Why is this genre so shit?
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The genre is fine
Why are you so faggy?
It's obviously dead
Why are you so a fucking faggot?
If RTS is so good, why is it dead and forgotten?
a lot of good things are dead and forgotten because normies cant get into them
because bases are either so hard to destroy that you basically have to build up for an hour before you can do anything or you minmax an army in the first 5 minutes and win
>blizzard tries to be more beginner and casual friendly by adding archon mode and Coop
>it didn't work
it sucks, starcraft 2 didn't deserve to die this way.
the new units being this game defining didn't help either.
Consols can't into RTS
>it's the normies' fault REEEEE
If Justin Bieber is so bad, why is he so popular and loved?
See, I can do it too.
Because as much as we enjoyed earlier RTS games, few people picked up on innovations in the genre.
Try playing something like Grey Goo, which was made by ex-Westwood staff. Shit feels dated as hell. Games that should be about commanding armies and building infrastructure become games about fiddling around with single units trying to do stuff like game animation mechanics or hiding behind walls.
Presumably this is why 4x and Grand Strategy never got hit as hard as RTS.
They should let Telltale make games in Red Alert universe.
>Red Alert game that takes itself seriously
Because it was made for PCucks.
while this is a weird way to phrase it.
there is a certain truth behind it.
PC players never spend more than 20 bucks on a videogame.
I always wanted a battlefield game set in the red alert or tiberium universe. Well, I used to anyway, post BC2 DICE would presumably shit things up horribly in the name casuals and consoles.
Renegade's single player was amazing for the time, but the multiplayer wasn't great.
What's a good RTS game to get into with a friend if we've both never played any
Ultimate faggot response
Starcraft 2
it still has a playerbase and comes with a solid campaign and good coop mode.
also 2v2 ladder and Archon mode (2 players controlling 1 base)
oh and a ton of custom maps like in Warcraft 3.
Generals is a nice starting point but ideally you should be aiming for this
Dawn of war 1 and 2
More like you for not playing properly jackass.
What RTS games to be exact are you playing?
SCII? Please, go and play SupCom, TA, TA: Kingdoms, C&C, vanilla StarCraft + Brood War, Seven Kingdoms (all games apart of Conquest, Conquest never existed) play also Metal Fatigue.
Not to mention Homeworld, Starmageddon, Submarine Titans, Dawn of War, Dark Reign (both games), Armies of Exigo, Age of Empires and Age of Mythology, and God I cannot remember all of the titles I played.
it's the same problem you have with the fighting game community.
you either play the most popular one, or you are stuck with a small community.
>there will never be another good scifi game ever again
>its always gonna be some shitty war game or shitty high fantasy game or some shitty mythological game
Stop making RTS threads.
>DoW 3 literally around the corner
>Starcraft 2 has been comming out over 6 years
>no scifi
are u for real like all the recent RTS games have been sci-fi
I said "good".
define good
well, someone's a picky gamer
>it's the same problem you have with the fighting game community.
Fighting games are not dead and still ship a crap-ton of copies on the numerous popular fracnhises.
I doubt any new RTS game released in the last 7 years that wasn't Starcraft (aside from CoH2) broke 100 000 copies.
Meanwhile, the new Mortal Kombat X outsold even Wings of Liberty, the single best selling RTS in the history of the genre.
Why? Because unlike your lackey shit, we're not playing the same fucking game as in the 1997.
it's because it was on consoles. pcucks don't buy games.
Because it's overtaken by esports faggots.
Since cyberathletes (lol) only think with their spinal column, they are unable to play good RTS like Homeworld, Men of War, Yuri's Revenge, Supreme Commander, etc., and are stuck with twitch shit like WC3, SC2, CoH2, Gaylo Wars - you name it.
SupCom, C&C3, Homeworld: Retextured&Bloomed.
Halo Wars, C&C 3, Kane's Wrath, Red Alert 3, BFME 2 were also on consoles and they didn't sell much, either.
It's not the platform, it's the quality of the genre as a whole.
Look at Rising Thunder. It was F2P, didn't help it any and it went under.
Command and conquer or any age of empires
>PC players never spend more than 20 bucks on a videogame.
multi was godly mainly beacuse after the hackers got tired of godmode and aimbots they acutally did some interesting things, drive my tank around the corner to face a 50 ft high wall of sam turrets, unfair and shitty but hilarous, same shit was done with dark forces 2 multiplayer.
