post yfw
Post yfw
I'd be extremely surprised that Sony suddenly went third party.
Overrated piece of shit
lol, people still care about that ancient shit? IT's all about Nioh now.
Fucking Nintendo where is my Gamecube 2? You release a machine which can play 3rd party shit like Uncharted, Madden, AssCre, Fifa and then all you have to do is release a half dozen games a year.
Mario on his own could give you 2D, 3D, a half dozen sports, Party, RPG, Maker, Kart.
Then you've got an F-Zero, a Metroid, a Star Fox, fucking Pokemon, a Zelda, Smash, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Kirby, Pikmin
Not to mention how a Maker game for any of these would shift units, as well as picking up series like you did with Bayonetta and everything else I'm forgetting.
I need to relax
No face to post because I wouldn't care. Memeborne, like the other Souls games, is garbage.
Found the PCuck.
It runs like ass on the PS4, I'd hate to see it on the Switch.
I'll be interested to see what FromSoft is doing for the Switch, but Bloodborne wouldn't be good for anyone.
yfw the Dark Souls Zelda comic is actually going to be a thing
It's a fun game mechanically, but goddamn does the generic weebgasm setting make me want to choke a child. Feudal Japan is such a garbage motif.
This is some top tier bait
>Starting the list with F-Zero, Metroid and Star Fox
>ASMR stuff linked
Pretty good stuff user
Stop shitposting, dirty Sonygger.
>Feudal Japan
bruh, there's shitposting and there's advanced mental retardation. Nioh is the only jap game that's interesting
Highly unlikely.
If you don't think shit like Ninja Scroll falls into the weebshit category then you've got a lot of learning to do.
More like
Kek the Switch only gets ports
Doesn't seem very likely to happen, but I'd be cool with it.
Man, imagine if Bloodborne didn't exist.
What game would never evers post goldface at?
Does Sony have any other games, even?
Truly the one game box.
It worked for the PS4 though.
>PS3 has no games
>PS4 has one
it'd run worse
Infamous would probably be the only game that's come out and is actually somewhat original, even if it's not a new IP
That's kinda my point, if it runs like ass on the PS4, seeing it on weaker hardware would be even worse. Nintendo will make their hardware shine because they always do, but the issue is that 3rd parties aren't Nintendo, and also don't care as much in that regard.
What do you call the opposite of a "Defientive Edition"?
Holy fuck, the salt would fuel our salt reactors forever.
Either way
>Yet another souls game
ho hum
Except the Switch is a heavily optimized machine and nobody even knows its full specs yet. Chances are it's a lot more powerful than what people expects, and just by lowering the bells and whistles a bit it can run perfectly fine.
I own it, it's probably the "worst" game in the "series"
I don't doubt it's a powerful bit of kit, I mean they've actually got a decent manufacturer on board for one.
It's just that when you compare games like MK8 to the limited 3rd party offerings on the Wii U for example, they're night and day.
>Feudal Japan is such a garbage motif.
this, not interested in Nioh at all because of it
prepare for metascore in the 70s
that's quite sad
Fromsoft is supposedly one of the developers supporting the Switch, so expect massive shitposting when they announce it or if a year goes by without any news.
Gonna be on xbox one before it ever hits nintendo console i guess
>It's just that when you compare games like MK8 to the limited 3rd party offerings on the Wii U for example, they're night and day.
What do you mean?
Bloodborne shitposting should be banned from this board and discussion of this meme game should be moved to /vg/ permanently.
Fucking Splatoon sold double what Bloodborne did, nobody actually gives much of a shit about it.
Is there any hope for this?
>generic weebgasm setting
name 3 games that were made within the last 10 years with a similar setting.
impossible mode: 5 games made within the last 5 years with that setting
Fuckin' Total War games
Fuckin' Samurai Warraiors
Fuckin' Nobunaga-lun;s ambiution lol GO KILL YOURSELF FAGGOT HAHAHAHAHA
But that's the same as banning all PS4 discussion
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus
Samurai Warriors
Considering the first Bloodborne was published by Sony and developed in collaboration with Sony Japan Studio, I'd be very surprised.
>Japan loves MH
>Japan loves MH on the 3DS
>Japan only buys handhelds
>The Switch is a handheld
>Japan is loving the Switch
It's pretty much confirmed already.
well played anons
>Sony exclusive
Not happening.
