Mfw i beat Dark Souls with KB+M

>mfw i beat Dark Souls with KB+M

>mfw i beat Muneshige in Nioh 3 times

>mfw i beat my dick

Can we have an actual discussion in this thread? I just beat DeS and I'm about to start DaS. Can I just wing it in this game like I did the last one? I'm a little concerned I'll get hopelessly lost with all the open world bullshit that got added in.

I haven't played DeS, but don't worry about getting lost in DaS1 it happened to me and eventually I ended up finding my way onto the right paths. The dlc is pretty great too.

prove it.

>mfw I beat Ikaruga with the powerglove

you probably wont get lost, game gives you a decent idea of where you need to go and usually leads you there naturaly

only difficult things to find are the optional areas

Me too.

I also beat original RE4 with KB+M

>mfw I just fapped to trap lolis

Ok? Good for you? All I do is PVP and back when I played Dark Souls 1 I actually liked the default KB+M controls. So much that I hated Dark Souls 2's.

Woah! You must be real good at games how good did you do in Skyrim? I can beat the main mission in 40 hours that is really good for me I can't even get past the first enemy in dark souls! XD it is way to hardcore for me you must know a lot about videogames and have a lot of experience

>trap lolis

As in boys pretending to be lolis

Like that big tree that goes down to where the last dragon is. I still haven't found it.

it's in the mandatory poison swamp area

actual location: It's completely opposite of the arena where you fight spider lady boss in a tree. The actual path is hidden by a wall behind a chest that holds the wooden shield that you have to smack for it to appear

its behind a fake wall behind another fake wall

you can sort of see the area from the tomb of the giants

Fucking liar

look for the big tree in the blighttown swamp
go up the root
look at the shitty item in the hollowed out part
whack the walls
find the chest
whack the wall again
find the bonfire
plummet to your death

What is the appeal of Dark Souls, or any of those games? What is fun about it? What makes it worth playing?

It's decently challenging
Combat feels good

Don't go to the graveyard.
Only go there after you get a divine weapon at least.

The whole feel/image of the game drew me in. Being awful and wanting to git gud kept me going (and, again, the whole dystopian feel of it just kept eating at me to discover it more). At this point I am a total fanboy but really, everything is amazing. Bosses are fun, areas are fun and really great looking. Story is really awesome if you dig into it. You can use all sorts of builds and play to your style. Stumbling through the game the first time then min-maxing is something I love. Not to mention that not giving up and finally figuring everything out has changed my perspective about video games for the better. I would recommend it to literally anyone.

It's a challenging dungeon crawler, that's it. What are you some kind of idiot?

Exploration that rewards a slow, methodical approach. Real and present dangers that pull no punches, usually without bullshit. Satisfying to clear challenges. Exploration with rewards that actually matter: every individual weapon, spell, gear and armor piece you find may have a use that makes it the centerpiece of a build, a useful tool against certain enemies or in certain situations, or your new favorite pvp style. Or even a sincere secret! A series where the beginner slowly learns what he can get away with through entertaining and painful trial and error, until he is a vet that enjoys pushing himself to the limit of an established system.

DS1 blind is just great, you know. And you only get to play each game blind once.

And it's not for everyone, that's just what I saw in it.

Kek, I already ended up going there. Ran away and up onto a ramp and all the skelebros threw themselves off a cliff. Only one managed to follow me back and I killed him after like 7 backstabs. Good news is I went in the other direction and grabbed what seems to be a dope faith sword in front of some dragon. I guess master key was the right choice. Should I stay in this area or am I going to get fucked?

Leave that area, there's a badass ring around the dragon bridge though, up a ladder.

Shit nigga, you're managing to explore in the most backwards ways possible, but the stuff you're finding you help you a lot in the long run.
Just go back to firelink and go through the little grassy path going up with some undead warriors.

>Just go back to firelink and go through the little grassy path going up with some undead warriors.
That sewer looking area with a rat in it at the top of those steps that leads to a whole new area, right? Yeah, that's where I ended up. That's probably going to be it for tonight, though. I've been running this on a laptop and for some reason it's heating up like a furnace and getting FPS drops (even after DSfix) so I'm going to clean it out and call it a night. Thanks for the help.

if you manage to enter blight town from bellow you cant open the door to enter the sewer and must travel back the way you came from the valley

normally you enter from above since a boss has the key to the sewer doors

Post you're weaponfu.

It's fun to get lost in Dark Souls. Get lost as much as possible.

You've already played Demon's Souls so you probably won't have much trouble.

It's a good game. Some retards like to show off and only ever talk about the difficulty, so I understand you might be confused and think DaS has nothing but difficulty going for it.