What the fuck? Why was the thread deleted? This is not about console wars, it's just fucking gaming news...

What the fuck? Why was the thread deleted? This is not about console wars, it's just fucking gaming news. We can't discuss this in this board now?

Other urls found in this thread:



You have to go back.

That's not me, it's a market analyst.

Probably that nintendrone mod

tfw every ps4 owner bought 7.5 copies of bloodborne

Its console wars shit dude and my god if they're finally cracking down on this shit theyre doing gods work. Boards stagnant as shit and there's too many games coming out in the next month's for this droning cyclical shit to continue through the year

who needs games when we've got sales, am i rite sonybros?

>posts twitter feed
>calls it gaming news

>Doing anything right

Pick one

Zhuge is alright, KT fanboyism aside.

>You have to go back.
Why is everyone who says this an autistic Sup Forumstard? Is it because the word reddit is blocked on there?

No one likes the xbone

No one

Sony has a monopoly on the console market right now and I don't expect Nintendo to break it with the switch

I hope Microsoft can come back because it's not great for a console to be unchallenged, but I don't see that happening anytime soon

>everyone ps4 owner owns at least 7 games

>Bought $200 worth of games for $25 dollars
This sale has some great shit

I own over 7 games on my ps4

What are you talking about? The software numbers show that PS4 owners are literally the ones who buy more games this gen.

It's not, there isn't a single message in that image or the OP post directed at any other companies or fans in a mean way. Stop being an asshole.

just a question. those 401.1 are ALL physical or includes digital software sales? cause' that is a factor to consider.

should specify.


75% of the PS4's userbase probably doesn't even know what a SNES is

Dude Raider was bundled with a bunch of PS4 units.

Goes to show. Appealing to normies is the key to success.

I own:

>Uncharted 4
>Killzone Shadowfall
>Sniper Elite 3
>Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
>Fifa 15
>The Last of Us Remastered
>Dark Souls III
>The Last Guardian

and a ton more digital games.

>it's not great for a console to be unchallenged
I'm not really seeing it anymore. You could argue that Sony would become really anti-consumer if they were the only console maker but people would just stop buying video games entirely if it blocked used game sales, always online, etc

Honestly if this notion of exclusivity was done away with, it would be a lot healthier for the industry than the hit we'd take by having a monopoly

People would judge games on their quality instead of what platform they were paid extra to stick to, developers could spend more time fine tuning a game for a specific hardware instead of something that works on 2 or more different ones with the usual performance issues that causes. I'm sure there are more positives

To be fair a snes ain't important

they count the free indie games they get every month.
If you check the charts, only like 20 game sold more than 10m units. Considering the overlap of yearly released you have a good third of the install base that never bought a physical copy of anything worthwhile.

>console that existed when the overwhelming majority of games were physical full-priced titles
>console that exists when the overwhelming majority of games are digital indie shovelware
I'm sorry but it's apples to oranges. High software numbers aren't impressive anymore because there's so much literal shovelware being peddled on digital markets. I remember before that microsoft CES video, microsoft was running some promotion where if you submitted an application to the windows stored, you received $100 or something. They had no limitations on what kind of application it could be either, so what they ended up with was tons of applications that were produced by following tutorials.

Also digital sales are much more common now than before. They frequently do weekend flash sales and frequently have decent games in them. If even 50 million of those 400 million are sold for $5, that's much less impressive than 50 million sold decades ago for $20 each. Completely ignoring inflation, that's a pittance.

Conflating raw numbers from two entirely different stages of the industry is nonsensical. The deletion of the thread before was probably entirely justified because it's baiting people who don't stop and think as to what those two numbers mean in two different time periods.

>75% of the PS4's userbase probably doesn't even know what a SNES is

Does this include the shtty games they give away (((for free))) every month?

so a bunch of trash.

Physical and digital. Why does it matter? It's not like digital is cheaper on consoles and indie games don't sell more than a few hundred thousand copies at best, if they're really popular (Darkest Dungeon, Resogun, Alienation etc).

