Neil Druckman straight up refusing to keep his 'personal politics' out of TLOU2, "le diversity more important than gameplay epic neogaf GOTY trel"
Just read the thread this poor bastard is being eaten alive by faggots who just miss the point completely. But what do you expect when Kikeman throws some fucker to his pit of brainwashed leftist shits?
Also general what can we expect from TLOU2 thread. More empowered women? Ellie wants to kill every white male? Sorry only shitskins and kikes are allowed to be faction leaders in this version of the game because 'muh diversity'
Spoiler: What if the game is actually good?
Andrew Scott
Anthony Collins
Duckman's in the right.
Brayden Nelson
That guy is right, though. Writers are literally always using their politics as guides when writing shit.
Dominic Williams
>content creator caves into pressure, removes some sexually charged elements from their game to ensure a lower esrb rating >hooooly fuck what a cuck jew, come on lads we gotta boycott everything involved in this crime against free speech
>content creator refuses to compromise on his artistic vision >no, not like that
Jose Smith
Going to wait until it's out to make any kind of judgment. If it follows in Left Behind'schedule footsteps I'll be a bit disappointed just because of how hamfisted it was.
Colton Hill
Joshua Thompson
Fuck. I need to quit posting from my phone.
Charles Smith
Today I will remind them
Ayden Bennett
what business does one's personal politics have in a movie game about zombies?
Kayden Martin
Jace Davis
Joshua Reed
Carson Ortiz
How's that Jewish beard oil doing infecting ya follicles ya dirty bum.
Julian Ortiz
Asher Rodriguez
Remember when these people insisted they were only against game journalists because they were super duper concerned that devs were going to be FORCED to change their games to fall in line with the political ideologies of the journalists? How come that noble ideal goes right out the window as soon as devs want to make a game that doesn't fall in line with your political leanings?
Because, as everyone always knew from the start, you never gave a shit about the "ethics" and the "freedom of expression" or "artistic integrity" or any of these other lofty notions, you just wanted liberals to not be able to make videogames. Well do they, and you need to fucking deal with it and stop being triggered like a feminist the second you see something "toxic" or "problematic" in games. And if you can't deal with it, don't buy it. Simple as that.
This is all the same shit we told feminists in the past and it's still completely fucking true. Go kickstart an antiSJW indie game and make some edgy "lol u mad u so offended" garbage if it really means that much to you.
Landon Flores
Kill yourself, cuck
Colton Hernandez
Ayden Morris
Dylan Lewis
This Fuckers can't deal with opposing view points being presented to them.
Jacob Sullivan
OP absolutely and undeniable blown the fuck out
Ayden Fisher
Which part of the ending in the first game was his doing?
Does it include the part where Joel executes the leader of the rebellion group, who is a black woman?
If so, it should be fine
Alexander Rodriguez
Funny how you used to make fun of feminists for never having arguments and just screeching about "muh soggy knees" when I hear literally nothing but memes and shitposting from Sup Forums kids
What happened to all that logic and reason you were supposed to have? Wasn't that why you were right and they were wrong? Why have arguments been replaced with shitty tired old memes?
Jonathan Taylor
This was my fav part of the game
Liam Miller
I'm sure you're gonna feel incredibly blown the fuck out when that guy responds with "blacked" and "your wife's son"
Dominic Watson
@365068860 Considering I live in a liberal city and have meme book friends that spam fake news like occupy democrats, no (you) for u
Henry Collins
Why're you so upset my darling?
Hudson Allen
>game developer makes games with conservative views >gets blacklisted
This is the problem. I don't have a problem with stupid liberal shit in games, free speech and all that. I have a problem that conservative writers are forced to censor themselves for fear of losing their jobs and liberal writers are not.