How do I find a crazy fucking girlfriend?

How do I find a crazy fucking girlfriend?

Craigslist, university, small rural towns.

Get a Girlfriend. Crazy comes later.

If they really like musicals, Disney films, and/or are obsessed with a kind of animal, you've hit the jackpot.

Play a Nonary game I guess.

How do you find normal girls?
Why am I asking Sup Forums?

Blizzard has something to say to you

Do drugs, sell them to girl. It's pretty easy.

Thats an oxymoron

Romance is a meme grow the fuck up kiddos

Why are girls so crazy? Lol.

(Crazy Fucking) Girlfriend or Crazy (Fucking Girlfriend)? The difference might save your life.

Attend a trump protest.

Tinder is really the easiest and most consistent way. They all like surface level anime and are usually skinny with short hair.

This lad gets it.

Don't. Seriously, it's not worth it.

Get fit, act confident, get a girl. Keep expectations realistic.

Then, you realize it's a ton of work and rethink your decision. You breakup, you forget the lesson you learned, you try again.

Rinse and repeat until you find one that drives you up the wall but you don't want to leave her for some reason.

This. r/ing that screencap of an user getting stabbed in the leg while getting a blowjob.

>stabbed during bj

>your gf will never create an amazingly high budget escape-the-room puzzle game for you and some friends to play
Why can't women be more like Akane?

>Sup Forumsirgins
>talking to girls
You lot are hopeless

Because most people in general don't have pockets that deep

eh, wasnt it santa that did that though?

>wanting to stick your dick in crazy
It's not fucking worth it man.

>get gf
>shes the bezt
>get engaged
>okay, shes a
>get married
>I want off this ride.
Lesson: Dont get married.

>Sup Forumsirgins

If you seriously haven't had sex after 20, something's wrong or you'd better be religious as fuck.

Don't date crazy. It isn't fulfilling whatsoever and leaves you empty because they just aren't worth it


>something's wrong
Yup, was spurned in high school, lost my hair, overweight, and no friends. Considering going to Nevada for legal whores

If you're browsing Sup Forums, something's wrong. Not surprising there are a lot of virgins here. Some of us have problems communicating with others.

This feel hits too close to home. I don't know why, but there's something so appealing about being under the thumb of a complete fucking sociopath who also loves me. There's just something about girls who are extremely intelligent AND sadistic.

A fucked up escape-the-room game would be the best valentine's day gift, desu senpai.

>have crush on my sister
>she doesn't notice

Maybe I should be direct...

I'm 25 and I haven't had sex

Brush her teeth.

Play shitty VNs

>always had a crush on my sister
>she turns into a turbo slut in high school
>reading too much incest shit on here and the incest subreddit
>get the courage to do something
>"accidentally" brush my crotch with a semi into her ass while in the kitchen
>she jumps away
>she then "accidentally" brushes her ass into my crotch and starts grinding
>aw ya
>she texts me if I liked that and wanted more
>say yes and basically confess that I wanted to fuck her since we were kids and that I jerk it thinking of her and go into the bathroom after she goes so I can squeeze one out while enjoying her lingering smell
>she tells me to get some condoms for Saturday morning when our parents go grocery shopping
>parents leave
>sis calls me into her room
>she's laying in bed
>tells me to get naked
>it's happening
>tells me to talk dirty and say how badly I want to fuck her
>get on bed and go to kiss her
>she starts laughing
>she gets up and grabs her phone
>got that on video you perv plus all your texts
>she uses it as blackmail to give her money, rides, do her homework, etc

Don't fall for the incest meme, boys. It ain't worth the risk

Crazy and Girlfriend go hand in hand

I swear those bitches put you through so much. Just go look at sometime

85% of that board is guys going on about how their girlfriend fucking DESTROYED them with the responders saying thats just how girls are and you get over it or you are fucked in the relatipnship game

It's still pretty normal in Asia though so I'm fineeeeee

That's good advice. Thank you

or maybe, you know, she isn't interested in her brother.
you sick fuck.

>not immediately grabbing her phone and smashing it


God, I want a girlfriend like Akane so badly.

Maybe it's just that people who legitimately think that /adv/ is a good place to go for advice aren't the brightest when it comes to choosing proper relationships.

