>the difficulty of porting from PS4 to Switch varies depending on how each studio approaches development >the porting process was relatively smooth for Disgaea >there was nothing NIS had to downgrade >even in portable mode, the experience still remains same as PS4 version >Disgaea 5 was chosen for Switch because it would be smooth to port >NIS also thought it would be better to release its key product >NIS received many requests to port it to Vita, but if this happened, it would have been necessary to downgrade the game >NIS brought the game to Switch as a way of fulfilling the fan request for a portable version of Disgaea 5 >NIS says they are definitely making more Switch games >They will not be making just one game and calling it quits
I knew it. All those mid tier Japanese devs had to go somewhere, and it looks like the Switch might be the platform
I would say this is possible, if the switch does gets the fame of being a weeb machine that Vita had.
Juan Martin
Meh ill just wait for the PC port of D5
Thanks for the beta testing btw
Cooper Wilson
I am sure as hell going to buy the same game twice because its on nintendo now which is notorious for having no third party support
Logan Ward
>still no PC version of Disgaea 5
Are they fucking serious?
Easton Johnson
>one company that has been bombing sales for it's weebshit sales means all of them will
Let's see how much these games bomb on here
If you're gonna port a weeb game off a sony console, port it on pc, atleast they're not retarded and buy only mario/zelda games
Brody Richardson
>>there was nothing NIS had to downgrade
Why should they have needed to? Its sprites on blocks.
Hudson Perez
You are exited about playing grindy turn-based game?
Jeremiah Rivera
They said that the PC market is untested for their types of games.
Kayden Hernandez
Those words mean very little when it's a desperate attempt to recoup sales
Come back to me when they're actually making games for switch and not doing the same shit they do on steam where if it flops on sony they come begging here for sales
Carter Walker
>port it on pc, atleast they're not retarded
Jace Sanders
Their handhelds have had good third party support, what are you talking about?
Easton Hill
There's is no PC version of Disgaea 2, 3 and 4. All in due time.
Xavier Adams
Switch has 1 hour time before needing to be charged if you play it without being plugged in.
Levi Long
Not while playing weeb games with 2D sprites
Julian Bailey
This will benefit PS4 too. Now when they make former handheld games on Switch, they can make a PS4 version as well. Everybody's happy - except Xbox owners
Gavin Phillips
Its a home console with a handheld mode for up to 3 hours on games
Devs would rather stick to a 3ds
Jackson Watson
You can't put 5 on PC without 4, D2, 3, and 2 user. It just wouldn't feel right. Thankfully, 2's release will be hitting very soon.
Colton Reyes
Pretty much this. If anything this better move traditional handheld games to be multiplat.
Jason Murphy
Disgea will most likely clock in 6 hours since its not taxing.
Matthew Reyes
Devs are already bringing their big games to Switch. 3DS will get scraps for another year or two before it's abandoned.
Mason Peterson
i heard the disgaea cast got progressively worse in the deeper iterations of the game, even if the grinding was refined and monster units made notshit.
etna and flonne are cute. CUTE.
Kevin Rivera
Disgaea is the only game I can imagine wanting to play both at home and on the go anyways. Aside from like multiplayer bomberman I guess
Christopher Baker
3 hours for games like BOTW. Disgaea 5 is no BOTW
Dylan Kelly
>Next weeb machine >Everything censored in the west courtesy of NoA I don't think so
Colton Peterson
Well where did you think all the Vita devs were gonna go to?
Cameron Garcia
that is a fucking perfect game for a handheld
Joshua Rogers
>3 hours on games user, that isn't much less than the 3DS.
James Lopez
>no region lock
Charles Hernandez
If NoA is not the publisher everything should be fine
Lincoln Cook
>The "NOA localizes every Japanese game" meme again
Justin Jenkins
It's also a poorly optimized game that ran like shit on PS4. I'm expecting only VC games to go above 3.5-4 hours on battery.
Ethan Sullivan
Mobile. Though Experience is making a PS4 game.
