no ga- o-oh..
No ga- o-oh
2 good games
objectively false
I love Parappa but that's a remake, come on. You might as well count the 2nd game being on PSN at that point.
Subtract weebshit
Taking away weebshit, vrshit, movies and remakes leaves you with 9 games from that list. Is this honestly the best that consoles can offer?
objectively true
When does Sup Forums the musical start again? I have a lot of shit planned for it.
Subtract yourself from this world you low brow pedestrian plebbitor
>sonyggers think these are good games
Pic related is 100x better than any PS4 game.
NEVER EVER, Sonyggers
If you have autism perhaps
>If it's Japanese, I don't personally like it, therefore it doesn't count
Flawless logic anons
If you're a 12 year old with severe autism, sure.
not an argument
yakuza 0 alone shits all over the shitch
Are you aware that 'no games' is not literal?
It refers to having games that could actually justify the purchase of the console. Not a bunch of 6.5/10 garbage that gets inflated to an 8 by dedicated sony review sites
Nice backpedaling.
Shame there's no cure for shit taste though
>Own PS4
>Only played Uncharted of those games since it came with it
>Only play PES, F1 and Overwatch
roast me Sup Forums
not video games
>be an xbot
>spend whole previous generation memeing about PS3 NO GAYUMZ LMAO XXDXD
>new generation comes
>your console is an overpriced Netflix machine taht literally has no games
What a perfect example of how karma works.
>buy a japanese console
>don't play japanese games
>>your console is an overpriced Netflix machine taht literally has no games
I still cant get over how badly xbox got cucked. And they STILL try to defend the xbox and are reduced to trying to get people to acknowledge their shitty controller.
Xtears are the best tears
>l-le ebin
So you are autistic. Not that I had any doubts.
>I play mario games in my 30s
I can smell the sweat and fedora from your post
You have Bloodborne, Death Stranding and Yakuza Zero, congratulations.
Xbots shut up pretty damn hard this generation. They've surprisingly quiet on Sup Forums compared to the Sony vs Nintendo bitching.
Unless they've just been secretly falseflagging like all hell, which they most likely are.
You should attach your age to your post so we all know what a tasteless newfag you are
Zero reason to purchase an Xbox
Not him but playing video games in general, especially weebshit is not something you should be proud of.
Eat shit Xclown
Mid-september somewhere.
>2016: Sonyggers and Microdicks get cucked by BOTW at E3
>2017: Sonyggers and Microdicks get cucked, AGAIN, by pic related at E3
>strawmanning this hard
nobody fucking talked about pride, rtard. Stop extrapolating these absurd irrelevant notions from nothing
wew, I can't wait for nothing and... more nothing. At least we got 1,2,switch!
Where is Knack 2? You son if a bitch, did you remove that?
Never touched a Xbox in my life, but alright.
>Saying that "Playing games I don't like makes you a lesser person"
>Not meaning "I'm better than you because I play games I like!"
>weeb trying to act smug
oh hey look none of these are launch titles for the ps4, so what's the argument here? Everyone knows the PS4 is the best home console if you have Nintendo + PC + Sony, get the switch for portable, PC for all other games and xbox games, thats the magic trio. The end. We cant compare year to year game releases, if we're comparing PS4 to Switch on launch, the Switch wins by a long shot, by year, it's debatable depending on your game preference
>if we're comparing PS4 to Switch on launch, the Switch wins by a long shot, by year, it's debatable depending on your game preference
That's pretty fallacious. PS4 and xbone came out at the same time. Wii u had already been out for a while and had absolutely nothing of walue on ps4's launch.
The switch competes with the PS4 of today, not as it were 3 years ago
>autism: the console
>half the image is multiplats and indieshit
Now make a true exclusives image, but you won't will you?
Deliberately excluding:
>MK8 Deluxe
>Super Bomberman R
>I Am Setsuna
>The Binding of Isaacs: Afterbirth+
>Disgaea 5 Complete
Okay, Sonyggers.
well if that's the case, than it is indeed just game preference
stopped reading right there
>Console has been out for over three years now
>Still has to resort to posting games that're unreleased
You just can't make a chart of the games PS4 has today can you marketers? If you did it'd be embarrassing
First it has no games
Now it has evolved to no games I'd play!