>Competing in the same market as a PS4
>With the fucking switch.

Nope it looks like they're trying to disrupt the tablet market and succeed.

Is there an average for steam's users?
I have like 400 games.

what games do they play though? SNES had heaps of good games. PS4 has bloodborne and that's it

Actually it is.
I'm saying that the PS4 has more mass-market, casual appeal then the SNES did. Most people who own it are probably the kinds of people that only play CoD.

"You have to go back" is referencing when a reporter was hounding Trump about illegals and he kept saying "they have to go back"

>PCuck talking about trash games




How does that contradict what he just said.

Someone got so fucking butthurt over this fact that he deleted the thread in a shitfit like a bitchass crybaby.
FUCKING LOL! Nintendrones truly are pathetic crybabies.


Maybe in the statistics they release every once in a while?

No one bought bloodborne mate. They all own Call of Duty, Madden, NBA, Fifa, Assassins creed and TLOU.

I'd imagine the number is incredibly bloated due to online requiring PS+, and PS+ handing out tons of free games that no one plays.

keep on imagining the world to your liking and everything will be daijobu :^)

>you now live in the era where a president has unironically used the words "alternative facts"

He didn't say that it was one of his media shills.

Not really comparable since on the SNES era there wasn't digital distribution and most countries didn't even get the games.

Oh fucking christ, that makes it somewhat better at least

Nevertheless, its still bad that anyone associated with the White House used that term

>fifa 2014
>fifa 2015
>fifa 2016
>nba 2014
>nba 2015
>nba 2016
>madden 2014
>madden 2015
>madden 2016
>countless remasters/collections

idort here, these pad the list massively, especially when you consider sports games are literally the only thing eurofags play

>you're paying more attention to how upset the POTUS is about his crowd numbers than the women's marches being held around the world


400 millions dont seem that much when there are supposedly 56 million ps4

ok so it's Sup Forums garbage
thanks for clarifying I guess?

Because this board isn't mature enough to just talk about a console without bringing up another.

>caring about some women's march

Games sold, not games downloaded, son.

Did you bother reading the rest of the image? The best selling console of all time, PS2, and the second one, Wii, had lower attach rates at the 50m mark. PS4 is literally doing better than both.

You literally go through the purchase confirmations to get them, and the price is simply discounted to 0 dollars. You're crazy if you think they aren't counting them as sold games when they're paying the publishers for putting them up.

Are you telling me that a modern console sold more than a console released when gaming wasn't mainstream?

You can't discuss video game news if it's pro-Sony here.

Considering it has more people in it then people who actually voted for the man, I would be concerned

Popularity doesn't matter, since the stats are comparing consoles when they all had the same number of potential software buyers. All stats are considering 50m system owners.

To be fair, in the SNES days there was no set price for games. Some were $50, some were $90. Gaming today is much more widespread. I would think the sales would be much higher.

Is 'attach rate' the newest hottest buzzword?

>random march had 63 million people
I think you mean the Inauguration

Even then who cares? It's this the thing where girls walk around naked?

After a certain point, it's more important than total hardware sales, specially if you're selling consoles at a loss. It means people are spending more money on your system than on others, which means a console manufacturer can make more third party deals to bring more games to the platform as well as invest more money on first party exclusive titles.

Am I supposed to be impressed by those numbers? Video games are more mainstream now, of course consoles are going to sell better than an SNES


They probably count games like Let it Die as well. It's in their best interest to count F2P games that people downloaded as a game sold to inflate numbers.

Lego batman 3
Last of us
Uncharted collection
Digimon cybersleuth
Gravity rush
Plus more

>Why was the thread deleted?

Probably saw a trend of shitposts/bait threads originate from your IP.

And how many of those software titles were digital re-releases of ps3/ps2/ps1 games?

>Infamous Second Sun
>Until Dawn

Try again, Splatoon sold more than double what Bloodborne did.

The majority of Ps4 owners, including myself, don't give a fuck about Bloodborne.

Nintendrones will still defend Nintendo's recent decisions after seeing this. Pathetic