Jose Morgan
>Nintendo is putting out a system that caters not only to my fun Nintendo games but also that weeb itch. >Trump is president of the United States. >His new press secretary is a weeaboo who goes to anime conventions.
I love this timeline.
Matthew Mitchell
As opposed to NEVER EVER getting English release outside of SE Asia?
Nathan Sullivan
Wont last. D5 will bomb so hard NIS will cancel everything for it
Jace Flores
>His new press secretary is a weeaboo who goes to anime conventions.
Wait, what?
David Perry
This game will bomb on switch, nintoddlers don't buy third party games unless they're shoved in their face through something like smash.
Jayden Cook
No they'll just port it to everything else
NIS is used to bombs, I mean they're pretty much one of the only devs left supporting the Vita
They won't expect much from a port of a year old PS4 game on a new system.
Nathaniel Cox
>Prinny in Smash I'm fine with that.
Ian Young
This. /thread
Camden Jones
Capcom and Squaresoft have their fanbases that follow to whatever they release it for.
Daniel Price
Honestly I just see this as the direction Japanese gaming is heading in period. They just don't know how to make great games or much of anything the way they used to without following back on the waifu audience. I'm surprised a lot of their games aren't way tougher sells than they already are in the West nowadays. Like they must just not expect much period with some of the stuff that comes over here via one of the import companies like NIS or even some of the stuff from like Bandai Namco games or Sega. Speaking of Sega the writing is kind of on the wall there especially when the apparent main feedback thing they thought to mention to the public after the first demo was that they changed the length of the female leads leggings.
I'd wait to see what they do with the character designs on that one first. Granted SMT proper has stayed roughly consistent with it's art style design being pretty classic RPG. Cleopatra as an ultimate demon in the latest one was pretty weird though
Sebastian Nelson
>Laharl playable because he has a sword and want to be the main character >female form alt costume >prinnies are items >Prinny hero level with Giant Etna hazard.
Nolan Wilson
Oliver Hernandez
>Disgaea 5 coming to Switch >Switch is weaker than PS4
I bet D5 on Switch is gonna run like ass.
Dominic Green
Why is the release schedule so barren?
Ethan Adams
did you read the parts where they said no downgrades were needed
Camden White
Do you really think D5 fully utilizes the power of the PS4?
Christian Richardson
By God Sup Forums what have you done?!
Lucas Stewart
>release schedule so barren short memory isn't really working on that one kiddo.
Nathan King
>Devs are already bringing their big games to Switch.
Yeah and the 3ds
Adrian Ward
Mobile, Steam and PS4. The Switch is a Nintendo console, third parties always do the worst on them.
James Young
>Implying Disgaea 5 was using the PS4 to its potential
Charles Johnson
But Japan likes handhelds, and the Vita is getting old
Dominic Campbell
You serious? The Switch lineup is pathetic for the first entire year.
Jace Fisher
Aren't there battles where 100+ units are on screen at once? Frame rates are gonna drop on Switch port since they are not downgrading the Switch port.
Hunter Powell
Some devs can't afford to go upgrade to shit like PS4, dev costs are skyrocketing
Xavier Gutierrez
P5 Platinum in 2 years
Aiden Rodriguez
And? Japan isnt the West. We've been getting console versions of countless portable games.
Angel Morris
So what about games like Nioh or tales games?
Oh wait i should only expect grindy trash like disgaea with no difficulty
Dylan Green
2D sprites user.
Ryder Jones
You're a fucking moron if you think graphics need to be held to a higher standard in order to be on a more powerful system.
Joseph Fisher
please let this be true
Jordan Carter
user, where do you think NIS is located?
Austin Sanders
Bring us one step closer to making anime real.
You can thank us later.
Daniel Thomas
Have you played 999?
