How much do you think that companies actually shill on Sup Forums?

How much do you think that companies actually shill on Sup Forums?

I highly doubt AAA companies care about Sup Forums. Youtubers shill here for real though.

More importantly, do they pay to have immunity to shill here? I've seen blatant shill threads go unmoderated.

Tell that to bioware.

They really do. It was proven when 3 came out.


In dollars, or hot pockets?

>Youtubers shill here for real though.
Don't be retarded.

Anyway anyone seen that new CrowbCat video yet? Pretty great stuff haha

The shilled SWTOR like fucking crazy too. I think the shill was a tripfag called Andromeda who admitted to the whole thing after it bombed hard.

A lot, but it's not in the way that you guys meme it as. It's not like they're paid per post, or paid for x hours shilling on Sup Forums. Threads are drafted and created and kept alive as part of marketing campaigns. They do the same thing on Reddit and Tumblr as well.


I don't doubt there are about 3 people per marketing department in different companies who, when they don't have anything better to do, shill their product on 4ch and leddit as 'viral marketing'
Let's not kid ourselves though, it works. Viral marketing, if disguised as a "normal consumer"s perspective can always change other people's opinions.

though they probably do it so they can explain browsing 4ch and leddit at work

What people don't get is that almost every game company today has something called a community manager. These are marketers who employ "viral" tactics like simply posting about it. Sup Forums is not a secret club and gets millions of users a month. That's a lot of eyes for your product for free.

Nice joke fags.
They literally own this place.


Yeah if you go to desolated forums and chans, there is mostly only really good old games. Shills don't waste their time shilling to 5 or 6 people.
But here, it is like a fucking commercial interruption all day.

I would say there's way more negative shilling than positive shilling. I mean, fuck, anywhere else you look people like the Switch and BotW but here it's like Nintendo personally fucked your ass and slit your throat after.

The companies.
Remember any publicity is good, even if it is bad publicity.

>tfw contacted by a shilling headhunter recently
Feels good, doing this pro bono all this time actually got me a well paid job as a professional lead shitposter

Basically none. I could see some western companies like EA making a thread or two around a big release, but Sup Forumsirgins call shill 99.99% falsely.

You're falling for the trap bud.

Those really negative posts are legit, but have you ever noticed a thread like "This Y looks pretty decent, I liked X, but I want to know what you guys think. Followed by like ten posts of screens?

Yes, there's definitely shilling. The proof is that sometimes I see opinions that I don't agree with. Any opinion that I don't agree with is objectively incorrect, and the only way that someone could possible hold it is if they were being paid.

Tell that to the producers of Ghostbusters

Can't win em all. Still, if you work for merchadotecnic, you would be considered a good investment just for making it well known how shitty your product was.
Remember carmaggedon.

Saw that escape from tarkov shill wave like week ago or so. Ubishit with their for honor being lately.
People say like why AAA developers would care about this shit, but it's pretty popular place and nothing stops people from advertising their shit for free. Those people using every dirty trick in a book, why anything would stop them?

Because they think every video game company is ran by some baby boomer who has no idea what the 4channel is

Escape from tarkov looks legit, man. Those are stalker fans posting that shit


Yes. Anything and everything you can think of is probably true and I've most likely organized and engineered it at least once.

It's part of the game.

Shit worked alright. All that shitstorm was really good and lots of retards just went there to watch how bad it is.

I agree with on Escape From Tarkov, it's misguided tactical shooter and STALKER fans.
There's a lot of hyping up about it going on on Youtube, check JackFrags for example, dude won't shut the fuck up about it.

That being said, it's not as if the devs don't help out a bit. They just give these free shillers beta keys and get them to give them free publicity, then hide behind "oh man it's pre-release, just pre-order and don't worry about its current quality!"

They are responsible for the prevalence of the switch shitposting threads. No one user would waste their time to make 8 threads, have them up all at the same time and they all say something to the effect of "fuck nintendo"

This is a concentrated effort.

Nice try shill

Nigga I really doubt it. There really are some dedicated console warriors.

i dont think there are any shills on Sup Forums except maybe for obscure indie games where the dev themselves are doing it

Probably quite a few do as part of a general 'hit every major website' thing.

>Saw that escape from tarkov shill wave like week ago or so
Those guys shill a lot.

>I highly doubt

Why would you be so naive?

It works. Hell I probably trained them at some point. Although really all you have to do is make a really annoying memey thread one or two times and the spergs do the rest for you.

Ubisoft is a pretty common one recently in my opinion but Borderlands was legitimately shilled here. Its just one of the many reasons that franchise and gearbox is so hated here.

I doubt most of these companies even know there games are shilled here since its the marketing companies who do it.

