The Four PC Horsemen


4 god tier PC exclusives that will revolutionize and redefine their genres!

HOW is console gaming supposed to compete? The Four PC Horsemen are coming.

Mobiles killed handheld gayming toys.
PC will kill "console" (current consoles are shitty pcs, last real console was PS2) gayming toys.

Other urls found in this thread:

>console war shit

Only Quake is going to be good.

>that games
Utterly pathetic.

bannerlord will be released on consoles too you dickmuncher

>he thinks bannerlord is ever coming out
>he thinks star citizen is ever coming out
>he thinks a game like Quake will ever be popular in the market today when only noob games like Overwatch have any chance of becoming popular

>mount and blade
>not good
lol okay sperglord

keep playing your drawn-out twitch shooter garbage

>sonygger on suicide watch :^)

No it won't, it's a clunky as fuck, mediocre game.


theres literally no indication that bannerlord wont be out within this year or next

>being this delusional
>playing Bannerlord on non-moddable platform



>this much damage control

Console cucks are scared.

>with classes
>bethesda is invloved

So what, Wolfenstein and Doom were good.
And the gameplay trailer looked fine.

>minor attributes that ultimately have no effect the core game

Where is XOne?


>no unchained shitposting because no one knows what it is

It's a kickstarter MMO, have fun

>b-b-b-b-b-but sony
every time

Switch + PC Is best.

>Wolfenstein and Doom were good
Yeah, great mutiplayer expierience
Keep saying that. Even slight speed difference equals blasphemy for me. One class can make a jump, and another can't.
Might as well add flying, abilities and shit, it's not an arena shooter anymore.

Why? PS4 has more exclusives and is cheaper
PC has cemu. Seriously stop piggybacking on PC you pathetic toddler

Nope. Literally one game, also available on the Wii U.


this is what i am supposed to be begging for? hahahhaha

>PS4 has more exclusives

Cool when can I pirate those?

When is PC going to get a new IP which is actually good?

>Playing shitty games with less emphasis on gameplay
Only Quake looks any good between those four.

The consoles also have horseshit as well, only like weeb action games actually have a good balance between fun and good graphics nowadays. Who unironically likes Uncharted or Horizon?

Bannerlord II and Camelot Unchained.

Pls let them be good.

Damn son, you know that list of PS4 exclusives that always get posted? I looked at it and couldn't see any games that looked even remotely appealing besides Nioh (assuming Automata is still coming out on PC). Then you posted this gem and all I have to say is wew lad.

Stick to your superior multiplat experience and don't make me laugh anymore with your exclusives lolol

Star Citizen is too ambitious to end up being a good game. I'm sure aspects of it are going to be impressive and genre boundary pushing, but it will NEVER EVER be an actually good game.

>platform war shit

Grow up faget

>kickstarter funded games

Star citizen has no reason to come out any time soon. They've already made more money than they ever dreamed of. I expect a 2020 full release at the earliest.

Never played DaoC, and dont know if Camelot unchained is even related.

Bannerlord 2 is going to be great, but won't live up the hype. I hope they finally fix their retardedly broken netcode, because MP was the funnest part of warband before it died.

Arena shooters are dead. "Quake" means absolutely nothing to the average gamer, and hardcore oldschool quake players don't want a new game. They want to keep playing the same game they've been playing for the past decade and a half.

Out of all of those only Bannerlord is going to be well received I'm guessing.

>Four literally who games

I don't think I even like the genres any of those games are.

>all this shitposting
>consolecucks are this angry

>consolekids this upset when a mustard does the same thing that sonyggers have been doing for like 4 years now

wew lads. OP didn't even have to make an obnoxious image collage either


cumalot unchained looks like a steaming pile of shit


>coming from a switch-dog poster

You don't like RPG's, FPS or Strategy?

This is a PC exclusive.

Mountainblade isn't a RPG. It's an action game.

It's 2017, user.
Also M&B 2 looks good.

Star Citizen is though

i refuse to believe this is real

Camelot Unchained might have the worst running animation I've ever seen in a game. You know it's going to flop massively.

in 6 years maybe

>Mountain Blade isn't and RPG

>star citizen will kill consoles when it's released
I guess consoles will stick around for at least a decade, then.

It's clearly both


>less emphasis on gameplay

You literally are a retarded low IQ nigger.

Star Citizen is all about insane amount of gameplay.

Camelot Unchained is all about insane amount of gameplay that haven't been done in any mmorpg yet.

Quake Champions doesn't even have a single-player mode, all about gameplay and multi-player.

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is all about gameplay.

Fuck off retard.