Joshua Nelson
Characters[edit] Killia (キリア?, Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano (Japanese); Ben Pronsky (English)) - A young demon who seeks revenge, and has a long history with the Demon Emperor, Void Dark.[7] He doesn't like teaming up. He seems very cold, but his kindness shines through when he helps those who are suffering because of the Lost. His calorie intake is very high, and he eats whenever he has the opportunity. He harbours power within his body that rivals that of an Overlord.[8] Seraphina (セラフィーヌ?, Voiced by: Sarah Emi Bridcutt (Japanese); Kira Buckland (English)) - A sheltered princess and the Overlord of Gorgeous Underworld (絢爛魔界?).[7] She truly believes that all men exist to kneel before her. She ran away from her home because her father arranged a marriage of convenience with Void Dark, who she now plans to assassinate.
It's just kind of like bog standard anime stuff. Loner male insert dude with Macguffin power that makes him rival the strongest, haughty spoiled slut princess that wants everyone to lick her feet and can bend any man to her will with her special succubus powers except of course for the male lead who is of course immune to it cause reasons. Stuff like that that you don't really have to think to hard about but that Japan eats up enough for them to keep cranking out sequels all the same.
Adam Jackson
>Disgaea >grindy >Disgaea >no difficulty Confirmed for never attempting a Geo Crystal puzzle. Also Disgaea isn't grindy. When people say its a grinding game, they mean that in that the game encourages grinding and gives you a lot of easy tools to do it. Its not necessary to grind.
Kayden Miller
Nigga developing/porting for ps4 is easy as fuck compared to how it was on ps3, don't know where you're getting high costs from
Parker Bailey
There isnt a single NIS exclusive. Why buy a Switch for NIS ports of all things?
John Gomez
>they mean that in that the game encourages grinding and gives you a lot of easy tools to do it. Its not necessary to grind
Nigga grinding is grinding
I don't enjoy maxing out characters to level 9999 or conisider that fun making eveyone broken, only autists enjoy that shit
Tyler Jackson
Then don't do that. Just play the main story and enjoy that. Don't grind. Easy peasy.
Ian Sanchez
So is this their way of saying they are dropping support for the Vita since it officially cant run Disgaea anymore?
Wyatt Murphy
What the hell does exclusives have to do with anything
Oliver Hall
>Cold Steel 3 is going ps4 exclusive >Ys8 best version is ps4 exclusive
Yeah man totally making switch ports
Christopher Roberts
The Switch not getting support and just re-mapping what the Wii U had early in its lifecycle.
Michael Williams
Not really
Charles Howard
People also said Disgaea 5 was going to be a PS4 exclusive.
John Ortiz
Ys 8 is on the Vita, and has been for over a year.
Jacob Clark
They said this years ago
Samuel Sanders
>owning a piss4 lmao
Grayson Reyes
>third parties >making exclusives I will never understand how people fall for this meme
Owen Anderson
Not without Ann! You see, Ann is the best, because she is not pure! She is a flower, but a wilted one! Yes, her hymen has been slain, but she has experience! The experience that will eradicate the Switch off the face of the earth! She also smells like strawberries! STRAWBERRIES!
Ryan Reed
Yeah man the same series thats having pc ports was totally gonna be a ps4 exclusive, especially when it bombed on ps4.
Has falcom ever even touched anything Nintendo related?
Cameron White
Just like the 3DS then
Oliver Long
Yeah the shitty version with frame drops
Joshua Gomez
The 3DS was garbage, but I imagine the Switch will be much worse.
Jeremiah Nelson
It runs a pretty consistent 30. Ironic, considering you game on a PS4 and most games run terribly.
Evan Bennett
>The 3DS was garbage wow
Jaxon Reed
>shitch gets two weeb games that were ported to pretty much every possible platform 1 year ago >WE WON NINTENBROS WE WEEB NOW WOOOOO THIRD PARTY BABY
Elijah Parker
Nice shit taste
Evan Lee
Tales of series is already confirmed >Nioh Kys you souls meme loving shitter
Daniel Sanders
It has next to no good games you fucking children
Hudson Sullivan
Since CS3 is coming to PS4, I wonder if Falcom will port over CS1 and 2 to PS4 as well?