Honestly, this place is basically like tv nowadays.
This is why I don't trust much suggestions posted here (unless they are old games, I doubt shills care about shilling 5 year old games).
I rather watch a walkthrough and decide for myself if I want the game or not based on what is the definitive version.

Oh yeah, quote your guy, dropped the name of other. Not suspicious at all, just random guy with a sense of justice. Nice working here. Employee of the month.

I think there is a little bit of shilling done legitimately. The rest vary all the way from retards posing as viral marketers to people who are genuinely exited about a game and want to discuss it.

Also, a common claim is that "shills rev up during X time." I think that is just autists confusing actual fan buzz for some sort of massive viral marketing campaign.

I legitimately think a lot of people on Sup Forums either have some form of autism/aspergers (not that this is a bad thing), are emotionally immature, underage, or just plain stupid. I can appreciate Sup Forums for the lack of censorship and the promotion of anonymity but HOLY FUCKING SHIT IS IT HARD TO ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT VIDEOGAMES HERE.

We play you against each other, pay the talking heads on youtube and stir shit up every minute of the day and you let it happen because none of you can just ignore something you don't like.

Minecraft started with some autist who could barely program in javascript to a billion dollar franchise because of Sup Forums.

You'd have to be insane to think a corporation wouldn't market here.


>actually considering sjws/feminists a threat

They're just a bunch of pissed off fat dykes and beta numales with no influence. How much of a beta virgin are you?

>I think that is just autists confusing actual fan buzz for some sort of massive viral marketing campaign.
The patsies will give testimonial for you like you wouldn't believe. You can tell who is a professional because it doesn't sound like a fucking testimonial unless it's their first day on the job or they've never had one of my seminars.

>of my seminars
Is this a confession?

Eh it looks fun but the asking price for alpha is too steep.

Or you know, every top 10 list on the internet is designed to cause controversy because that alone causes buzz.


Hi Ea, nice damage control.
>Mention shill in any garden warfare thread
I wonder why.

Or, you know, a bunch of faggots from leddit brigaded a smaller and weaker website.

Just look at Nintendo. They don't even know how voice chat works, you really think they have shills advertising their shit consoles 24/7 on mediocre video game forums? They don't have to, there are enough people here autistic enough to do the advertising for them.

What people don't get is that the new age of viral marketing has less to do with people being paid to advertise products "in the wild", so to speak, and more to do with encouraging this sort of rabbid fanboy tribal mentality that autists on the internet will do the advertising for you, without owing you a dime.

Big wallets thinks that is supposed to be some kinda new thing among kids and trying to jump on that as early as possible. I know it's sounds retarded, but those big bad companies run by really old people who have no idea what kids do this days, so it make sense. Also, you can force pretty much everything with good marketing campaign, so it's not a problem for them.

Nah I am sure every company has their own shills, every big company at least.
Even indie fags can come and shill freely, not they don't do in any forum, after all it is free and you can lie and pretend to be an user easily over the net.

"because of Sup Forums"

Yes. Sup Forums. Sup Forums did that. Not any other website. Imagine, if there was some other website that could provide a way to create large amounts of low effort content that perfectly appealed to the target audience that would make Minecraft a cultural phenomenon.

>that one AssCreed sticky that just showed up out of nowhere and got locked as soon as got enough posts
That was really weird.

Nobody knew minecraft until people started to leak out from here to social networks and other places though.

>There are people who literally believe this.

Sometimes you have to "shill" your own thread if it isn't a game that Sup Forums's used to talk about unless you want it to fall out of page 10 in 5 minutes.

I wrote my senior thesis on this place, you faggots are my area of expertise and it's somewhat lucrative. Anyone can run game on redditors and neogaf is like shooting fish in a barrel, but this place is a tough nut to crack. Or was until I did and started lecturing to marketers about forum tribalism and social media ecology and the power of autism.

I don't see any proofs of shilling.

>t. LARPer

Post your thesis, then. Or give one iota of evidence that'd make me believe your bullshit.

Indie devs definitely shill, but it isn't shilling in the way people talk about it here.

Big companies maybe shill, but the way Sup Forums discusses it you'd think EA has their own "Sup Forums division" where they hire 60 guys a day to post on 300 different IPs to convince people that Fifa 2018 is going to revolutionize the industry", when in reality all EA has to do is breed the sentiment of "culture" and "community" among a fanbase, and let pure autism do the rest.

You know why preorders still exist? Partially because kids are new and stupid, partially because people let themselves be tricked by weak promises, but there's a deeper reason. It's loyalty. There's this idea that if you buy your game before anyone else you are somehow a "true believer" in the product, a truer fan than anyone else that will, somehow, be rewarded for it with the full release. Hype culture has created a world where not being irrationally attached to the success and failure of corporations is considered "casual" and "weak". And that kind of free shilling does so much more for publishers than directly hiring shills.