But given the nintendo latest trend of licensing their characters to companies to make stuff, i wouldn't be surprised if From did a nintendo license Souls game.
Probably not a Zelda or metroid title.
Maybe Devil World, but that would make nintendo of america butthurt.
post yfw
>Will probably come to the west as well since 4U and Generations sold well here
>Even when not the Switch has no region locking
What a time to be alive
I don't know if you're just underage or legitimately autistic, but sure, off the top of my head we've got:
Dynasty Warriors
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines
Sengoku Basara
Samurai Warriors
Total War: Shogun 2
Pokemon Conquest
Way of the Samurai
99 Spirits
Samurai Shodown
that Kenzan offshoot of Yakuza
For what reason.
If I wanted Cuckborne or Meme Souls I won't be buying a Switch and just a PS4 at all.
Can Fatal Frame be added to that list considering how much that franchise leans into that setting despite taking place in modern day?
If the switch got Bloodborne before PC never ever posting would explode.
Not bait though. I get them chasing after the explosive numbers that the Wii did, I really do. I just think the way they're going is still down the same path that the WiiU went.
Ok replace with Tomb Raider then, gosh you make one little mistake.
>Starting the list with F-Zero, Metroid and Star Fox
Sorry for not alphabetizing?
>ASMR stuff linked
Was it oversharing?
so this is the power of nintendogaf...
Literally not powerful enough to render the game as is. Either a massive downgrade to reflections, blood splatters, blood drenching (on the play), shadow quality, lighting quality, and so on would need to be cut down by several orders of magnitude.
Then there's the fact that Sony outright owns the game, so literally every other console can keep on dreaming.
it's produced directly by Sony, so nope
maybe Bloodborne 2, if From buys it back.
Still I can't really see it working on the switch: it berely works on regular ps4 now, switch would probably overheat before loading screen
A Pc release would be better
Almost as funny as the shitposters that thought Persona 5 was going to be on a Nintendo system.
>Not Blooqporne
Everything you cited would be OK.
Its the rest you didn't that would suffer, as its everything pixel based pretty much.
The switch main weak spot its the memory speed, and this hurts the geometry rate and texture filtering quality.
Basically a lot of scene details would have to be redone and look quite blockier, and the textures would look quite blurry as fuck at distance because you can't do aniso 8x on the Switch and still expect a good frame rate.
Doesn't sony hold the IP? And since that piece of shit barely ran on the PS4 I doubt it would be a good idea to make a new one for even worse hardware.
at best they gonna port DS1
what kind of retard is buying a switch anyway
The kind of retard that's not a retard like you. So everybody else, really.
it smells of failure like the wii U, only autistic kids can't smell it, guess you have to be one
>it smells of failure like Splatoon
Enjoy being wrong and being left behind.
No one on Switch wants this shit game, Sony fatass.
Literally no one. Why would anyone buy a fucking awful Souls shit game when there is Monster Hunter, Zelda, Metroid Prime, Xenoblade? All those games do something Souls does but hundred times better.
It would utterly bomb and you know it.
I agree with most of what you said, even if mentioning Uncharted makes no senses (Naughty Dog is a Sony developer.)
If they just made a generic power box then consumers would buy it for the Nintendo IP's they crave AND the multiplats (Fifa, everything Ubisoft makes, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Valve stuff if they make a fucking game ever again, etc.) I don't get the idea behind them constantly excluding themselves from that development pool.
The only rationalization I can make for them is that the Switch, despite their repeated insistence otherwise, is a handheld console and a handheld alone. Treating it as such, it's a massive power leap from the 3DS and is kind of cool for what it provides. Remember, there was a time when Nintendo called the DS the "third pillar" of Nintendo, and that the GBA would continue to be supported as it occupied a "different market than the DS." They lied then and they're lying about the Switch being a home console now.
I'm more of a 'cute Elevens tapping stuff' kind of guy. Haircuts with heavy shampooing do it for me too.
I'd be extremely suprised. I don't think sony would ever want to give up a popular exclusive
I would probably lose my fucking mind to be honest.
Switch port when is more prominent then people asking about PC ports lately.
Not sure why anyone expects these games to be ported to an underpowered console with a tablet GPU.
what the fuck is Blooqporne
>I like eating shit so everyone else must like to eat shit
I'd play it if they toned down the extreme edginess and gloom of everything a bit. Though I guess that'd defeat the purpose of the IP, wouldn't it?
