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Fire Emblem Ballot
Other urls found in this thread:
does anyone else like Lucia
Everyday baybeeee!!
>the XP hog Seth and not Ross the Boss
Results discarded
My ballot is just Annas from different games so far
Superior paladin
I wish i could see her big beautiful bare breasts
I like her with short hair
Post screenshot
Wait, what? I guess I missed a day or something.
i like men too
>haven't bothered making a Nintendo account
I'd have just posted this anyway
What, no Lissa or Owain?
I would critique, but honestly they need as many votes as they can get for any chance.
I think it would have been cool if Sup Forums banded together to get someone like masked marth. It would have been funny to see masked marth end up so close to Lucina. Sadly I missed two days
Sup Forums would actually need to agree on a character to vote for, though, something that seems unlikely. Half the people in these thread are voting for Lucina just because they're concerned that one of the Fates girls might beat her out of the #1 spot.
I'd be interested in someone who just isn't a standard sword-lord or Waifu Emblem bait, but that doesn't seem to be happening. I'll probably be tossing a vote just at the Black Knight because he looks pretty good, though.
>All these Awakening / Fates weebs
brb kms
>voted Neimi yesterday
>says I didn't vote
What the fuck man.
I'm a giant fucking faggot but I love him.
I vote for my friends.
Alternating Ikes every two days.
alternating between these three games until I get further in Path of Radiance
Thank goodness I came to my senses on Day 3
Not that user, but here are basically all the Anna choices, unless I missed one. And that's not counting the Anna who is new for Fire Emblem Heroes, although you can't vote for her.
I'm wondering who user is planning on voting for next. Or who he will vote for on the last three days, when it's three votes to split between the five Annas.
Filthy jew
>not wanting to make an entire party of different Annas and roll through the game
I'm not the only one going random every time, right?
I don't understand why some people have 4 and others have 5. What gives?
Some people missed a day
So they won't let you recover that day? Lame. They could have just X'd out the day that was missed.
>tfw do random and get three of the same hero except one is slightly different texture from different game
Jesus, I should just choose from here on out.
Was there 13 or 12 original spots
Did this just for you, Lucinabros.
My last character will be random
Missed day 2 but I'm gonna alternate between Haar and Black Knight.
Maybe give a couple to Ike, see if it can push him over the edge to win.
Why are Lucinafags so petty? She's already a lock for winning, yet they still rally as though they are a part of some righteous cause.
What other lolis should I vote for?
Finding fanart of her is a rarity in itself.
There are lots of options in older games. Tiki from the first few titles is younger than Nowi is in Awakening.
the only right choice
If she were a better unit I imagine she'd be much more popular, though never as much as Mia even if she were better than Mia.
just stick to the cool one
Got in on this shit late.
I don't think anyone else will vote for Genocide Jill.
She does have a niche with Parity. Pretty useful for endgame chapters if you need more Nihil-like skills.
Lewd art?
But why
>all these posts
>only one Joshua
you niggers have no taste
Never played a single fire emblem ever but I like his character the most in smash 4
2000000% retarded
my nigger
doing gods work
Maybe tomorrow or the day after that.
>Not voting for History's Strongest Spearman
For what purpose
Holy Mother of Christ Almighty.
Who /Lyndis/ here?
>literal edgelord
Pick one
Reporting in
>Death Grips
Pretty good, but I didn't vote for him.
Her going no-pan in Heroes is pretty lewd.
Best taste in this thread.
I only played lyn's game. which fire emblem character has the biggest titties and wears the least clothes?
the mark of a future nu-fe baby
>future nu-fe baby
>started with Lyn's game
Sounds about right eh?
nah it's clearly just the standard Lynfag
>Not a single vote for our Lord and Savior the Honorable and Esteemed General Narcian
Explain yourselves.
the first FE he played is non important
what appeals to him is what makes nu-fe niggers shitters
animu shit and animated tits over a good game
quit vidya
show us your shit taste then, faggot
I voted for Joshua
Camilla or Aversa I'd assume.
Jesus Fucking Christ your retarded hang urself my man
fuck off tripfag
Every character that wears red and black isn't an edgelord user.
>not one single vote for the most powerful general ever known
fuck all of you nufe shitters
he's gonna be my last vote
>the first FE he played is non important
But I bet if he started with Awakening you wouldn't be saying that, would you? Or could it be that people who start with the 'original' Fire Emblem can also be these evil waifufags? But wait, that can't be right!
you can just admit you never played the game
waifu faggotry was never a thing until the PoR came out
i remember Sup Forums in 2006 when all FE thread were about how their canas was the strongest canas ever because it naturally maxed out 4 - 5 stat paths
simply disgusting
started late but here we go
Delete this.
>smash and nufe babbys are going to vote for pussy ass kamui
>he's going to overtake sigurd, ike, ephraim, and hector
>nintendo will see this and make more characters like him
I might as well just hang myself at this point.
i voted once and then forgot
it was for Joshua
add in titties nee-san and it's perfect
I just started today but I'm voting for my favorite obscure character from each game.
Started with Lorenz.
very good taste, user
I have a thing for red haired characters.
>All these great characters that I want to vote for
>In the end it won't matter because the two winners are gonna be two popular lord characters
>Female winner almost guaranteed to be Lucina or Camilla