Big name shilling probably goes more along the lines of posting some commissioned OC for Mass Effect 20 and using bots to get it on the front page of Leddit with some name like "my hot girlfriend baked me this cool Master Shepard cake, DAE can't wait for Mass Effect 20?", where lots of people actually will see it.

We got it first, doesn't mean that we did the most for it. If Minecraft had stayed on Sup Forums and Sup Forums type boards it would have stayed a quirky indie game, maybe GOTY one time.

Youtube is what took it to international phenomenon level, Youtube is why Notch won't have to work a day in his life ever again, Youtube is why Minecraft became this cancer that swept every corner of the internet until you couldn't go anywhere without seeing some little snotnosed kid trying to advertise his new Minecraft server.

Youtube (and to a lesser extend Reddit) are the big places for companies to target, and they do it, all the time, pretty openly mind you.

Yes, but...
said what I was going to. Minecraft owes its early success to Sup Forums. It should also serve as a warning.

I feel like first we need to show a difference between shilling, advertising, and just fanboyism, as they all look pretty similar

The reason Sup Forums isn't shilled to is because Sup Forums and Sup Forums made Sup Forums known as the most unfriendly popular discussion site, which is also why Sup Forums's quality is at a all time low.

It is a mix of both. How expensive is to hire 300 NEETs that lurk the net all day? If they are desperate for a shitty easy job, this is perfect for them.
They get to shitpost all day in sites while collecting money (it is illegal, but these days it is the norm so) and abusing the hype is the cheery on top of the cake.
This is why I am no longer hyped by anything ever.

They may not care about your sorry ass and questionable income, but they care about how much ripple this shitty place can create online. Just look at how many memes we exported.

People here aren't that many? Not well-paid? Generally losers? Well who cares as along as these losers stay on the internet all day long and talk about vidya for me. If I'm an advertisers I see no reasons to not pretend to be an user and start the fire here.

I majored in psychology at a private liberal arts college, have a master's in applied statistics that I got online, read a bunch of books on social psychology instead of binge drinking and got into social media marketing because it pays well and I don't have to actually sell anyone anything face to face. I started playing around shitposting and found what made the numbers go up while managing indie garbage and now I teach sociopaths and white girls with communications degrees how to act retarded and game autists for a few grand a class. There aren't that many firms so it's like a twice a year thing.

It doesn't matter if you believe me because there's nothing that can be done about it. I've tried and all I manage to do is make profit because you are all fucking retarded and can't collectively ignore things you don't like and have any sense of comradery and brotherhood like we used to hating videogames as a whole and not smelling your own farts like they aren't just as shitty.

The only one I believe actually does it is blizzard.

The diablo 3 threads were pretty obvious.

>No one user would waste their time to make 8 threads, have them up all at the same time and they all say something to the effect of "fuck nintendo"
Nintendo sucks get over it.

*sponsored by Sony

Back to red.dit, retard.

Not as much as the collective wants you to believe.
It happens, obviously. Borderlands was a big wake up call. There was that tripfag around the time of TOR and ME3 and while there are still some fuzzy details about it, the whole thing stinks enough that I'll believe him.
That said, when a game that was released less than a week ago is getting a handful of threads a day, I'm not inclined to believe that it's some organized marketing effort.

Yeah man, it's so annoying when people come around here and share links for youtube channels like Robbaz, like fuck off omg, it's so annoying, I dont want to watch your content!

Do! Not! Link! Robbaz! Videos! On! My! Board!

>I doubt shills care about shilling 5 year old games
Unless they advice you to buy taht old game from GOG

>trying to promote content by disguising it

dude i learned about your tactics in a seminar...go back to your fucking government-sponsored shillhole

Are you a fucking retard or do you think your "college education" is actually relevent here?

It was a fucking JOKE
IRONY based on what the other poster had said

just cause you went to a seminar, doesn't mean shit, you're literally too autistic to understand a fucking joke, holy shit

Go and put your skills to use finding JIDF posters on int and pol or something

What's the problem with GOG? I thought drm was cancer.

i think we're getting pretty good at this, lets be shills

>It is a mix of both. How expensive is to hire 300 NEETs that lurk the net all day?
Too risky, one of those neets can blow whole charade just to be relevant for 15 minutes.

It's 6 interns running identity management software. Way cheaper than paying NEETs and a lot more effective.

I got pretty suspicious of actiblizz after the same thread with similar wording and the same image was posted 10+ times.

This thread is proof that even if you blow the charade, people will still won't believe.

My friend is a blizz drone and he says diablo 3 drm is ok .

>still being this butthurt
Undertale is shit sure, but other entries are not much better.

>Go and put your skills to use finding JIDF posters on int and pol or something
Not that hard