Who is the main demographic for Sony consoles?

Who is the main demographic for Sony consoles?



op said sony, not nintendo

rich white people and japs

People who enjoy video games regardless of platform
Sony's always had the biggest variety of people instead of strictly manchildren or dudebros

People with shit taste.

Judging by their most highest selling games I'd say normalfags


we are not talking about nintendo here

>only 2 are exclusives
>they aren't even good ones

seems to be right.

People who want PC games but don't want to build a PC to play them.

That's why Playstation is always winning.
It appeals to everyone, and gets a diverse library of games.

Greatest console on the market


>PC games

Teenagers with parents money.


Everyone, it's a fucking Playstation, it's normalfag friendly, it's FGC friendly, it's niche and weeb friendly. Took a few years to get games but so did the PS3 despite what revisionists will try and tell you.

This, sonyggers are everywhere and why they're such a huge ass tumor

And here's a reality check for you so you can stop crying about your boogeyman


>Multiplats are pc games meme.

as far as Sup Forums threads go, sony gamers seem to be autistic manchilds who are emotionally more attached to anime pixels than real people

everything in your life is done with a bad taste. literal losers of society

apparently people who don't clean their house

The Ps4 is enjoyed by people all around the world.
It's enjoyed by Asians, whites, blacks, middel eastern, Hispanics and poles

People who play video games?

These; it appeals to just about everyone.

Then man-kids.

all of them

Weebs and soulsfags who literally only bought it as a bloodborne (and maybe nioh now) machine. Honestly this console generation as a whole seems like an abysmal failure; most people don't seem to really give a shit about it and even several years into it now there really aren't many/any big hitting console exclusives compared to the days of yore but that could just be unconscious nostalgiafagging.

The only game I would play there is Rayman Legends

mainly people who play video games

>That's why Playstation is always winning.

>implying kids still want a nintendo console
try 25 to 35 men and women

Heh, the soul series isn't even on there.

Dudebros and neckbeards.

Stop posting your hand

Hush now or they'd sperg out.

it's sold the same as the xbox 360 while being 1 year late and more expensive

what the fuck american actually bought FIFA

A lot of people. Yound adults normies-adults-fathers(Shadow Warrior, RE2, Metro, Wolfstein, Fallout 4, Bloodborne), weebs(Neptunia, Gravity Rush, Onechanbara), teenager weebs(Tales of Zestiria, Dragon Quest), manchildren numale(Dragon Age Inquisition), People who love videogames(Bloodborne, Rayman), normies children(One piece, Rayman)