really old games. That's just natural.

People DID buy it, it was in top 10 sellers on PSN the week of release, the same week that shit like Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider came out. It did about as well as you can expect a niche title like this to perform, but Capcom swept it under the rug and I'm really not sure why people expected otherwise. No one is going to fly off their seats to buy a 15 year old fighting game.

No, people bought it. Capcom just expected it to make high numbers like SFII HD and MvC2 online.

It sold fine. Capcom just had absurd expectations for it.

To be honest I don't think the meta is that stale. I mean aside from Victor, Anakaris, and Lilith unless you can combo the demon all the time, the weaker characters feel like they have a chance. The character variety is there even with Sasquatch and Raptor/Zabel dominance

I mean stale in the sense the meta and it's placings are definitely never going to change. No new tech, or sudden mix ups leading to one character rising in use. The game has been explored upside and down, and there's nothing left to learn unless you go in completely new and blind or something.

As far as balance overall goes, it's one of the better older games.