Why won't Crysis 3 run on max settings on my 10 year old laptop?

>Why won't Crysis 3 run on max settings on my 10 year old laptop?
>This game is an un-optimised piece of shit!
>fuck PC gaming!

Other urls found in this thread:



fucking kill yourself

fucking die

Seriously, how is it that your kind hasn't been blown to pieces yet?
Given how fucking retarded your shitty fandom is, you'd think at some point one of you faggots would step on a landmine or something.

Either that, or I'd take just as enough pleasure in gassing all of you fuckers like you deserve to be.

A new holocaust is needed for this decrepit scene of humanity where degeneracy roams among us.

These braindead heaps of flesh don't deserve to exist among the living.

I'm not even fucking kidding, this shit fandom should never have existed to begin with.

lol he's insane. you do the same shit expecting something new to happen.

People who support these degenerates are just as bad.

>Four IPs
I see someone's hot-swapped twice already.

looks strangely like aria from The Crawling City tbqh

And I really hate their fucking guts

You are yelling and noone cares. Noone will care. fuck off

They really deserve death

It's nice to see when someone uses your images.
Thanks for saving the other thread from getting archived, by the way. I knew you'd find the image and keep it bumped.


Fucking kill yourself, degenerate

You have good taste in comics.
>When you realize a friend of yours has a Tap comic they just started that already looks better than half the shit on there

This thread is going to die soon, so I might as well give you a reminder.

I still want all Barneyfags dead

now we get the cutch of the issue.
>I still want all Barneyfags dead
YOU are the barneyfag. Why do you want to kill yourself?

Hang these degenerates

I didn't mean me, fucktard

you ever look up the definition of "barneyfag"

it's a real eye opener

He's like that sometimes. Tonight he's being overly hostile for some reason, though.

I know, I've seen like 8 of these degenerate IRL

but you did? Surely you know that here on Sup Forums that's your nickname. Because you really should think about killing yourself. You are LITERALLY the ONLY ONE who cares.

People against degeneracy care.

Imagine a world where Barneyfag was smarter than a 2 year old
>Hmmmm I want X to happen and I think doing Y will achieve that
>Well now I've tried Y but it completely failed, I should try a different method to achieve X
But no he'll bang his head against a wall achieving nothing for the rest of his life