>Implying Nintendo will release another proper Metroid Prime
I would probably buy a switch in that case but its not happening.
Because it's a lot more powerful than that.
>wanting a low resolution handheld BB just so that everybody in the plane could see how edgy you really are
yeah sure go ahead
The footage I've seen so far says otherwise and no its not it uses an Nvidia Tegra chip which is specifically designed for tablets.
Sure, cause the first batch of games is indicative of the full extent of the power of a system.
It's kind of sad that you can't appreciate a game with combat as satisfying as Bloodborne's just because it ticks too many nebulous "edgy" boxes for you, but I suppose we all have our triggers.
The Nvidia Tegra chip is a failure as a tablet chip because it is not optimized for Open GL ES2.0, which makes it have a quite bad performance per price/watt when running regular IOS/Android applications.
It is only good when running applications specifically made for it.
So it could be said that it is an accidental console chip.
This is also why nvidia been trying for YEARS to create tegra exclusive games. Pretty much only Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft are able to use the tegra chip properly.
Give 'em a decade. If fucking Kid Icarus of all things can get a sequel after all that time then Metroid sure as shit will.
They look worse than PS4/Xbox one launch titles. Even multiplat screenshots we have seen look worse.
Dragon Quest Heroes looks substantially worse than the PS4 version.
You should probably take a step back from the marketing Kool Aid look at what Nintendo did hardware wise with the Wii/Wii and realize they are not even trying to compete with other platforms. Use some fucking logic man and stop falling for the optimization meme its not magic you still need some decent hardware to back it up.
After other m and FF the outlook is grim.
Still no new F Zero either. I'm convinced they are embarrassed Sega made the best F Zero game.
Yes, they do look worse than PS4/Xbone, because its well a fucking portable gaming system.
But no tablet on the market can get even close to the graphical quality of the switch in practice, even with the launch games.
Even the tegra based tablets can't get close due being severely hogged by the high level APIs.
There is no face to be made, Bloodborne is a Sony owned IP, but leave it to Nintendogaf to cream their pants with impossible dreams
>post yfw
when what?
The game is exclusive to Sony because Sony owns the IP, so even if there were a sequel, it'd still be a Sony exclusive.
Ask yourself why no one is making games in that setting.
Ninja Scroll is an awesome fucking movie though.
The only Souls game that's arguably better than BB is Demon's Souls. The rest either drop in quality as they progress or just wasn't very good to begin with.
Sounds like you don't like vidya. You must be a mature gamer who plays mature games. I hope grade 10 goes well for you.........when (if) you get there
Nah, even if it's superior to the PS4 From still couldn't into coding
They're just bad on that, bruh.
Switch is definitely a handheld. The real question is whether they will continue calling it a console and stay out of that market, or attempt another strictly home console in the near future.
Dark souls drop in quality is exaggerated. The only place that is really shit is lost izalith
Word. Setting and lore is much more important in Souls (like) games than people realize. BB has lore posts even now, several years after being released. Which makes more people interested in it.
What I dont like more than the setting is that it feels very "gamey" (hate that word, but cant help it). The way graves are red and stick out of the environment, how loot burts out of enemies in yellow colors, damage numbers pop out on hits. It just doewsnt feel like a world, but a game.
I get that its a mix with Ninja Gaiden, but the similarities cant be ignored, which can tank the game. In most of the playthroughs I saw on youtube, people dont utilize Ki charge at all, instead attack, recover, attack again.
Its also much more difficult game to truly master, which can hurt it.
Also, is it better to block or sidestep in a fight? How do you parry? I havent had much time to play the game.
I think they'll release something similar to the Playstation TV. A "Switch TV" if you will that is more of a traditional console that does away with the tablet and uses a conventional controller, then once this takes over in sales from the first Switch they'll move on to the DS3. Porbably just wishful thinking on my part though.
That game's dodge is amazing. Abuse it.
No thank you, it already runs at 30 fps with frame pacing issues, no need to take that even lower.
I love my PSTV. I pre-ordered the thing for $100 and I got my money's worth an then some between Persona 3 and Persona 4 alone. The fact that it got massive price cuts just made it easier to recommend to friends. Not even a shred of buyer's remorse on my end.