It is pre-alpha, they just have it in place to test the godtier systems and gameplay features they have made that have never been in any mmorpg before. Get a clue before commenting you dumb nigger. A mmorpg that gives freedom to the player will never fail. I'll enjoy burning your lands down, conquer your whore mother, and claim your resources for my faction. Vikings will dominate and there is nothing you can do about it, you can't cry to the devs, they don't give a fuck, this is the game, you will get raped by your superiors and you will retreat, beta pussy.

\\Literally everyone at the tournament for it was laying anarki because of the movement speed.

Every. single. Pro. Player.

This is a ps4 exclusive:

>Quake Champions
We don't know anything yet. You're making shit up, retard.

literally looks like n64 game
wtf sony

multi-plats that give you 30-50 hours of gameplay at best?


No thanks, these PC exclusives offer godtier gameplay that no other platform or game can offer and it is 1000h+ gameplay value.

yeah those pc games are good user.
stop being a dick.

>console cuck naysayer


>they're bad because I say so
Kill yourself

>found the power fantasy neckbeard

Wow, maybe if vikings were so strong they'd be around today


>Star citizen

Literally git gud.

This made me laugh really hard, i spit on my monitor.

I mean, "wtf i hate ps4 now"

i love how every single swipe animation is the same

>PS4 has more exclusives

The Switch is not even out and it already has more interesting exclusives than the PS4.

Reeeeaaallllyy fucking forcing this shit now, are you?

Get a life, its actually sad how unironically I can say that here...

>unironic star citizen

What did you mean by this?

Wait......wait a minute....are you seriously telling me that people....legitmiately....truly believe......Star Citizen is a REAL game that will.....REALLY get finished???

Oh. Oh my. Oh dear.

pre-alpha place holder animations and graphics to test the insane groundbreaking gameplay systems they are developing :)

Stay cucked console kiddo, you will never ever get 100 vs 100 battles with insane depth, you will never ever burn down your enemies and conquer them, claim their resources for your own and build your empire, extend your land with your fellow brothers. You will never ever play a real role-playing game like Camelot Unchained that allows you to play as a Crafter, rarely entering combat, as a Scout who actually scouts for information and gains experience and money for doing so, as a mage / ranger that actually casts spells and fires a real bow from long distances etc. etc. You will never ever play real role playing game PvP RvR mmorpg in 1 unique open world.

falseflagging meme is off the chart.
this needs to stop

>games can't fit into multiple genres
lmaoing @ ur lyf

Why does this game get so much crap? It looks like a retro indie game and has nice music.

>a scam
>the only good game


>multiplayer games don't focus on gameplay
Are you fucking high?

You don't know anything, because you are a low IQ moron. Take a look at the gameplay trailer video.

Already confirmed:

- No single-player, pure multi-player
- No classes, just characters with 1 minor ability on a long CD to make exciting "plays" and add strategical depth for e-sports, minor attribute differences and everything else from older Quake games
- Old School mode that disables abilities or same character duels
- Support for 4K and unlocked hz/fps.

The only thing that is not known is the model, free to play or pay to play.

Quake will dominate, the King is back, there is nothing you can do.

Wow, so this is the power of the shitstation 4?

>sonyggers do this for YEARS
>get a taste of their own medicine
>"p-please user, no bully!!! m-my sonysissy boypussy is for sony only, not you!! p-please stop fucking me!!!"

I'm a PC gamer myself and you sound like a consolecuck. Just stop.

>"i-it's not real!!!!"


The music used in the trailer its from an anime ost (parasyte)

Doom was shit so why would Quake anchovies be any different? Not all games focus on gameplay, retard.
I doubt it, kids don't like games that require skill anymore.

>not bannerlord

>star citizen ever being released in any shape close to what they promised.

>Scam Citizen
P2W Scam will never be released as Chris Roberts promised.
>Quake Champions
total dogshit casualized Quake with copypasted Overwatch elements like skills and characters with different health/mov speed/hitboxes
>Camelot Unchained
Another trash game
>Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord
honestly only one good game from all 4 and i'm looking forward to play that

I thought it was a joke trailer until I saw the uploader.

>"s-stop user!!! n-no bully!!! the sonysissies are gaymers too, I am a PC gamer like you!!!!! t-trust me user!!!"

>action game

Is it a retro indie game?

>I doubt it, kids don't like games that require skill anymore.

They will be conditioned to like it, just like they were conditioned to the current garbage.


unless you are weeaboo manchild who wanks to lolis, switch is worst console to pick up out from all 3, yes even xbox1 is better it at least has actual games not muddy shit garbage full of emptiness - aka new zelda
Its literally a shitty mobile game