Didn't see a thread for it and we're only 1 day away from 0
let's get this started.
we can also discuss Kiwami and 6
Didn't see a thread for it and we're only 1 day away from 0
let's get this started.
we can also discuss Kiwami and 6
16 hours here. I'm keen as fuck
However... I'm up to the final part of 4.... and I'm torn on whether I should play 5 before I get into 0
You should play 5 before 0.
For many reasons really.
0 has better resolution, better framerate, better graphics and better gameplay that make it much harder to go back to 5.
Furthermore 0 also has better story, so going back to 5 will just straight up feel like downgrade after playing 0.
But 5 on its own is a massive upgrade over 4.
I was thinking that, but I kinda want to be up on the hype wagon too.
I don't really mind stepping back. I mean, I'm still gonna go back and play Ishin, Kenzan and Dead Souls at some point.
Fuck it, I guess if 4 ends before dinner, I'll start 5, if not, I'll wait for tomorrow and start 0
>Hype wagon
You're an idiot.
Also most of the Sup Forumsermin imbeciles on said "hype wagon" are bandwagoning morons that never played Yakuza before and are starting with 0 like the plebs they are.
Kill yourself.
Is it okay to start with 0 if I haven't played any of the games?
my friend offered to lend me his copy of 3 since it has some recap in it. is that a good place to start?
You should always fucking start at the first game.
You will have 0 appreciation for the series evolution as well as all the callbacks to other games in 0 (despite it being a prequel, it does MGS3-style referencing of what comes later) and most importantly, you will have a very hard time to go back to the older games.
4 is a better entry point than 3 mostly because 4 is a fresh start with new cast of characters while the protagonist of 1-3 takes a more backseat mentor role in it.
4 also has recaps.
3 is best enjoyed after playing Y1 and Y2 beforehand.
Yes it is but if you liked 0 then after finishing it just buy the others in chronological order
>cant preload or preorder the game in europe
t-thanks sega....
Europe always gets shafted, you should learn not to support corporation jewery if you're in EU.
Pirate everything you can, buy second hand what you can't.
I'm sorry, I should have phrased that differently. I thought it would perhaps be nice to join in amicable discussion regarding current events with my fellow peers.
There is nothing to discuss, the story is very simple.
Majima falls for a blind girl but fails to get her.
Kiryu finds out the shithead who killed the guy at the start and threw wrench into Tojo plans, gets rewarded by becoming the Dragon of Dojima.
The end.
I've never played any of them and don't have a ps3 to play the previous ones. Is it still worth starting with 0?
Well, thanks I guess. Now I can go cancel my pre-order.
At least fucking emulate 1 and 2 faggot.
And PS3s are dirt cheap now.
Will there be a save transfer or completion bonus going from 0 to 6 or Kiwami?
The European copy is cheaper here and apparently there's no DLC.
Yeah i'm not buying a ps3 and emulating the first two and skipping the rest just isn't gonna work
Guess I might pass on this. Also had no idea there are Yakuza elitists.
>not buying a console with extremely large library of exclusives and vast majority of multiplats being superior on it
>a console with far bigger library than PS4 at that
Yeah you're an underage piece of shit or a normie, either way kill yourself.
Don't worry about him. They're all solid games, and only an complete autist can't go back and play something older.
I now drink only the finest japanese whisky
I'm assuming 0 is an OK starting point? Looks fun.
KYS for actually saying that all of them are fine entry points
Bad starting point, in terms of gameplay its the peak of the series. Swapping to other games might be hard/impossible.
Yes and yes.
you sound like the sort of person who thinks the hostesses really want to be your girlfriend
Why was Yakuza 2 so fucking good?
That buildup to Ryuji and that payoff, oh my fucking god that payoff.
Just two dudes wounded near death duking it out one last time in front of a nuke
Then Kiryu and best girl embrace as they wait for the end
Will SEGA ever give me, an EOP without a capable PC, a cheap and legal way to play the first two games?
