Which girl has the best sex scenes?

Which girl has the best sex scenes?

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it's fucking lily


>tfw no kenji route


Also acceptable.


I don't know, I played it with sex scenes off because they would distract from the experience

>I played it with sex scenes off because they would distract from the experience
I came here to laugh at you

Rin has the best route, but her first sex scene is more sad than arousing and her second one is just kind of unnecessary

Whichever one is your favourite


They're both heart-porn, which is way better than regular porn. The scene in the atelier is really intense.
If we're just talking wank material the answer would obviously be Shizune or Emi

since she's the best girl
Hanako is a fucking piece of trash
Shitzune is almost worse than Hanako
Lilly is a fucking faggot
Misha is actually pretty okay
Emi needs to lose her mom and another inch of legs

Emi's were legitimately hot, there's no denying it.

>wank material

Only the second one. The first one is hot as shit but it's not explicit at all.
Emi's just a huge slut so the obvious choice for fapping.

Nigga I'll cut you

fuck off underage

Let's get this shit started

Rin > Emi > Hanako > Misha > Lilly > Shizune
Rin's route > Lilly's route > Hanako's route > Emi's route > Kenji's route > Shizune's route
Parity > The Student Council > Concord > Painful History > Standing Tall

>Hanako's sex scene is consensual rape

I wish they shoved her stumps more

>Playing KS for the H-scenes
>Not immediately skip them

That bitch took a shit on my soul

I love her

>That bitch took a shit on my soul
Why? Rin did literally nothing wrong, Hisao was always the problem.

>skipping critical plot elements because boobies


I'm okay with this.

>How to fuck up your love life by being an asshole and not picking up on the glaringly obvious
Hisao was a fucking idiot in some of the routes.


None, they all suck.

Take this to KS general #5,000.

He's not entirely retarded if you have him make the right choices in Emi's route. But yeah, that's about it.

I think it's just that I was an edgy teenager when I played it for the first time and her route really got to me.

>mfw when I just remembered I got a girl in my class to play this game so I had someone irl to talk to about it.

>mfw she actually did

Shizune, only good thing about the route desu

Rin's route got to almost everyone. It hit me pretty hard because I knew someone in school a lot like her.

>Katawa Shoujo General #3250
>this fucking copypasta is still being posted
God bless

It bothers me that this image doesn't feature Lily with the same expression in both panels.

There's one like that somewhere

>Worst girl had best sex scenes

As shit of a person as shitzune is, holy shit that was a nice fap

blind girl, no legs girl, no arms girl, and deaf girl.

Worst sex scene is Misha, didn't even fucking have drill hair, pig disgusting

>Shizune is actually quite endearing
>can't enjoy her at all because it's nothing but student council snoozefest
This took 5 years to make.

Did you fugged her?

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.”

It was a guy, and no. We're still pretty good friends though.

>Shizune is barely in her own route
>hope you enjoy all these side characters
>Lily's sister has more screen time than your own girlfriend

Shizune's route was already too fucking long, I dread to think of what all that would've added.

Are you gonna fug him?

haha... memes

Don't bully Shizune!
You're right about here having the best scenes, though. Her first one might not be explicit but it's hot as fuck and her second is almost 2lewd

>there isn't a route where you lovingly heal Misha of her lesbianism

>There's a h-scene you only unlock if you saw one specific scene an act and a half beforehand
>[pat Shizune's head]
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

The Hanako part was weird. I had the feeling that you kinda raped her

>I dread to think of what all that would've added.
How about "actually spending time with your girlfriend"


She was really wet, it wasn't rape

>I had the feeling that you kinda raped her
Are you perhaps incapable of reading?

>tfw the writing in Hanako's good ending is trash but her bad ending is one of the best in the game
I don't get how they did it, especially after reading the clusterfuck that the first draft was.

Man it goes to show how fucked rins True End is. hurt more than anything with hanako or emi

>all that foreshadowing with the gallery owner's friend before

On an unrelated note, I'd like to thank the user that linked the archive of Thanatos' fics a couple of threads ago, I hope you enjoyed Trimester

That first Shizune scene is fucking hot, even more so than the release version.
Why the fuck wasn't this realised?

You mean her Neutral Ending, right?

Why the fuck didnt some shizune autist remake the game with the original dialogue.

>Thanatos' fics
Solid gold

>Why the fuck wasn't this realised?
Either it was vetoed, probably to keep the game's tone from getting too grimdark (I don't think it's too bad, especially considering the Hanako beta was straight out of Deviantart levels of edgy) or the original author left the project, so Anon22 had to rewrite it. Allegedly he didn't even really like Shizune so that probably didn't help. He's great at writing comedy (he did all of the Kenji scenes), not so much romance I guess.

>Why the fuck didnt some shizune autist remake the game with the original dialogue.
There was an active group project to do exactly that for the whole beta, replacing the dialogue and even adding new art assets where they're needed. The image I posted here is from it.
I don't know if it was ever finished but you should be able to find the links in /ksg/'s OP, or just ask them.

>Solid gold
Agreed, thanks for linking it again I forgot
What's your favourite/s?

Also, if you're that Akira/Lilly user who linked it to me in the first place, you're a miracle of the universe

Damn, what a terrible shame. I always wondered what the fuck was up with her route, whether they were going for some weird thematic approach or if was just fucked up, so that makes sense. If he wrote the Kenji scenes I can't hold it against him (that one - in Shizune's route of all places - where he removes his glasses is legitimately one of the best in the game) but like you said, not the most adroit romance writer.

Grimdark or not, that Alpha is fucking fantastic.

>What's your favorites
The whole Misha series, to start
Also these
His Akira fanroute is also really solid and eventually gets to H-scenes if you're into that sort of thing
Only thing I don't particularly like are his Rin stories, not that they're badly written, I just don't feel like he gets her character.

even though i don't like blondes lily's scenes were the best

Why was there never a spiritual sequel to Katawa Shoujo?

Misha > Lilly > Rin > Emi > Hanako > Shit > Shizune
Red Velvet > Parity > Raindrops and Puddles > the rest

Damn, I haven't read those yet. J-just the lewd. 2/3 favourites, haven't read that Emi one - good taste, user.
is also really good

I have to go back and read that Akira route properly, I really liked it but eventually just skipped to the h-scenes like the philistine I am. They were great. Thanks for a comfy thread, user

>not liking blondes

>Why was there never a spiritual sequel to Katawa Shoujo?
KS was a miracle. There have been attempts made and projects started, but none have had people driven enough to actually get anything done.

Give me that one suzu story.