This is enough for me to buy a Switch. How much of a drone am I?

This is enough for me to buy a Switch. How much of a drone am I?

I'm also really interested in Project Octopath if it's what I think it is

Other urls found in this thread:

>Nintendo is back
>The last Splatoon game was on the Wii U
>The last Xenoblade game was on the Wii U
>The last Mario game was on the Wii U
>The new Zelda game will be on the Wii U
Wow! Nintendo sure has returned to form!

Where's ARMS

I was only gonna buy a switch if a xeno/metroid game was announced, and there we go

>Mario rehash
>Zelda rehash
>Xenoblade rehash
>Splatoon rehash

The Wii U was pretty good actually,not a lot of games but damn did it have some good stuff.

>meme rehash

I used to be a huge drone and I love Odyssey but a Vita gimmick is not worth for as single game[

>playing super MARI

How much of a fucking manchild are you for still liking mario? Grow. The. Fuck. Up.

>Still buying Nintendo consoles

When will they learn

That's because no one had a Wii U.

That said, the good games were excellent, as most of the best games of 8th gen were on the Wii U. But there were also more disappointing first party exclusives than other Nintendo consoles.

How much of a fucking manchild are you for still liking videogames? Grow. The. Fuck. Up.

>Mario rehash
not really

>zelda rehash
not at all

>Xenoblade rehash
could be

>Splatoon rehash
yeah definetly


I don't think even people that hate Mario and how overused he and other Nintendo franchises is thinks that these new ones are rehashes.

Zelda's open world with gameplay and mechanics that differs heavily from previous one, where you can get all sorts of different weapons and a seemingly more responsive combat and harder difficulty.

New Mario is open world as well, which is something they have not done in a long time and they seem to be implementing new mechanics.

Splatoon only has one game, calling a sequel to a new franchise a "Rehash", even though the game's supers are all different from the previous one, with a new "Plaza", new weapons, maps and presumably a new single player, is just plain retarded.

Xenoblade's an RPG that I have not played so I can't really make a comment about it.

>Still buying sony consoles
>Still buying Nintendo consoles
>Nobody buying microsoft consoles

It's how it's meant to be

>SMO is going to get delayed and even if it doesn't it won't be out for more than half a year
>open world meme game that isn't Switch exlusive
>literally just a Wii U port with extra content like MK8 except they put a 2 in the title to trick dumbass manchildren into thinking it's not just an expansion pack
I think the only people who would claim this means "Nintendo is back" are completely delusional drones and kids who were in preschool when the Wii came out. This ain't the Nintendo I remember.


nigga pls

Holy shit Nintendo are the most creatively bankrupt devs in the industry.

That pretty accurate if you ignore the fact the whole industry is creatively bankrupt.

Good point friend.

What the fuck is Project Octopath?

new square enix rpg in a style i've wanted for years

Might be cool