>Yakuza 0 has an 85 on Metacritic
>85 is statically the highest score a game could get on Metacritic without being a big first party title or some meme game like Undertake
What went so ridiculously right?
I started with 3 since the first two are impossible to find in my shithole.
Having seen the recap and the movie (which goes from okay to mediocre), it was pretty enjoyable for me
Normies no doubt
>you're alive to see Yakuza fall into normie hands like Dark Souls with everyone flocking to 0
I don't regret shelling out the shekels to own it on PS2. Ryuji's boss battle theme is probz me fav track in the series.
I'd be keen for a good re-do of 2 even though it'll probz be like a "better" version of 6
That Korean twin stuff in 2 felt really far fetched in all honesty despite still being one of the best stories in the series
>5 hours away from the 24th
>Y0 still not on PSN
And then they put her on a bus to America and you never see her again in the series.
>That Korean twin stuff in 2
If you watch a lot of asian crime dramas, it's not too far fetched (for the genre)
>Not having it pre-ordered and pre-loaded if you were going to buy it from psn anyway
>open up PSN to pre-order
>no Yakuzas there at all
This region fuckery is killing me, is 0 coming out in Russia?
>0 has better graphics
Does it though? I dunno. I think 5 actually looks better than 0 and they scaled 0 back graphically
preordered most hyped game for me by far
cant wait so bad, never played a yakuza game before and this one just seems fucking amazing
how when it doesn't exist
Explain that to my preorder which is fully loaded already.
I don't believe you.
Someone? Anyone?
Don't know if I like the game yet.
The first boss's second phase kicked my ass, but it didn't feel fun.
>tfw been putting off beating 4 for months now
i most recently got to chapter 2 or 3 of the detective's chapter. whichever one has you go to the harbor and fight off hordes of gang members. and then the guy who killed the guy in chapter 1 shot the old guy who was about to rape the girl who went to the guy at the moneylender
That's the kind of thing Shenmue did but Yakuza has never been able to quite live up to Shenmue's legacy.
So no? I could've sworn 4 to 5 had it but I guess not.
Thanks, user.
I think 3 to 4 had a couple of crappy healing items but they were pretty useless outside of nostalgia fagging
I don't know with any certainty but Sega doesn't put tons of thought into these games, they just write a new story, recycle the assets and shove it into the marketplace.
Each sequel is basically just an expansion pack sold at full price.
>pre-ordering digitally
>had fun with 4
>play 5
>Saejima chapter
You better hurry the fuck up Amazon.
the game has been out in japan for over a year, you can easily google for that information
>the morons who dont just drive 1 mile to the nearest gamestop and buy it
>the morons who sit and cry about shipping status for days and then whine when it doesnt arrive day 1
you are the most cancerous fucking idiots
Preloaded for me yesterday.
>nearest GameStop
>1 mile
>leaving the house to pay $65 for a game when I can get it for $45 with free release day shipping
>not having prime for release day delivery
the only moron here is you
Still gotta finish 5 before starting 0.
Not sure if I like the Haruka idol shit that I have got to. Does it last long ?
Yes it does, I liked it okay but I understand if you don't because Haruka a shit.
>have prime
>day one releases always get delivered by royal mail
>royal mail always delivers by 11am
>can stay in bed all comfy like instead of going out into the cold for one thing
I'm still somewhat early on in Yakuza 5, but I'm too excited to play 0 on my PS4 to wait. Not really worried about going back to 5. Been gaming for close to 30 years. I play older games frequently. I don't give a care.
>There is nothing to discuss
Then why are you fucking here being a massive autist ?
Don't you dare talk shit about my daughterfu, bakayaro
Its ok. But I have Miku for when I wanna play a rhythm game.
Guess I will have to just buckle down and get it done.
Phag from the last Yakuza thread, if you're still here.