(microtransactions excluded)
they'll happily spend thousands on that
They're all the same
What a great game, you just took me more than decade back
>scorpion ready to sting
>avionics online
>behold the bringer of light
Do you not understand niche? or are you the kind of player that wants niche games pushed so far into mainstream that it's not longer catering to the actual rts players anymore?
turn based shits on all other genre of gaming period
do people even play Renegade X?
last news i heard they were trying to adding vehicles from tiberian sun
There is always one full server, except mornings
just the way the Chinese said it was excellent
You've got that completely fucking backwards you shitstain.
esport jocks
asymmetrical single player
extremely low standards of strategy
only good games are shit like CoH (because it has semi realistic tanks and flanking), MechCommander and Homeworld
tfw the enemy pushed your gat/th back with md/flashbang/vee/paladin combo and you really needed that overlord to crush their last 2 paladins, war factory takes billion years to open and then you hear
as the beauty is rolling out and the pussy paladins switch to backgear
However bugged the game was I just loved the multiplayer
>alright I'm here lets have an update
>fast cash
you're general a shit
rts arent popular because single player and campaign doesnt teach you how to actually play a game in the slightest
AI either cheats, it extremely passive, knows everything, etc, most of the skill you at least need to be aware of isnt there
Thats why you have that eternal butthurt of turtling casuls that get rekt by 12 year old kid online because the kid left his base before 30 minute mark
In modern fighting games at least you have very rich training modes that teach you cool combos and shit
>However bugged the game was I just loved the multiplayer
Generals multipleyer worked because no one knew how to play the game.
>Building two workers and selling the CC
>Always moving units along diagonals so they move faster.
>Implying you could ever build an Overlord in a serious match.
I stopped playing RTS games after Generals. I don't know why. It killed the genre for me.
>humvees with search and destroy
>In modern fighting games at least you have very rich training modes that teach you cool combos and shit
The shitters don't learn anything in the tutorial and get absolutely torn to pieces online.
Singleplayer also teaches you nothing about how to actually play the game and AI cheats to hell and back on removing every last bit of execution barrier/command lag.
And they still work and are popular unlike a certain other genre.
>played CoH with two normie friends against three normal bots yesterday
>I was playing as brit artillery (I never play as brits) because I wanted to take it easy
>although they're better-than-average gamers, the match took three hours with one of them quitting mid way without explanation
>the bot that replaced him did a better job
normies killed the RTS
I think because people care too much about balance, the multiplayer, metagame and shit. The most fun I had as a kid playing rts games was not min-maxing but making cool looking bases, settin up units to patrol around the base even in places where I knew the AI wouldn't attack, maybe placing units in front of gatehouses and such to act as guards, that sort of "roleplaying" aspect of the genre.
I honestly believe that star craft got popular because it had great death and attack animations and sounds.
I hate this buzzword but it really was "visceral"
Marines, zerglings and hydralisks dying were so fucking cool that everyone remembers these sounds even now. While in sc2 everyone just sorta falls to the ground, maybe except roaches exploding.
If I were to make a modern rts I'd make it gory and loud as fuck, full of explosions, cannons and gibs everywhere, with an option to turn off all that clutter if it obstructs the calrity of the game for someone.
You need at least one "organic" race so it can provide the bodies and blood galore and at least one "human" race, with mechs, miniguns and people screaming as they die.
Same reason I love command and conquer so much, these old stock sounds of rifle fire and infantry screams are burned into my mind
Lack of decent single player.
Warcraft 3 is the only RTS with an enjoyable campaign to come out for practically a decade. Everything else is just painfully dull.
COH1 was really good, but then COH2 shit the bed.
Star Wars Force Arena is he next big thing in RTS
>Generals multipleyer worked because no one knew how to play the game.
Sometimes I miss this stage of gaming. Especially RTS games profited a lot from noone following the cheap most effective path of boredom.
That's basically all that happens in "pro" games
World in Conflict has a great single player
Overlord without escorts gets rekt by Rocket Buggy and Comanche though
Sometimes, you have to think for yourself and adapt to new situations.
Hate that shit man. Just like I hate testosterone.
this battleship is better than yours
The co-op missions are great though, it's a step in the right direction.
Co-op rts campaigns are the next step.
World in conflict has probably the best set of campaigns ever, but autists don't consider it an RTS.
>but autists don't consider it an RTS
Why? Because you dont build a base?
Mobas > RTS
a lot of people think rts stands for "like starcraft or aoe"
Console players purchase more garbage than PC players though
>infantry screams
max is 30.
It's less that and more that most games that don't involve base building aren't actually strategic.
I'd say Total War is an example of a series that is an RTS but doesn't involve base building.
It's not dead go back 2 rebbit.
I agree. Steam sales are pretty baller.
Haven't seen this is a long ass time
Total War is not an RTS you moron. The strategic aspect is entirely turn-based.
6/10 made me reply
It's not an RTS unless you harass workers.
Is mount&blade RTS too? You can sit on your horse and use tactical map to give troops orders.
if rts is dead then why do people talk about them so much?
>rts is dead xD
This statement mostly made by assfaggots and consolefags
the threads get bumped more if you get random shitters chiming in with their retarded opinions every few minutes
so it's just a ploy to make rts threads more active
>there are people better than me BAWWWW
>watch my compstomp replay!!!!