Resident Evil 7 thread!
Less than 24 hours until we can all play RE7!
Have you got your dirty coin yet, user?
Resident Evil 7 thread!
Less than 24 hours until we can all play RE7!
Have you got your dirty coin yet, user?
the game has been out in sandnigger country for a while now
has it been leaked what the dirty coin actually does yet?
Weapon upgrades, evidently.
it's game currency for upgrades and items
sounds like a single dirty coin can't by you anything, but it's a tiny head start, I guess.
does anyone know if this game has NG+ or something similar where you can start the game again with all your late game weapons and toast Jack and Marguerite instead of having to sneak around?
With everything being leaked, can someone tell me how long this game is? how many hours?
I think a review did confirm NG+
So, do you guys hope in the full game it will be revealed it actually has connection to the previous games and takes place in the same universe?
Or would you rather like this game to be an entirely separate reboot/spinoff kind of game?
Shitposting aside, is Jack as great of a character as he seems from these pics and webms? This shit makes me kek.
Well yeah there's at least a confirmed infinite ammo mode so I'd assume you can bring your weapon upgrades along as well.
Not RE, stop shilling it capcom. It's DmC tier bad.
heard it's around 10 hours
He looks amazing. Just a good dad who helped the wrong person, and had to pay the price for it. As far as I'm concerned, he's Barry tier.
Jack is probably the best character in all RE.
I feel like Jack's gonna be popping some dad jokes in this game
poor guy, didn't mean to get dragged into all this mess with the mansion
should I buy it guys? I'm on the steam store page.
$30 from cd key sites
have you tried the demo?
playing that until I got the good ending along with the Jack drifto webm convinced me to get it.
>buy re7 key from key site
>sends me russian game key
>try to get refund
>tells me to cancel the dispute and they'll refund
>tell them no, escalate it
>tell them this and they ask me to close it and in addition to the refund they said they'd give me a 4% off coupon for my next purchase
>tell them no again and to only contact me again if they'll refund me or give me a functioning game key
9-12 hours. Longer than every RE game besides 6.
Nah. I'm gonna go into fresh.
you even get to have a chainsaw duel with him
>this game comes out tonight at midnight
>still not even finished with Leon's A scenario in 2
I could probably beat all of the numbered games by next week if I actually try.
>playing RE7 second time around
pls God I hope
Fuck. United States not in the list of sites that the CD key can work with.
you can get it for 20% off on GMG and no funny Russian business
Where did you buy it from? If you bought it on g2a, don't cancel your dispute, because g2a actually resolves those in favor of the buyer most of the time.
I got burned by buying an illegal key from some faggot, but the support center refunded the game quickly and even gave me a 3% discount on my next purchase.
What are the odds we get some info on RE 2 remake or maybe even a demo tomorrow?
Never bought from them before, but it seems fishy as fuck for the actual support to ask you to close your dispute on PayPal.
Anyway, you're pretty much safe if you pay with PayPal, since they'll definitely refund you even if the support on gamesdeal won't.
Bought it from Gamesdeal and it worked fine.
You can set the Russian version on English language though
You can get it for almost 50% off, if you know where to look.
that's not the issue. the problem is that i can't even activate it on steam when it said that the key was Region Free on the site
Where do I get it for 50% off and also works in the US?
DmC focused on being fun, this one is focusing on atmosphere. Completely different scenario
Don't you mean
>DmC focused on FUCK YOU, this one is focusing on I'M GONNA GET YA. Completely different scenario
>Where do I get it for 50% off and also works in the US?
Google "allkeyshop". It will save you shitloads of money if you actually buy games.
Bakers did nothing wrong , in the end of the day it's still Umbrella's fault
>less than 24 hours
>still have to play through the beginning hour because anxiety cripples me whenever I try to play
It's not even scary. I know when stuff is gonna happen and when it's not but the back of my mind goes like
.. What if I look at that tiny detail and meanwhile something sneaks up on me?
yeah the leaked run was unlimited ammo kind of NG+
will get it on some holiday steam sale or when CPY crack them as i like the atmosphere and read/watch some ingame stuff the leak not showing
bought it yesterday and it worked fine
should I file a dispute?