KEK how are Sonyggers supposed to recover from this?
I love just how hypocritical console fanboys can be.
Fucking 'ell. I need to get my shit together
>unreleased shit
>6/10 shit
>BC titles shit
>vaporware shit like GT sport and death stranding
I see no games here.
didn't realize it was attacking sonyggers in the first place, i thought it was just disproving the lack of switch launch titles, strange, i'll take note
like no game has ever been cancelled before
and 90 percent of the other games are multiplat
protip: only exclusives matter when doing a release comparison faggot
>Splatoon 2, NMH and possible Monhun are the only remotely interesting exclusives
>all that sanic/mario autism
Sure showed us, nintentoddler.
>bad GTA
remove weeb shit and ports and theres about 2 good games left
better than whatever the fuck lineup you're cheering for user, good luck out there
or because Halo has been raped in the ass as series they stopped caring and went to normalfag or changed sides
The Wii U's exclusives library is currently better than the PS4's desu.
so no games have been cancelled so they are indeed releasing this year and also, "only exclusives matter" then remove your NBA, FIFA, Dragon Quest, still more exclusives than you'll ever get
Still two more than what the xbone and wiiu has
If you really like mario I guess
You seriously want to argue about what great games I am missing out on? Do I really have to list it all for you to compare to your sonichu autism fest?
>don't get Japanese games like Bloodborne, Yakuza, Persona, Nintendo games
>put the games you do have on Windows
Microsoft what are you doing
Here's a completely fair opinion on these line-ups.
>None of the games I want will be out yet until the year is over or longer
And then Xbox had nothing I want ever.
There is basically no god damn reason to buy anything from either of these two companies until 2018 at best.
What went wrong?
Wow, rehashes, remakes, weebshit and just plain boring garbage.
oops looks like i win, better luck next time. Even so, PC and PS4 will have 50% of the games for both, with a max lineup of maybe 20 this year. So go suck a cock
Why would any sane person have any interest in shit rehashed beyond any reason featuring sanic and mario?
Why do you even include the PS3 and Vita games when you don't need to.
Mario Kart, Smash, Donkey Kong TF, Bayonetta and Splatoon are all good to excellent games.
The PS4 by comparison currently has Bloodborne. Which, while very good, is nowhere near as good as PS4 only owners claim.
All that being said. If I were poor, short on space, retarded or a casul, and I couldn't afford/didn't want a PC but still wanted a large library and good online/media/social features, the PS4 would be the obvious choice by miles.
How well does remote play work on the PS4?
As says, it has a shit ton of good first and second party games, if you like Nintendo games.
Xbone is, from my point of view, in the same boat as ps4. It has maybe 2-3 good games at most.
I only use it to play non-exclusives and forza 6.
It's not fair.... nintendo is the only one that cares about video games
Let's get real Sup Forums, pic related alone could trade blows by blows with all PS4 games and still coming out in victory, unfazed and unscathed.
Fucking Rayman Legends is far better than NSMBU.
no games
bing bing wahooo 1up
I bought PS3 when it was already dying but had lots of games. I was very excited about lots of exclusives because last console I had was PS1 and since then I played only on PC. So I bought lots of games and gues what most of them were great looking in trailers but the games themselves were boring and not interesting at all. And ps4 looks like even worse PS3 so I don't know why would anyone who began playing earlier than PS3 era want to spend money on it.
Why don't they make a Wii U slim?
apex kek
>shovelware is good if it's japanese
sonyggers everyone
Can you stop blaming your shit taste on anybody but yourself?
wow look at all these ports of year old games
Rayman legends is superior
>I dont know shovelware is but use it anyway
nintencucks everyone
>b-b-but nintendo!!
insecure sonypony detected
you should know what shovelware is since that's all you get lmao
Shitpost harder, nintencuck
Only a nintencuck would be in this thread to salvage the DOA switch
i didn't mention the switch you fucking baby
nigga its all uncharted and kingdom hearts
6 games I guess..
M8 I play games since 1996. New console games are boring. Of course not games but the majority of them are and they can't justify buying new consoles.
Serious question. Shitposting aside do nintendo fans really think this shit is acceptable?
You didn't have to