I have yet to date a gamer girl that didn't have something wrong with her mentally. So start with MMOs.

Beware though. Borderline Personality, depression, Manic, OCD are all VERY hard to deal with.

>be me
>fall in love of a girl
>she's crazy as shit and perma-depressed
>we become best friends
>i confess my feelings and ask her out and says yes
>she accepted to be in a relationship only because she didnt want to heartbreak me because im her best friend despite everything and doesnt want to lose me. i didnt know this but when i found out i had to stop talking to her because i cant stand being lied to
>a few months pass and we get in contact again, finally being honest with me and telling me that she will never love me
>fuck i still love her
>she tells me she realised loves me above everything else after me being with her and taking care of her for almost 9 years every day (pic related, literally us)
>we get together for real now
>suddenly we get into arguments and even a lot more and ignore each other a lot because we dont want to piss off each other
>i dont want to lose her and she doesn't either so we are stuck in a viscious cycle of fighting and getting back together and making-up sex because we both are pathetic losers
>i feel even more lonely than when i was single


Go to an anime con and make one of the cosplay girls your gf.

you dont put your dick in crazy.

you dont do it.
nothing good ever comes of it.
Akane was pure, P U R E

not crazy. and santa is best brother

Akane is pure, undiluted insanity, don't fool yourself. The ending of VLR confirms it.

and i love her for the same reason

>the ending of VLR confirms it

what, I dont remember much, but doesnt the ending confirms her pureness rather? she knew where her love was but she had to devote herself to the research instead, shows a lot of strength in the character.

why the leg?

akane is pure and self-sacrificing. if you want crazy look no further than clover.

she proved herself the type of bitch willing to kill anyone to get her way, in 2 fucking games even. I do think she wouldnt kill her brother though.
but besides that she's pure psycho material

the sad part is that they usually overlap.

Well, I could argue that if she truly loved Junpei she wouldn't have erased his memories of the ZTD events and make him live for years on an apocalyptic wasteland.

But! She still has the ring he gave her in her hand, so...

Go to bars, bang a regular. Use OKCupid. Pick up any night shift waitress. Find someone over 30 without kids.

How do I get over my crippling inability to dance?


Well now I'm curious.


>tfw turn 20 in august and am a kissless virgin

think I can make it before then bros??

That's the thing, user. I don't want trashy crazy. I want refined, elegant crazy.

It's like the difference between garbage grocery store wine and refined, aged-400-years wine from a fancy cellar.

>something's wrong
I'm too comfortable with myself in my solitude to get a girlfriend. I'm too deep, man. I have anime figures, trading cards, videogames, anime to watch, money to spend in the silliest selfish things... I don't want to sacrifice it for a girlfriend.

Man, the worst part is that this is what the song ME!ME!ME! was all about.

Impressively true.

Find a cute girl and don't give her a Four Leaf Clover.


Unless you leave her at the right time it will be a disaster but you stay with her for a long time because it's your first gf.

>trying not to give a shit about a lot fo things
>still gives a shit deep down
Well having a job changes nothing, so I doubt I'll feel better even if I get a gf
sage for blog

if it was a real hearty stab with a huge knife then that's rough, those type of wounds actually fuck you for life

Dunno, there's a bit of luck involved in these things. When I was in hs I think I could've chosen from 3 girls to be my gf. One of them already had a bf but she was hitting on me by the end of the year. The second wanted to get close a few times but I never asked her. The third literally asked me the first time we met if I had a gf. After that only 1 girl in college wanted to date me but I wasn't ready for these things. I consider myself fairly average in looks so I guess it depends how u come off to people.

You can't take care of her you can't heal her. What you're experiencing today is the future you have tomorrow. She's badly needed professional help and chances are you're making things worse by being with her.

But most importantly, you're not looking out for yourself. Putting someone else's needs before your own is stupid, relationships should be mutual. Your resentment of each other is only going to grow until you're both thinking about how great it would be if the other just died.

Neck yourself so we don't have to put up with your whining

I don't get it m8, so she has issues or u both have issues? If u guys are not at peace with urselves u have to give urselves some time to get your sht str8 and then get in a relationship. Fix urselves first and then talk to each other later. I dunno who needs help but yall should get it. I had depression and deperzonlzation for about a year until it went away.