Does this game use Shitnuvo?
someone post the based webm with some guy driving a car around in a ciricle inside a garage while taunting the player
I was spooked my first time playing it, barely breathing in case something jumped out. Doesn't help that there's all those triggered footstep noises and shit when you're first going around the house.
Second time through I just whistled to myself while holding down the left stick to sprint around the place and lost all my fear of the mansion.
she just wanted a family;_;
no? why would you want to? the only reason i filed a dispute was because i received a non functioning key
*dad rock blasting from car radio*
Is this legit? It says it's global.
to get another code to give to Sup Forums or something
I don't know
Don't file anything until you actually confirm it doesn't work and are able to make a screenshot of the problem. I dunno about gamesdeal, but on g2a you can get your reputation lowered into the shitter even as a buyer, for filing a dispute against products that actually work.
[muffled Margaritaville plays in the background]
Yeah, I don't know if they can actually tell what account a key gets redeemed on or whether they can actually revoke keys.
>no initial-d europop
such a wasted opportunity
yeah i documented everything
the error message steam gives me when i try to redeem my key, the emails, etc
>all these poorfags trying to save 10 bucks by buying from some shady reseller on a key site
>always end up with problems
feels good just buying a legit copy and be ready to play it
My Summer Car: Jack Baker DLC when?
can you post the screenshot of the CD key not working?
Gets me everytime
>You can... take Ethan for a ride
nice thanks
y-you too
>every RE7 thread the durifto webm gets 20 replies
doesn anyone have this with the original audio?
I'm pretty sure it will be uploaded to YT soon since Capcom won't be deleting RE7 videos anymore.
I'm surprised this is still up.
in a day's time every YouTube E-Celeb is going to be jumping on this game as the spiritual successor to their precious Amnesia clones.
There'll be plenty of epic uploads with stupid facecam reactions
god i hope there's a quick crack
Ayy got it from Kinguin with DLC.
see thats exactly what i dont want. i dont want forced hysterical laughter/screams
>game unlocks 3PM tomorrow
Anyone else have problems getting the third giggle from the painting on the staircase?
think you have to hit it perfectly first time or it wont trigger
midnight here, fuck
I know it sounds retarded, but I've never play a RE game.
Where do I start? I own a PC.
1 or 0 remake
REmake then zero after that play the rest in numerical order.
Fuckin goty
>carrying flash grenades and the plaga laser
does this game "feel" like a resident evil game or is it just outlast in a house
oh it's very resident evil especially how mid to last gameplay changed drastically compared to the early parts of the game.
>or is it just outlast
How are people still asking this when the game was literally leaked
I'm crying. Holy shit man.
Bottom line this for me. I'm a fan of RE in all it's forms aside from 6 and Operation Raccoon City.
Is RE7 any good? I love atmospheric first person shit. Do we even know if it's good yet? Should I await the metacritic/internet response?
I need something to dull the wait for Nioh/Switch/BotW
i'm trying to avoid spoilers
wait for a sale, then choose your preference
Resident Evil 1 Remake is fixed camera game with tank controls (optional, but recommended), set in a gloomy dark mansion with lightning flashes, lots of puzzles, limited ammo and not as many enemies as the later games but tougher to kill.
Resident Evil 4 is probably the most popular in the series, much more actiony but I still think it very much counts as a horror game.
play them and then if you like them both play whatever you want next, or if you like one over the other pick the games that suit your preference.
Post sandwich pls
I'm not. Anyone with info?
Jill gives birth to Chris's baby and Wesker eats it.
have you played the demo, user?
The demo is really atmospheric.
It has creepy mannequins upstairs, and a monster living in the basement
Word of mouth is its pretty decent and recapture the feel of classic RE, in first person view.
>have you played the demo, user
You haven't answered any of my questions at all.
ok, i got my refund.
free key. it does not work in the US.
well you should play the demo because that should answer all your questions about what this game is like for yourself.
what a fucking madman