What's the best game where you go around killing Nazis?
Hard mode: no Wolfenstein.
What's the best game where you go around killing Nazis?
It's simply amazing just how left Sup Forums has become over time.
It's amazing how gullible you are
inb4 cucks
Richard Spencer is an attention whore faggot just like Milo.
Go outside Goonspawn.
Real life.
early call of duty and the majority of medal of honor games
I kind of feel bad killing nazis in games. They obviously had the right idea, as the current state of the world shows.
>Letting Nazis think they can take hold of 'Murica
It's you who needs to go.
>talk shit get hit.jpg
More like "faggit.jpg" amirite?
How is anti-Nazi "left" instead of "sane"? Gonna cut yourself on all that edge, user.
We got antifa fags and Sup Forumstards filling up Sup Forums now?
t. literal shit-eater
Just posting this real quick since some idiot posted a cap from it out of context last thread. It's not even written by him anyway.
>has clean shot for a sucker punch
>throws everything at him
>barely even phases the punchee
How can you blow it this bad?
It's guaranteed replies. Trolls are having a field day.
Wait is he dead?
>being against nazis is now the new definition of "left"
holy fuck
He's become a baby after getting punched. He says in interviews that he's afraid to go out for dinner and stuff.
Whats the matter, baby, too afraid to throwdown and remove the 'undesirables' from your country? A real american would stick to his beliefs, not go hiding in a hole
what is this all about?
No some peaceful protestor sucker punched him.
Contrain is what Sup Forums does. I'm being recruited by antifa right now.
user, my trump-voting parents are anti-nazi. Fuck off to Sup Forums and never come back.
Whats hilarious is that he's now saying he's afraid to go places, and has been considering getting body guards.
He wasn't even punched that hard
Oh, just like how your guy just got punched by a literal shit-eater? Who then claimed that he was in a safe space later that night?
You treasonous bastards are hilarious.
sorry you don't get your own special word for "le evil anti-nazis", you get the boot to the face
No one except SJWs even knows who that guy is. What they don't get is that "alt-right" is just a name they made up for people who disagree with them. No one identifies as it. It's just that there's more people now who see that political correctness isn't actual correctness.
Baited for this exact response.
Leftists are violent rioting criminals. The sensible candidate won.
>has the crazy idea of white homelands remaining white
>must be a nazi
Antifa has historically been right wing
Every ww2 game
It wasn't even a good punch, and this faggot's now saying he fears for his life? Oh please.
Literally says "i-i was pretending to be retarded" wow
user, unlike a lot of groups, i and everyone else can say they want to massacre all nazis and even do it, and that's okay.
so please affirm yourself to be a legit nazi.
I don't know who that guy is but his haircut screams punch me in the face
>"alt-right is just a name they made up for people that disagree with them"
>unironically using the term SJW, a term that literally has no definite meaning because it's made up for anyone who disagrees the right-wing status quo or is even the slightest bit more progressive than them
Is there anyone that projects harder than right-wingers? Christ allfuckingmighty.
Actual answer, Bloodrayne.
>white homeland
Mexicabs and Native Americans were here first and blacks have been here longer than most non-Anglo Europeans
Who gives a fuck about this dumb nigger?
LMAO triggered SJW
God I hate pol so fucking much. GO baCJ T O YOUR CONTIANMENT BOARD FUCK YOUJO DA
>white homelands
>homeland of the native americans
Are you inundating yourself with falsehoods enough to allow you to doublethink, or are you just a dumb as nails retard?
it's the escalation. Lefties have completely lost their shit lately, shits gonna get worse
Didnt the guy who punched him get doxxed and it turned out he was in some femdom cuck scat porn?
He's no different than MILO, getting tired of this e-celeb bullshit on the right
the left do the right thing no matter what. no matter who leads, or what the majority of people think. the left will always stand defiant and do what is right.
America First, right?
I seriously hope I don't need to spoonfeed you on who the America First group was way back
Why does Sup Forums think white genocide is OK but shitskin genocide isn't?
Why so anti-white?
It's just the gaffers who come here.
he literally looked like he was gonna cry after he got hit lmao
What is a game where I can reject any kind of identity politics bullshit and realize what is the real source of the world's problems?
yeah and how'd a bunch of foreigners come in work out for the Native Americans? Not very fucking well, go ahead and welcome your demographic replacement and downfall of white america you traitor.
>So new he doesn't know about trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls...
Do you guys think he's right?
>Spencer hosts a site called Altright.com
>Jared Taylor constantly proclaims himself altright
>stormfront proudly uses the term altright
>Brietbart and it's readers used the term
Want to say more lies?
irl nobody, but online it was the twitter-lefts big moment where they finally stuck it to the nazis and defeated Trump
>oy vey the goyim are acting in their own self-interest!
Whites deserve it desu
Really makes you think
Why do all these YouTube political "pundits" that've sprung up in the past 4-5 years have such terrible haircuts
>they finally stuck it to the nazis
>le smug anime girl impliying this was a foolish thing to do
how are you so fucking dense
>Sup Forums is antifa now
dont know whos cringier
he doesnt advocate violence though, unlike the left. i really do hope the left continues down this path though, theyre gonna end up getting shot.
Nobody has said the Sniper Elite series?
>Youtube political pundit
And the Right wing have been losing their shit over Obama for a while now.
At this point, it is senseless to argue on people going nuts. Only that you should sit back and enjoy the ride, because the next 4 years is going to be hilarious
Left leaning people protest and cause a stink, Media outlets stating facts get yelled at by Trump administration
Trump Administration goes full Steven Harper and shits on scientists
TA keeps getting madder and madder that only a handful of people wants to play by their tune, and shit just spirals out from there.
>Wearing a fucking Pepe pin
Deserved to get punched tbqh
The protestor is literally /ourguy/ and the memespouting faggot is nu-Sup Forums.
Why is this thread still here?
>Guy discusses the idea of being white supremacist
>Niggers fucking kidnap a handicapped teen, and torture him while screaming "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE"
Really makes me think of how the left will never win another election
Go cry a trail of tears
That'll takes those nazis down a peg or two. They've had it too good for too long.
>implying 99% of all ww2 or historical games arent antifa
>unironically being a Nazi
you didn't even bother changing the picture, dude
Oh, he's a streamer.
Even worse.
Yeah that antifa shit wont fly here they fucked with some neo nazis in LA and got their asses shanked, only a matter of time before one of then gets dropped by a conceal carrier
>mfw the guy who punched him got doxed and turned out to be a literal shit-eating cuck
I'm not even making this up.
no, antifa as in that retarded facist movent you middle class kiddies love so much
America First were people who were saying to not participate in the war, and that Hitler, when he came to America, should be given America for free with little protest
They were the original cucks
>hating on Spencer
you dont watch streams?
>argument is survival of the fittest
>meanwhile non-whites are outbreeding whites
Americans are truly the biggest retards.
nu-Sup Forums
Seriously. Nu-Sup Forums complains about you using the word "nigger" these days
underage edgelord spotted
The Saboteur
he wants "peaceful ethnic cleansing"
>not being a literal god damn nazi is "cringey"
This is how far society has fallen that these backwards fascist fucks think they can waltz in and expect their opinions to be seen as equal. Not all ideas are equal, Adolf. Yours are just wrong.
wow what a cool guy you are
>oy vey, the goyim are not dying for israel!