I agree with what you said about how in a given story, humor can be used to disarm you so that when something serious and emotional does happen it hits you extra hard.
But that said, exaggerated and wacky stuff that u find in the Yakuza and in general most Japanese games have the opposite effect. They shatter any suspension of disbelief you had and make it difficult to take anything seriously.Thus making the transition from wacky humor to melodrama very jaring.
Not saying you have to be dark and moody all the time, you can have humor, just keep it consistent with the overall tone of the story.
more like your slutfu getting knocked up by the first rich chink who cleared his sinues in her direction.
>sits in thread crying about not getting it on time
>posts screenshot of delivery status
nigga it's not even the 24th here calm down.
>sits in thread crying about not getting it on time
When did I do that?
Happy to see my meme take flight.
I'm so fucking excited guys, gonna be a great game. I basically discovered the series right around when 0 was announced, bought all the games that were released, and played them all. I'm fully expecting 0 to be my favorite, but right now I'd rank the series as such :
5 = Ishin > 2 > Kenzan > 1 > 4 > 3 > Dead Souls.
I've been seeing very divisive opinions about 6. Hoping it doesn't totally suck.
Not that phag, but you are semi-correct, but you can't keep humor consistent with the story that dark.
Also, those sidequests are there to show another part, another face of the city. It would be unbelievable for everyone to have some really depressing drama. Dumb stuff happens, and while Yakuza likes to exaggerate, some of the dumbest substories are pretty believable.
So Australian's can't preload? It's out in 3 and a half hours and it's not even showing up on PSN, feels bad man
I have to go outside tomorrow anyway, so I'm just grabbing a boxed copy
funny.. dead souls wasn't even that bad
apart from framerate
I would as well but it's a 1 hour trip by multiple busses to get to the nearest JB and an hour back in almost 40 degree heat so fuck that
God hates you, how do I know?
You are Australian
just get a rickshaw and dangle a tank of gasoline over an abbo's head and get him to pull you there
you might have some trouble stopping at lights, though.
damn son, move out of humtpy doo
So why exactly did Sega decide to port Yakuza and Yakuza 2 HD to a console nobody bought?
Honestly never finished it. Like I said, I got them all at once, so when I got into Dead Souls, I wasn't blown away by it, and moved on. I'll go back some day, but I mostly just wasn't too interested in the premise.
>not even in PS store
I love you Sony Asia
And the shooting controls.
it's fun once you start taking dates on zombie killing outings
the grind is a tad daunting.. and that goddam sewer dungeon. that you have to beat TWICE
naw 0 is way better
better lighting, models and textures
>tfw dead souls had the most solid story after the old writer left
To make people buy it, baka
isn't it coming out on ps4 now?
i loved the saejima chapter
yeah was decent, if a slog
also.. oh god another prison escape, when will they learn no prison can hold this man
"Depressing drama" and tonally consistent humor aren't mutually exclusive things. You can have the'dumb stuff' just don't let it be too dumb cause then you will lose any sense believabilty.
Just imagine for a second if, in Breaking Bad a talking dragon comes to existence out nowhere, it would feel very jarring wouldn't it, like it's out of place. And if they were to cut to a scene with lots of drama you wouldn't be able to take it seriously cause you're reminded that there was motherfuckin talking dragon just a couple of minutes ago. And that's how i feel about Yakuza and most Japanese games.
yeah the whole prison shit was lame, another escape was just dumb
but the city was great in my opinion. really had a great winter feel compared to the other cities
plus i just love saejima
even the hunting village was decent. my second try i didnt do it again tho
i swear to god they better not put saejima back in jail a 3rd time
Saejima is hired to test an escape proof prison
After bench pressing the entire prison block everyone escapes
read the thread cumstain
Saejima made me drop 5
Don't think I need to read something I supposedly posted. Pretty sure I'd remember it.
>i swear to god they better not put saejima back in jail a 3rd time
Wait get this. What if he's in jail. For the whole game?