How would Sup Forums design a battle royale game?

How would Sup Forums design a battle royale game?


The first one was way better then the second one

Make it like danganropa and fill it with stupid relationship bullshit and have all fun combat happen off-screen

Let It Die

open world survival crafting early access unity character creation mmo

You might be on to something........

You have five stats the maximum level for each stat is five. You cannot improve your stats once you begin. They are,

At character creation you are given 15 points to spend, the fewer points you spend the better gear you start with.

How can you encourage players to (maybe) group up in a last-man-standing game? I think that's the big question.

There was a second one?

Roguelike multiplayer FPS.

not arranging it as


and making it about russian dudes killing each other... come on bro

you have a feature where you enter a friendship pact for x number of minutes

players who regularly break pacts get an icon next to their name

I think theres a mechanic simillar like this in DayZ but they do good stuff to gain people's trust just so they can do worse shit and stab people's back.

Not saying it's a bad idea, but a neat touch to human interaction.

There was a very good version of it in WC3 custom maps.

All 12 players would spawn randomly with random heroes (I.e. weapons/tools) and you would either go around trying to kill everyone or use the wc3 team function to ally with people but they could just as easily unally you so be careful who you trust.

There were also zones that would blow up from time to time just like the movie too.

Damm that was good map.

>5 luck
>10 leftover for good gear.

Objectively the best build.

Play as Takeshi Kitano. Favour or hamper certain students in subtle ways and at the end you get a New Vegas style epilogue explaining how the experience affected the life of the surviving student(s).

I'd play this.

And then along comes DOTA and everyone plays that instead.

if you die in the game you have to buy another copy

Takako Chigusa is best girl.

Make it possible for more than one person to survive by killing the teacher, who is also playable and exists to fuck with things. You get more reward for surviving alone but it's much harder. As people die, survivors can use their bodies to set traps for other players.

Put all points into luck and find a hiding spot until everyone kill each other.

Doesn't ARMA has BR mods? Like Player Unknown made one as far as I recall. Plus shit like Breaking Point and all.

as an early access first person sand box survival game obviously

you say that like you're stating some crazy opinion, as if the few people that know it actually was a thing don't ignore its existence completely.

Always wanted a battle royale vidya would be so sweet if done like the film same themes weapons online fight to the death sign me up

The game would come with a neckbrace bomb that if you die in game detonates in real life blowing up your head


It would be full of waifus with femine penises. Sucking the penises would grant power ups

we dont talk about the second. the movie is not even that good compared to the manga or the novel.

is the manga good?
better than the live action adaption?

Nyet. Too much weebshit.


I would go to any inner city school in Chicago and Detroit and base it around that.

A truly good battle royale game would make me build a gaming pc

Multiplayer arena deathmatch like Overwatch but as slow as old RE games.

They could have just remade the first one with different characters and situations and I'd be fine with it, but instead they threw out the awesome basic premise in order to make a point about soliders or terrorism or something. I was pretty bored and pissed off by the end of it.